Story: Who cares? It's pointless and I had fun. That's all that matters to me. Report or flame me if you must.
Our heroes descend on a horrid land of smelly waste and vile humans.
Fai: oh, my, what a horrible place! I should make a joke about this!
Kurogane: how is it that we never seem to carry any bags with us what-so-ever, yet every time we arrive in a new world, we have our old clothes? Does anyone else seem a little worried by this?
Syao: No, my mind is completely on my mission. Can't think of anything else, nope!
Sakura: I'm sleepy.
In a matter of seconds, our heroes dress themselves in very stylish and tailored overcoats, jackets, petty-coats, trousers, without the help of money!
Kurogane: Again, where are our old clothes?
Sakura, of course, looks by far the best in this new worlds outfit, yet Syaoran does not notice how sexy she is.
Syao: Mission, mission, mission. Where's that feather?
Sakura: I'm sleepy.
At this point, Fai and Kurogane break off from the two abnormally non-horny teenagers to discuss what many dub as, "Deep Thought". This normally consists of Kurogane figuring out something incredible vital to Fai that every single reader has already known for pages, and only further enhances the KF shippers in their belief that these two could make it in the dreaded "END".
Fai: Lalala, I have magic, lalalala.
Kurogane: I hate you. I love you. You're annoying. You are conning. (wow, big word there). Grr, I hate you.
Fai: Oh, stop teasing the fangirls! You're gonna spawn another ten fanfics if you continue doing this.
They return to the group, at which point Syoaran has asked Mokona if there is a feather around. Mokona sits on top of Syaroan's head, or on his shoulder, in plain sight, yet, miraculously, no one classifies him as insane for talking to a weird bunny thing.
Syao: Mission, mission, mission.
Mokona: Wee! I'm an annoying plot device! Some unnamed author(s) want(s) to hurt me! Wee!
Sakura: I'm still sleepy.
Mokona then points the way to the feather, the ONLY thing on Syaoran's mind, even with sexy Sakura standing very close next to him.
Syao: Mission, mission, mission. Oh, wait, memory time!
A bottle cap triggers an intricate and detailed memory to drive the S+S shipper crazy, yet in all, it is a waste of pages. Syaoran remembers Sakura in the most honorable fashion; her kindness, her generosity, her innocence, her humor. Even as Sakura practically throws herself on top of him screaming, "I LOVE YOU. TAKE ME", he stupidly thinks, "She can't love me,"
Syao: Thank god for the shippers or else I would never get some.
Sakura: Yup, still sleepy.
As they walk along a long, dark, and totally creepy alleyway, without bothering to arm themselves or look behind to check if there's monsters, the gang continues to search for the feather.
Suddenly, big creatures pop out of nowhere!
Syao: Oh no!
Kurogane: FINALLY!
Fai: Does anyone ever notice me standing here very nonchalant about all of this? I figured it out already, but I won't bother to explain it to anyone else. No, no, of course not. The "Very Large Recap" is for chapter three.
Sakura: Though I'm half asleep, I cling to Syaoran in a questionable manner that raises eyebrows. Of course, this is all in the necessity of protection, I assure you.
(Sakura, you saucy little minx!)