My Body, Your Soul (Rewrite)
Chapter One
"Katie! Hurry up!"
I jumped in my seat at the yell. My dad sure knew how to be loud when he wanted to be. It didn't help matters much. I was already stressed out enough from trying to get myself looking perfect for the night ahead.
I brushed out my dark hair as quickly as I could manage. It was Halloween night. I wanted to get out of the house as soon as possible. I grabbed a hair net off my dresser and began pushing my hair on top of my head. I wasn't about to dye my hair blond for just one night of trick-or-treating, so a wig was my next best option.
"Katie, what are you doing up there?" my dad yelled, and I winced. "You're going to be late meeting your friends!"
"I'll be right there!" I yelled back while hurrying to my bed. I had laid out my entire costume on the sheets. It was the most awesome Edward Elric cosplay I had ever seen, and I wasn't even wearing it. I grinned and grabbed the tank top, pulling off my own shirt as I did.
I wasn't sure what had driven me to make the costume accurate down to the last detail, but somehow I had pulled it off. Months before October I had considered saving some of my money to buy a replica of Ed's coat, but something had felt wrong about that. I knew it wouldn't be exactly like Ed's coat anyway.
So then I had decided to make myself my own costume and make it as perfect as was humanly possible. I had gone to the secondhand shop in town to try and see if I could find myself any red cloth to make the coat. I figured that sewing Ed's coat would be the best place to start.
And then I had seen it. A long red trench coat sticking out in the men's clothing section of the store. I couldn't help but go over to investigate to help fulfill my curiosity.
The coat was made out of a thick cloth, and looked like it had seen a rough life. Some places near the bottom had worn out and the last owner looked like they had tried to fix it, but their stitches were a little crude. The shoulders of the coat had been faded, as well as a strange spot on the back.
The coat fit me perfectly. It had spooked me out a little that I had gone to the store looking for cloth and found the perfect coat instead, but I had shrugged off the feeling and bought the coat for myself. Attaching my own symbol to the back would be easy enough.
The same pattern continued over the days leading up to Halloween. Every time I thought I would have to make an element of my costume from scratch, a perfect replica would show up in some other way. Even when I had been looking for blond wigs and getting frustrated with none of them matching the exact color, a neighbor down the street came over and said she had found an old blond wig in her attic and was wondering if any of us had a use for it.
I didn't even know why she thought my family would have a use for it out of all her neighbors, but I wasn't one to complain about it. The wig had been the perfect length and color for Ed's hair exactly. It even had the right bangs.
By the time Halloween was only a week away, I had everything I needed for a perfect costume except automail, but I wasn't even thinking I would be able to have an automail arm and leg. I didn't even need it. The rest of my costume covered those limbs well enough.
And then the garbage truck accidentally left a box of old scrap metal by our trash can when the other trash we had put out was picked up. My mom and dad had been considering calling someone to complain, but then I had noticed how the scrap metal had some parts to it that looked perfect for automail. There was no way I wanted to let the garbage truck haul that off to the dump.
---End Teaser---
Yes, I know some of you are absolutely shocked that I've added on a new chapter to this story, but there's a trick to it. This is just a piece of the rewritten first chapter, and I didn't write this. My wonderful friend AdventureAddict did. We got ourselves a joint Fanfiction account a while ago so it would be easier for us to co-author fics together, and for our first project, we each picked a story that the other had completed and are working to rewrite it.
Interested? The full chapter is on our account Vanilla and Chocolate. You can either do a search for the name, or if you're feeling lazy, it's in my favorite authors list. Go there and read the story, and then subscribe so that you'll be notified when the story is updated, because the updates are not going to come to this account, only to that one.
You might also be interested in knowing that the story I'm rewriting of hers, "The New Neighbors", is up as well. Check that out too while you're there. I'm sure you'll enjoy both stories immensely if you enjoy my writing style at all. ((And I have improved dramatically since first writing this fic.))
Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you there!