Disclaimers: A, I don't own Naruto.

Aforenotes: I'm sorry if Martini seems a little Bloody-Maryish. I needed her past to be sad, but just wait as the story progresses...

OH! I almost forgot. I'm just a little puzzled over this... You only use suffixes on names if you're addressing the person, right? So when Aufer says "We just need permission, Kazekage-sama. Before her father was sentanced, he told me to send Martini away while things were sorted out.", should I add a suffix to "Martini" as well? I'm not sure...

Bleeding Martini
By Areku1993
Chapter one: Prologue

"What is it you needed to see me about?" Gaara asked in a bored tone. "It's the middle of a meeting..."

Martini looked at him, mascara running down her cheeks, carried by streams of tears. The elder boy put a hand on her head fondly and looked at Gaara as well, eyes cold and rather expressionless. "We just need permission, Kazekage-sama. Before her father was sentanced, he told me to send Martini away while things were sorted out. Martini is no ninja and therefore doesn't possess any Sunagakure secrets, but we just needed permission to send her to Konohagakure while we fix things here."

Gaara rested his cheek on his hand. "Very well. Temari-san, get me a phone, or a bird. Preferably a phone."

Temari stood up. "Right away, Gaara-sama."

While Temari was off getting the wireless, and the council of elders was getting restless, Gaara looked at Martini and her servant, Aufer, and asked, "And how did her father know Sunagakure would be in a crisis if he was killed many years ago?"

Aufer shifted uncomfortably. "I'm sorry, Kazekage-sama, but that is family business with a 'classified' label slapped on it. I hope you are not offended."

"Not at all." Gaara took the phone Temari offered and clicked a button on speed dial. "Hello, Tsunade-san? Yes... Yes, I'm using the phone. ... No, I'm not sick. ...Yes, this is really Gaara. ...No, I'm not drunk."

This short conversation got a few giggles from the present people, but Gaara shot them death glares and continued. "Listen, Tsunade-san, Sunagakure is going through a minor crisis right now and we need to send a certain girl to Konoha so she can wait it out. Her dead father's orders. I want you to assign a good team of chuunin to protect her during her stay. She can stay at the Sunagakure embassy. Who do you have in mind to assign?"

Before she had time to answer, Gaara set her on speakerphone because his hand was getting cramped.

"I was thinking Inuzuka Kiba and Hyuuga Hinata," Her voice buzzed. "But she won't have much protection, as Aburame Shino has family business to attend to and cannot be there."

"That's find, as long as there is capable of protection."

"Of course, they passed the chuunin exams just last year. But I'll be sure to assign someone else to help them."

"Thank you, Tsunade-san."

"You're welcome, Gaara-san. When should we be expecting her?"

Gaara looked at Aufer and Martini. Martini looked away, and Aufer sighed. Gaara knew by the way they acted that they weren't going anywhere alone.

"Is it possible for Kiba and Hinata to come and pick her up? She doesn't seem like she wants to go anywhere."

"I'll send them right away."

"Thank you again, Tsunade-san."

"You're welcome. Kiba and Hinata will be there in... I'm guessing two to three days. Good bye."