disclaimer I do not own the Teen Titans, although I do own any o.c.'s I may decide to put in. I also own original plot lines, if you want to use something please talk to me first, I don't see why I would say no, so just ask. Okay.

AN: a few things, 1. yes I know in the comic Raven is an Empath (reading minds, Feeling emotions) but I'm going to make this stories core elements more along the T.V. show guide lines. So she can feel emotions if she really tries, and occasionally see visions, but no real psychic stuff. 2. Yes I know over the course of the story I will be going o.o.c. but it's because I'm going to be trying to "Evolve" the characters. 3. Don't worry I use spell check allot (just not on the a/n's) so don't worry. And lastly 4. If you spot any problems with my logic or I forget a point (i.e. the colour of something) please Review and tell me.5 one more thing this story takes place after season 4 before season 5 so Trigun has come and gone.

Thanx for you time -Eternal Loss

After Raven is captured by the Hive, she has a vision of Beastboy's death! Can she save him? Will either of them admit their feelings before it is too late?

Bloody Tears

Chapter 1: Pain

"Love from one side hurts…"

Raven was up on the roof of Titans Tower meditating as usual. Although right now she was floating cross-legged and to any one who approached her from behind she would appear deep in concentration. But she was really watching the sunset. True, she would never admit it. But the reason she had started meditating on the roof was because of the sunset.

Yes, during the rest of the day she kept away in her dark room still feeling more comfortable in darkness. But right now it wasn't blindingly bright but rather twilight, just between night and day. Everything an eerie royal blue.

Hundreds of other colours danced across the water, reflecting back on themselves. Even she could enjoy there beauty. And just as the sun dipped below the horizon she felt a few rain drops fell on her face. Without a word she got up, and turned to the door, and as the rain began to fall more rapidly and a bolt of lighting flashed across the sky as she silently descended the steps, returning to the common room with her team mates.

When she entered the room she saw Cyborg and Beastboy watching some action movie that seemed to consist of nothing but explosions and gunfire. But well, she was used to ignoring things, people, sounds so why not a movie? So she grabbed her book off the counter that she had bookmarked before going onto the roof, and sat in one of the new plush chairs across from the couch facing the window.

After about another half hour of car chases and blowing up the 'bad guy' Beastboy came into the kitchen and began to search through the cupboards. After a few more minutes of his futile searches, Raven took pity on him and came over and taking a seat next to him still reading her book asked. "What are you looking for?"

"Gravol, I feel like I'm gunna hurl." And than he did just that right into the kitchen sink. Raven immediately jumped out of her seat and backed away from him. Cyborg hearing the sound and not knowing what it was turned around to see and saw Beastboy fire off another round.

"Whoa!" he yelled before he rushed to Beastboy's side just as the changeling was straightening up "Hey man, mind telling me when you think our kitchen needs a paint job?"

"I dunno I… uhhh." Again he hung his head over the sink, although he did not puke this time.

"Your going to get checked out." said Cyborg simply, than he looked around the kitchen for something... a container of some sort to keep Beastboy from 'redecorating' the halls on the way to the medical bay.

Than he saw the bowl of popcorn with only the baby-teeth left and grabbed it off the counter, dumped the contents into the garbage and pushed the now empty bowl into Beastboy's hands and started to guide him out of the door. Just as the door slid open Cyborg turned around and said "Hey Raven go call Robin and Starfire…"

"Aren't they on a date?" asked Raven cutting him of as she raised an eyebrow. Because she distantly remembered the day a month ago that there 'fearless' leader had come up to starfire shaking and stuttering. At the thought she innerly smiled at his uncharacteristic nervousness.

"Yah." Said the metal man quickly as he continued out the door, still guiding a staggering Beastboy with his head buried deep in the bowl.

"Why don't you interrupt them?" she asked flatly staring him down. At her question he stopped in the doorway and, still supporting Beastboy he turned around.

"Well your just so much better qualified." He said with a serious look on his face than he steered Beastboy through the door as fast as he could.

"Coward." Raven called after his retreating back.

"Damn Rights. But a coward who'll live to see another day." He yelled back as the door closed behind him. After he left a hollow scients filled the room. The light from the muted TV danced across the dark room. And as she stood there she realized the bile in the sink was starting to smell. So she walked back over to the sink and, without looking turned on the tap and let the water run for a few seconds until all off it was gone.

The last few drops of water fell from the tap and clinked loudly against the empty sink, than the silence that followed was deafening. As she pulled out her communicator, the rustle of fabric was sharp in the lonely space. But hey so what, she was used to being lonely.

Finally with a cleansing breath hit the transmitter button. "Raven calling Robin, come in Robin." She said and waited.

For several seconds nothing but static came from the speaker, than a voice broke the unending sound of nothingness. And judging from the back ground noise they were in a restaurant

"This better be good." Said a rather annoyed Robin.

Raven walked into the medical bay a few minutes later and saw Beastboy laying on a bio-bed. A rather curious instrument that displayed the weight, body temperature, blood pressure and many other things.

It was even capable of a full body scan. Which it was currently performing on Beastboy and the best thing about this bed was that it could do all these things without all the cumbersome wires that were usually required for a scan this detailed.

Beastboy let out another pained moan and, for some reason she felt pity for him and even a need to make him feel better. 'Strange' she thought but shrugged it off as the screen attached to the bio-bed began to give a readout.

"So what's wrong with him?" Asked raven slightly concerned.

"Don't worry Rae, I'll be up and crackin' jokes in no time." Said Beastboy with a grimace on his face, than with another groan he laid back down.

"Well he isn't far off" said Cyborg still studying the monitor carefully than looking down at their little green friend "He has a bad stomach virus. One of the worst, I'd say" than glancing back at the monitor "But judging from these readings he should be back up in a week"

"Mmm, to bad." Said Raven flatly as she took a seat on the edge of the bio-bed opposite of Beastboy as Cyborg continued to work at the terminal.

"Yah. He'll be weak and tired for a while so…" said Cyborg turning around and looking down at a pained Beastboy "Is not going to be safe for you to fight with us until you get better."

"You guy's gunna be able to manage without me for a whole week?" asked Beastboy with a pained grin on his face and a jerky laugh. Than he franticly grabbed for the empty popcorn bowl and proceeded to fill it. And at the sight of this Raven winced and looked away.

It was than that she noticed Robin and Starfire standing in the doorway, both in civilian cloths and what made her hold her eye on them a little longer was the fact that Robin didn't have his mask on. It was his reasoning that going out in civilian cloths and wearing a mask was pointless. So his green eyes were now out in the open for all to see.

Raven remembered the first time Starfire saw him without his mask; she had simply stared at him for several minutes as he got redder and redder. And than declared his eyes "the most beautiful she had ever seen" and of course Beastboy teased Robin about it every chance he got.

Beastboy was always like this in his never ending quest to make her smile. Every joke, every prank she desperately wanted to give him that. But she couldn't, because she could never show any emotion for fear of hurting him. He was so full of life and laughter, so different from her in everyway.

And she looked back at him as he laid back down, his eyes closed in pain; her heart ached to be beside him, to do everything in her power to heal him. But she couldn't, because of her fathers influence over her might hurt or even kill him. And she could never live with herself if that happened.

Besides, she thought as she got up and passed Robin and Starfire as they came in and Cyborg once again went over his prognosis even if she told him how she felt. Who could possible care for a half demon demi-goddess? And he had said himself she was creepy.

Hope you liked it. If so Please Review. If not review and tell me how I can improve.

---i am having trouble pairing Cyborg any ideas? Please review and tell me proofs would be great---

-Eternal loss