Disclaimer: I do not own Mr. Potter or his friends and enemies. His soul completely belongs to Rowling.

Harry Potter cleared his throught rather thickly. He'd been trying to peal his eyes off of that girl and her lolly addiction for the whole time he was supposed to be studying. He was in the Great Hall, supposedly supposed to be studying, but of course not doing that.

Hermione Granger sat, reading a book over, for the 4th time, which was a small number for her, sucking a red lolly. Now, this might have been a normal image for Harry of Hermione eating a simple peice of candy, but Hermione had grown over the summer. She had the right curves, and the right face. Her face, oh it could stop him in his tracks these days. A sheepish grin would come and dance across his face every time she smiled at him, even when she smiled out of anger at him. Thank the lord for his father's hair, because the tips of his ears would go red often when he saw her and his hair covered most of it.

Ginny Weasley sat accross from her, twirling a quill on a peice of parchment, her chin lazily resting on her hand. Her elbow, was on the table as she leaned on her arm, and her boredness directed itself to twirling the quill right, then left, then more left and right again. Every so often she'd look up suddenly and jerk her head 'round to make sure that her friends hadn't left in the time she'd been focusing so souly on her quill's facinating twirls.

Ron Weasley, Ginny's brother, was sitting trying to write his paper. What he had on his paper, was a huge improvement to what he usually had. It read:
"Ways to use greenstone and why essay You can use greenstone in many ways"
It was deffinetly major improvement. He usually only had a word on the paper before Hermione went crazy and yanked it from him and scribbled his whole essay out.

Hermione, yep back to her again. Harry couldn't stop staring. She was innocently eating a cherry lolly, not noticing the capturing gaze she held from Harry, and reading a book. Harry. He was older now. His body now very toned from Quidditch, and his hair and face looking so much like his absolutely adorable father's, and his green eyes becoming more and more peircing by the years. They shown with a green that could make you choke on words. He bit the insides of his cheek so he didn't scream out with agony at the fact he was having to watch her, and not be able to tear his gaze away. She didn't know how much power she held over him.

Luna Lovegood, the Patil twins, and Lavender, along with some other Ravenclaw girls, were looking at Harry giggling. They were so blatantly aware of Harry's transfiction on Hermione's innocent enjoying of her artificially flavored cherry lolly. Thats exactly why they gave it to her. His face was adorable, his mouth opening and closing and then swallowing hard. Then he'd bite his lip, and then visably bite his cheek and as his eyes grew wide, when Hermione would pull it out of her mouth. The girls giggled as he actually did clear his throught like a high pitched toad.

Ron looked up at Harry, his eyebrows up a bit. "Oy, Mate whats been up, Hermione got something on her face?" Ron asked positivly uneffected by her lolly licking. He was hoping to make fun of it.

Harry, though very, very reluctantly, tore his gaze off Hermione and looked to Ron. "Uhm--" he said in a high voice, then cleared his throught and grinned sheepishly. "No.. no I just, need to ask her something about.. my essay." he said taking a huge breath in and holding it.

"Oh, alright mate, well go ask her, maybe you can help me when you get back." he said with a grin on his face.

"Right." Harry said mentally smacking himself. He got up and grabbed his parchment and quill, crushing the parchment in his hand tightly as he walked over to her, his gaze now on her lips as she popped the lolly out of her mouth. His eyes widened and he cleared his throught. "Hey, Hermione, could you er.. help me with .. this?" he said still looking at her lips.

Hermione looked up at Harry with a blank face. With the pinky on her right hand, which was carelessly twirling the lollypop around just a minute ago, she whiped off some of the sticky gloss on her lips from the lolly. "Sure Harry." she said nodding to the bench.

He took the seat and then tore his gaze to her eyes so he didn't look stupid staring at her lips. "Thanks." he said and just looked at her.

Hermione poped the lolly back into her mouth and bit it with her front teeth. She twirled it around with her fingers and looked up at Harry from her parchment she'd been writing on while reading. Notes perhaps, Harry thought trying to grab his attention from her candy addiction.

"What?" she said noticing his stares. "Is--is there something on my face?" she asked and her eyes went wide as her lolly free hand touched her cheek.

"No.. no no. Nothing." Harry said with a grin. Why did girls always think it to be that?

Hermione let out the breath she'd been holding. "Oh, good. Well, what did you need help with. Your.. uhm your essay is already written." she said moving her brows together showing she was confused.

Harry looked at his paper. He had done most of it during Divination when they were supposed to be looking for the 'image of your future', then finished the rest before Hermione's friends had given her the lolly. He looked back at her sheepishly. "Yeah, I think it needs more. Maybe. What do think about it?" Harry asked mentally stomping on his head, and then slapping himself.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Alright.. but I hope your not to be like Ron. Writing a stupid essay, then giving it to me to re write for you." she said snatching the essay as her eyes darted from word to word. She scratched here, and then there. Then more towards the bottom, and looked up at Harry. "Its great." she said with a smile. "Oh, are we going to Hogsmeade tomorrow? If we are, then we really have to get dresses for the ball." she said nodding her head towards all the girls that had been giggling at Harry just before.

"Oh, yes we do!" Luna said brightening up so much it was scary. "Blue! Blue dress!" she said. "I dohave blonde hair I mean don't you think thats a good color for a blonde?" she said to Harry.

Harry looked at her. "Uhm. Sur-Sure... it is?" he said afraid that if he said nothing or said something negative she'd kill him.

The Patil twins rolled their eyes. "Well, were getting something... pink!." they said together. Harry just wanted to get out of there. If they were to start getting on about dresses, he'd probobly get glued to his seat if he didn't leave soon. He'd just go back to his seat and hope Hermione decided she didn't want her lolly anymore.

"Thanks 'Mione, I'll see you in Hogsmeade then." he said grabbing his paper and his quill, then quickly throwing himself in the spot back to Ron. Ron was grinning like a mad man.

At Harry's raised eyes and his question of "And your grinning... because?", he spoke, "Oh nothing. But one things for sure, I think I'm asking Luna to the ball." he said now trying to imagine how nice that blue dress would truely look with her blonde hair.

Harry rolled his eyes. "You've been gaugling at her feet for some time now, I was worried you would soon start calling her Queen Loony." he said laughing at his made up name for Luna.

Ron punched his arm. "Well what about you, Merlin I saw you staring at Hermione like there was no one in the room. Like she was the most beautiful thing you ever--" but he cut himself off. "Oy Harry! Ask her to the ball!" he said looking positivly stupid.

Harry looked at Ron, than dared a look at Hermione. She was now licked the lolly, which was almost gone. She took in her mouth, and bit the part that was left off. Taking a look at the remains of it, she tossed the stick onto an empty plate infront of her. Harry peeled his gaze back to Ron. "Yeah. Wait no! No, not as a date, I don't like her like that. Anyway, I'll ask her as a friend." he said quickly turning away from Ron and daring little glances her way all the time he was reading "Divining your future, with knowing it and all" which was the stupidest title he could'veever imagined. Why? It was made up by Trelawny, and she was a wack job. He didn't notice Hermione stealing quick glances at him as well, as she read through her Elves for Peace, Peace forElves book.

Hehe. I had to put up some serious attraction in there. Lolly pop, lolly pop, oh lolly lolly lolly. Lol. Reviews are nice, but I'm not all, "REVIEW 37 TIMES OR I DON'T UPDATE..." thats just STUPID. Okay, but review if you can?