Disclamer: I do not own High School Musical, or the song When There Was You and Me, Disney does.

Rating: T

Genre: Supernatural/Tragedy

Characters: Troy, Gabriella, and everyone else whom goes to East High.

I swore I knew the melody That I heard you singing and when you smiled

you made me feel like I could sing along

I curled my fingers around the slim white pole. I wanted, more than anything, to slip away from this world. All my life had been crushed in me, so why not complete the job? No one would miss me. The scholastics, no, they only wanted my brain. My mother, she would just mope on and on about how I should've been more social or something like that. She'd only mourn about me for about an hour, or even less. Maybe she wouldn't mourn at all. And Troy, oh Troy, dumb-headed, good-looking, liar, player on and off the court Troy Bolton. The boy who swept me off my feet at the New Years Eve Party with that song and those eyes, then unknowingly crushed my heart. Sharpay was right, I really don't belong here.

But then you went and changed the words now my heart is empty

I'm only left what used to be Once upon a song

I hoisted myself onto the first row of the bar and looked at the view, sure this would kill me, but it'd take a short period. I wanted something longer, so the fall had to be higher. I wanted to forget all my pain, and forget about Troy, forget about Albuquerque and East high. Just be at peace. Have the entire school be at peace. "This is for the best."

Now I know your not a fairytale And dreams were meant for sleeping

And wishes on a star just don't come true

Cause now even I can tell That I confused my feelings with the truth

Cause I liked the view

When there was me and you

I hoisted myself until my legs where over the top bar, meeting my fingers. I took a deep breath and pushed myself above the bar. My arms may have seem weak, but when needed, they were quite strong. I looked down and nodded. My fingers where slowly uncurling from the bar when a pair of muscular tanned arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back. I kicked, trying to get out of their grip. They placed me on the ground. I hung my head, not wanting to look into their eyes. They gripped me firmly by my shoulders.

"Gabriella, what did you think you were doing! Up on the ledge!" Troy. I didn't want to look into those rain blue eyes, but I didn't have a choice, since he jolted my head up with his tan hand.

"You had me scared to death." Wait, he cared? But, he had said that he didn't. What was going on?

"Oh, now you care. You probably wouldn't care if I jumped off of that if you hadn't seen!" I yelled. Those words tore me heart, but only the remaining pieces, so it didn't hurt that much. Ok, I lie, and he could see it, for tears were welling up in my eyes.

"Gabriella, what are you talking about?" He backed away, a look of confusion on his face.

"Oh, now you're just playing dumb! I heard what you said to the basketball team! I mean nothing to you! You said it yourself!" I drew closer to him, a look of anger and sadness on my face. I felt the tears streaming down my Puerto Rican face. "I thought you felt it, when we sing. The magic. But, of course, your heart and idiotic mind was in basketball and winning the freaking Championship! So, you just stomped all over my heart. But, of course, you do that all the time! So you know what, I'm gonna leave you and this stupid school, PERMEANTLY!" I was half crying, half yelling at this point. Troy's face softened, which surprised me. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't stop myself before I placed my hands on his chest, my head on my hands, and cried. He stroked my hair, which soothed me. He pulled me from his chest and looked at me.

"Gabriella, I didn't mean any of that. I just wanted them to shut up." He said, looking into my black eyes and wiping my tears away with his thumb. He showed me a smile and I returned it with one of my own. He pulled me back in the position we were in before. I opened my mouth to say my last words to him. My FINAL words to anyone.

"I Love you. I'm sorry." I whispered, load enough for him to hear, only him, before I stomped my foot forcefully on his, making him let go of me. I ran to the railing and jumped over it.

"Gabriella, No!" It was too late. Those were the last words I heard. This wasn't what I planned, but it was going to end up like I planned. I hit the floor with a loud thud, dying. I felt a short, overcome of pain, then relief, sweet relief. I faintly heard a stampede of footsteps and then gasps until darkness over took me. My spirit lifted out of me and looked over what was happening now that I had died. Apparently, I was wrong. Everyone would care. Troy was cradling my body to his chest, crying. He never cried, ever. I mean it! Sharpay was in the arms of her brother, crying. The Scholastic Decathlons where sobbing. Wow, but whatever. My spirit soared up to the heaven's clouds, filled with relief, ultra happiness, and regret. Regret for leaving behind my 1 true love. Now, they'll be only him.

I can't believe that I could be so vine

It's like you were floating While I was falling And I didn't mind

Cause I liked the view … I thought you felt it too …When there was me and you