Okay, I had an urge to write a KH fic, so tell me what you think and if you want me to continue with it. It's based in high school so, yeah. It's Yaoi and maybe a little Yuri, so if you don't like it, then don't read!

Sora blinked, and blinked once again as he touched the yellow rose taped to his locker. Sora Hadrada wasn't popular, or a jock, or even close to any of those things. He was more of a geek than anything. But a cute geek. He was smart, got good grades and a title that suited him perfectly. 'Mommy's boy'.

He sighed as he pulled the rose off his locker. Every Monday and Friday for the past two months he'd been getting a single yellow rose taped to his locker. No note or anything, just the yellow rose. He sniffed it slightly, taking in the sweet smell of the little rose. "Uh" he grunted. "I really wish, uh, never mind" he grumbled, pouting slightly at the rose.

"Hey Hadrada, you got my homework" came an 'I'm sexy and I know it' voice from behind him. Sora whirled around to come face to face with his childhood bully. Riku Misaki. He glared into the jock's deep aqua eyes. "No. I told you, I'm not doing it" Sora snapped slightly, his cheeks coloring from all the watchful eyes.

A smirk found its way to Riku's face. "And why not?" he just loved hearing the answer from the small, spiky haired brunette. Sora stared up at him in an annoyed yet very cute porcupine way. "Because…You always get nearly full marks" he muttered, disgruntled.

Though being a jock, the silver haired god almost always got full marks on any test, thus making him a straight A student. Riku was the guy everyone wanted to be with. His godly body and impeccable charm, there was no beating him. Riku was born rich, and stayed that way seeing as his father owned many big brand name companies.

It had been natural for him to pick on Sora, when they were younger, and when they were older. But there was one thing Riku absolutely hated about Sora. He could never get into his pants, never ever. He's banged almost every girl, and a few guys in the school. But he never came close to getting Sora.

Sora rolled his eyes, remembering how Riku had tried many times to get him to be his. But the fact was Sora was too smart to be heartbroken after his first boyfriend. So he kept a low profile in high school and tried to get on with his life. But it was hard with Riku constantly on his ass.

As the bell rang Sora squeezed past Riku and made his way to math, grumbling about how stupid Riku was.

Riku made his way over to his other jock friends. Among them was Cloud and Leon. Cloud, an overly hyperactive blonde and Squall, the guy Riku never really got, silent on most days, and had some of the most evil glares Riku had ever seen.

"Oh my gosh Riku!" Cloud gushed, yup; his homosexuality was simple to see by his bounciness and his speech. "You have to stop day dreaming about Hadrada, he's never gonna take the bait" he laughed. "Why not just hook up with his little friend, um, what's his name? The cute little blonde guy with a bit of a bite?" he suggested bouncily as he looked Riku over.

Riku just sighed and shook his head. "I don't know that kid." He said with one of his 'I know all' looks. "You don't know Sora either" Leon murmured quietly. Riku made a sulky face. "Yeah…but…but…but…" he tried to think of an excuse to defend his wanting for Sora.

"Face it Riku, you bang at least one kid from this school a night. And you don't really have much choice seeing as you're a sex addict. And everyone knows who you bang, where, when and what you were wearing. And Sora's going to know; don't you think he might be a bit put off?" Cloud blinked, and surprisingly made sense for once, earning a pat on the head from Leon, which made Cloud glow with pride.

Riku shrugged slightly, blinking. "I'm gonna go to math, see you girls later" he teased as he walked off. "Girl?" Cloud frowned. "I'm not a girl!" he squealed back in defense as Riku only waved a hand over his shoulder. Leon smirked slightly at the blonde. "He's teasing" he said as his face went back to its neutral form, patting Cloud's shoulder.

In maths Sora was seated, already hard at work when Riku entered the class. He smirked as he took the seat directly behind Sora. After a few minutes Riku gently kicked Sora's seat. Sora turned and glared at him over his shoulder with an icy stare. "What?" he hissed.

Riku shrugged and grinned. "Oh nothing, just wanted to see you're pretty eyes" he taunted. Sora rolled his eyes and returned back to his work. Riku smirked and left it a few more minutes before poking Sora in the back with a sharp pencil.

Sora let out a muffled whimper of pain before turning around and glaring once more at Riku, rubbing the spot where he poked. "What was that for?" he hissed. "I dunno" Riku replied with a cocky smirk. "That hurt" Sora snapped, putting his extremely cute pout on, he didn't do it on purpose, it was just his pout. "Aw, want me to kiss it better?" Riku asked, looking hopeful.

He only got a glare and a pout in return as he finished off his work. By the end of the lesson Sora was packing up, ready to run. Until he felt shadow over him. He groaned as he looked up to meet aqua eyes. "Piss off" he whined at him. "Such strong language for such a little cute boy" Riku taunted.

Sora pouted "I am not cute or a little boy!" he sulked, getting the exact reaction Riku wanted. "Nuh!" Sora muttered, poking his tongue out childishly at Riku as he walked out of the door, leaving Riku to stare at his cute little ass.

Okees! I'm done! Read and Rate please! Tell me if you'd like me to continue with this story!