Note: This is getting posted up now because I have it written, future updates will probably take a little longer.

Poison Was the Cure 2 – Psycho Circus

The bartender had made a sign of the cross over his chest and pointed to the back room when he'd asked where the band might be found. This was probably not a good thing, Seto surmised. The club was full of people dancing, fighting or both, and the band had just finished their set for the night. Seto could tell because there were quite a few injured people lying around, getting trampled by the dancers. The music Bakura wrote tended to cause riots, but these people didn't seem to mind very much.

He made his way through the throng of Domino's most dangerous citizens and to the door to the back room, which he knocked on and opened. After the smoke cleared and he could see, he stepped inside and didn't even flinch as a dart hit the wall an inch from his head.

"Shit! Fuck! Sorry man," Otogi giggled, holding two more darts and half a bottle of tequila.

"You fucking missed, my turn." Malik snatched the darts away from Otogi, aimed at Seto and then fell off his chair before he could do anything more. Seto was quite relieved, but just continued scowling because it tended to get him thought most situations and this was a tough one.

"Pills." An accented voice said from the shadows near the back of the room, behind all the band's equipment. A very much tattooed, tanned arm shot out and threw a bottle of pills at Otogi, who completely failed to catch them. While Otogi picked up the bottle, opened it and tried to wrestle some of Malik's pills down his throat, Seto watched the arm retreat back into the darkness. One of the tattoos was a huge scorpion, another was a zombie with an axe.

"Did you want something?" Otogi asked, sitting on Malik's chest, since the Egyptian now seemed to be out cold. There was a rather fresh-looking dent in the black and white bass next to the dice player, and Seto suspected that had something to do with it.

"Marik and Bakura." Seto answered, and Otogi gestured over his shoulder into the darkness.

"They're lurking back there somewhere. Probably fucking." Otogi said. His hair was down and he had another stripe on the opposite cheek from the one he already had, making him look like Alice Cooper had done his makeup. It was actually a good look for him.

"Right." Seto replied, because what was he supposed to say to that? Unsure as to whether he should go back there or not, the CEO stood still and watched Otogi grab Malik's ankles and drag him out the back of the club, closing the door behind him with a little wave. Seto wondered what Otogi was going to do to Malik, and then decided he didn't want to know and it was best to leave well alone.

Before he could say anything along the lines of 'this was a bad idea, bye', a ghostly white arm broke out of the thick darkness this time and a long finger hooked, gesturing for him to come closer. Despite the fact that his instincts were telling him he should run away very fast, Seto kept his scowl in place and stalked into the darkness.

"What the fuck do you want?" Bakura asked casually, the words a hiss dipped in his odd, ancient accent. The thief was draped across Marik's lap, watching him upside-down. His long, white hair was hanging down and he was smoking a cigarette, vivid red eyes following Seto like a hawk. Marik, on the other hand, didn't seem to care what was going on. His arms were covered in tattoos now to match his back and his skin was shining with sweat from beating the living hell out of his drum kit during the set. In one hand he held a bar of chocolate and in the other a bottle of whiskey with almost none left in it.

"I need your help." Seto began, wondering exactly how he should word this.

"Does it involve killing someone?" Bakura asked hopefully, which was damn near terrifying and at the same time sexy as all hell.

"If you like." Seto shrugged, not really caring if the two of them happened to do away with a few Ghouls. Marik looked at him, his interest apparently caught.

"Go on," The tattooed Egyptian gestured with his bottle, breaking off a square of the chocolate and feeding it to Bakura, who licked his fingers like a cat and kept his eyes on Seto. Now why didn't Yami ever do random unnecessarily sexy things like that?

"The Ghouls are back." He started.

"We noticed." Bakura purred, because not much got past the two of them.

"They stole something and I want it back." Seto growled, annoyed because he didn't actually care that much if they got the puzzle back and they were sexy and why the hell was he doing this?

"The Sennen Puzzle." Marik said, his own accent different to Bakura's and his voice deeper.

"Yes," Seto blinked, quite surprised that they already knew and wondering why they hadn't just gone and stolen it from the Ghouls already.

"Pharaoh will die without it, why should we retrieve it for you?" Bakura watched him with dangerous red eyes, turning over on Marik's lap so that he was the right way up.

"You'd get to kill Ghouls."

"We can do that anyway, without helping anyone." Marik pointed out, draining the last of the whiskey and casually tossing the bottle aside, where it shattered on the concrete floor.

"Yami would owe you."

"Tempting… keep going." Bakura licked his lips like a snake.

"I'll give you anything you need to get the job done."

"I like that, but you can do better." Marik smirked.

"I'll sign your band, and you can stay at the mansion and annoy Yami until you get his stupid puzzle back." Seto growled, clenching his teeth because he was trying not to give away the fact that he Did Not Care.

Marik and Bakura looked at each other wickedly, and the thief leant up to bite another piece of chocolate off the bar Marik held.

"Alright, but we might keep the Puzzle when we get it back." Bakura smirked.

"Whatever. Be at my mansion tomorrow morning, I'll get you whatever you need." Seto turned around, ready to walk out. As he left without saying anything further, he heard Bakura say something along the lines of 'there's something much better than the Puzzle to steal…'

Marik's evil laughter echoed in his mind all the way back to his mansion, and when he looked at Yami sleeping on his bed he kept seeing Bakura's eyes watching him. This, he decided, was going to get eventful.