Disclaimer: I dont own Shaman King : (

One Week

My name is Yoh Asakura.

I am 24 years old. I am a happily married man with 3 children, and I couldn't be happier.

I love my wife. She is a gorgeous intelligent woman. She is a bit laid-back like me and is a caring, loving mother.

I love her to death. As well as my kids.

I am Shaman King and own a business company.

Fortunately my company is very wealthy, hence I am very wealthy.

I don't mean to be greedy or gloat.

But I believe my life couldn't have turned out any better.

I have the greatest family anyone could ever have.

A wonderful wife.

Three little angels.

And a good life.

I'm living and loving every minute of it.

Most of it I suppose ……

The most unhappy time of my lifestarted 10 years ago.


It's been 7 months since I've seen Anna.

And 7 months it has been, since I broke the engagement.

I had a girlfriend, which was the reason why I broke the engagement.

Anna went back to Izumo to live with Master Yohmei and Kino to train and become Kino's apprentice again.

Or so I thought…

Being the caring person I am, I didn't forget about Anna.

I went to visit her and my grandparents.

I hoped she was okay.

She seemed to take the breakup ok but ..

She seemed somewhat…. disappointed.

But I didn't mind that.

As I arrived at their doorstep and greeted my grandparents, I asked where Anna was.

"Oh … Yoh, we need to talk about that," Kino said.

"Okay. What is it you guys?" I asked.

"Yoh … you probably assumed that after the engagement was over, Anna would come and live with us. But she didn't," Yohmei said.

"What?" I said.

"Then where did she go?" I asked.

"We don't know Yoh….," Kino said quietly.

I was stunned.

Poor Anna.

She was probably living on the streets of Izumo somewhere.

"But," Yohmei continued.

"She did visit us Yoh," he said.

"But she only came to ask if we had a tape recorder and video tapes," Kino added.

"Why would she need those," I asked.

It was a bit odd. She had no place to go. No food, no drink, no extra clothing except her black dress, and all she asks for is a tape recorder and tapes?

"We don't know why, but anyways we gave her what she needed and she was on her way," Kino finished.

"So what. You guys didn't even bother to ask her where she was going?" I asked.

"We did, but she said that is wasn't important. As long as we couldn't find her if we wanted to. It wasn't important," Yohmei replied.

I looked at both of their faces.

Blank expressions.

As did I.

I didn't know what else to say.

"Okay…. well… I guess that's it. Where ever she is, I hope she's alright," I said getting up, ready to leave.

Kino nodded her head in agreement.

I left without saying another word.

End of Flashback

But that's just the beginning.

10 years later, I visited my grandparents once again.

I don't know why, but I just thought I would check to see if Anna came back even though I knew she wouldn't.

But 10 years had passed and surely Anna had returned.

But my visit was worth going.

When I arrived my grandparents had some good and bad news to announce.

I said I wanted to first hear the bad news.

The bad news was that Anna had not returned.

But the good news was that they got some sign that Anna was okay.

For now …

Kino left the room and came back minutes later with 7 tapes in her hands.

Confused, I asked what was that for.

They said it was from Anna.

And that it was for me.

Curious, I took them into my arms and looked down at them confused still.

"What's taped on it?" I asked them.

"We don't know. We didn't want to watch them. They were personally mailed out to you but somehow it ended up here," Yohmei said.

"Oh." I said.

"Besides, we didn't want to see it before you did. We didn't want to interfere with your privacy." Kino said.

"Thank you," I said and then left with the tapes.

Once I got in my car, I set the tapes in the passenger seat and stared at them with my hand on the steering wheel. I started the car after staring at them for several minutes.

My mind rushed with curiosity.

Was it a clue to find where she was?

Is she on the tape?

Is it good?

Or is it bad?

I hurriedly ran up the steps of my castle of a house and burst into the house, carrying the 7 little black video tapes.

My wife greeted me with a kiss from the kitchen and asked what was I doing with the tapes.

I said they were tapes a friend made for me.

I also mentioned that I hope she didn't mind that I watch them alone because it was quite personal.

Fortunately she didn't take it the wrong way and become suspicious, and said okay.

I ran upstairs to my master bedroom and set the tapes down onto the bed.

The tapes with labeled with little stickers.

Each had the word "Day" and a number next to it.

I put them in order and I guess the tapes were to be played in order, from Day 1 to Day 7.

As I figured this out I took tape Day 1 and put it in the VCR as I stacked the other tapes in order on the table.

I found my remote and pressed Play.

To be continued . . . . .

A/N: I hoped you liked the first chapter. I know this is little boring but it's the intro. In the following chapters you'll see what is on the tapes. Review please. Thanks.