Open Your Heart


This is slightly edited from the original version. I was hoping my growing maturity would assist me in bettering my writing but then I thought… what maturity?

Thanks to all those who reviewed :)

So, enjoy!

Chapter 1

"Raaaaaaaaaaay, pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaase?"

If you think that whining tone is going to make me give in, you're wrong Tyson.

"No, I'm not giving you any of my Pizza."

"Why not? You've got three slices left."

"Tyson, you've had two whole pizzas, garlic bread, potato wedges, pasta and you've just ordered chocolate cake and ice-cream; I think you've had enough."

Is his stomach never ending? Maybe all his other organs have been replaced to make way for his ever-growing stomach? That would certainly explain his lack of brains.

"But Ray, your Pizza looks so good. It's telling me to eat it."


"Tyson, if the pizza is speaking to you, I think its time you had your medication."

Thanks Kai, at least now that Tysons preoccupied with moaning about the sarcastic comeback I can finish my pizza. We, the Bladebreakers, are sitting in an Italian restaurant because, well actually, why are we here? I have no idea to be honest; I suppose it's a break from training. Tyson, Max, Kenny, Daichi and Kai are all here and of course, me. I'm Ray Kon by the way, the 16-year-old beyblade champion from China and member of the Bladebreakers. Since winning the Justice 5 tournament we've actually been doing a lot together, even Mr. antisocial (aka Kai) has been joining us. I think he's actually opening up to us a little bit, which is great because I've always got on well with Kai, I suppose I have a soft spot for him, oh, did that sound weird? Heh, he's just a good guy when you get to know him.

"If you don't shut up now Tyson, I'll rip you limb by limb and sell you to MacDonalds to be made into chicken nuggets."

Ah, maybe I take that back….

After the meal we decided to go back to Tyson's where we've all been staying recently. This place really is like a second home to me, the first being in China of course. Grandpa (he makes all of us call him that, even Kai! Ah, he sounds so cute when he wakes up in the morning saying "Grandpa, where's my breakfast?"!) is away visiting Tyson's Dad so we've pretty much got the place to ourselves, it means we're up late every night watching scary films. I must say, I'm not a great fan of scary films, I'm a complete a complete wimp when it comes to gut-wrenching gore. Tonight's gruesome choice is a lovely film showing the fantastic decapitation of heads, arms and any other body part the scary man in the mask wishes to remove. Urgh, that's so sick!


Tyson's got it spot on.

"Stop being such a baby Tyson, I'm younger than you but I have way more gut- arghhhhhhhhh!"

That's got to be the girlyish scream I've ever heard, even more so than Tyson's usual screech.

"Oh yeah Daichi, I can see that!"

"Shut your traps and watch the film."

"Ok but can I come on the sofa with you guys? I keep thinking the tree outside is going to attack me."

With Tyson now squishing on the end of the sofa, it's rather cosy. I'm currently sandwiched between Max and Kai, I can feel Kai's soft arm gently resting against my waist. It's so warm and comfortable, mmm…. What am I thinking? God, get a grip Ray!

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeee, aahhhhhhhhhhhh –"

Ah! That scared the hell out of me! Oh crap! I was so scared I grabbed Kai's arm and my head is currently nuzzled into his shoulder! Ah what do I do? I'll casually move away….that's right, play it calm Ray. Oh God! Kai's looking at me with that cute 'What are you doing look?' Oopps!

"Erm, sorry. That was really scary"

I can feel myself blushing. How embarrassing!


Ah, he looks kind of suspicious but he's gone back to watching the film. That was close. I thought he was going to shout at me or at least make a sarcastic comment. Weird. I hasn't even noticed I'm still wrapped around his arm. What? He didn't push me away? Or even move my arm? Well, I am comfortable, maybe I'll just stay like this…

What? Why is Tyson looking at me like that? He looks quite hurt. Is he jealous? No way, Tyson doesn't like Kai, does he? Who am I kidding, Tyson and Kai hate each other, it's a proven fact. Still, that look is definitely worrying.

"Mmmm…. I don't wanna get up."

What? 6am. I'm so tired, we didn't get to bed till gone one. Who open my curtains?


"Get up. We're doing physical training this morning."

Ah, Kai's in my room! And I'm only wearing my pyjama bottoms. Even desperately pulling up the covers won't save me now.

"Don't worry, I'm going now. Just be down in 10minutes."


Why the heck did I say that? Now I've got to think of something to say.


He looks really hot standing there with his arms crossed. He really is the best looking guy I know. Why am I thinking this? Surely I don't like him in that way? I'm not gay, ha! All the girls love me! I've never had a girlfriend only because the it would be really difficult being famous and all. True, I don't generally find girls attractive… but that's not to say I prefer guys either! Well… Nobody knows what they want until they find it, right?

"What did you want?"

"Well, I, erm, wanted to, erm, as-s-k you, erm, what you thought of the film last night."

Oh, yeah, great save there Kon. I sound like a nervous fan girl.

"It was alright. Hurry up and get dressed."

Thank God, he's left. That was so cringe-worthy. I've never had a problem talking to Kai before, what's changed? He's always seemed to tolerate me more than the others, probably because we're the same age and I'm slightly less annoying than the others. We've always been paired together and shared rooms and I've never reacted to him like this. Maybe it's because I've realised my feelings for him? NO! I do not love Kai, he's a guy and my friend and team captain and – He's way to good looking to like me. Not that I like him, I've just been single too long, that's all. I better get dressed and practice my martial arts, it might help me take my mind of things.

After the embarrassing encounter with my Kai in my bedroom this morning I decided to get up so as to keep on Kai's good side. I can hear him down the corridor shouting at Tyson to get up.


Did he just throw something? Better take a look. Kai's standing in the hall standing outside Tyson's room with Tyson crumpled against the hall wall.

"What happened here?"

Tyson looks up from the floor when he hears me. His nose is bleeding and his eyes are swelling with tears.


He quickly gets up and runs off so I don't see the now freely falling tears.

"What did you do to him Kai?"

"I don't know."

Kai looks so confused and sort of, upset, well, as upset as someone without a heart could be.

"Why was he against the wall?"

"I called him to get out of bed and he just ran at me with his arms open. The only thing I could do was avoid him, and he crashed…"

Kai turns and looks at the place where Tyson just was. He looks truly puzzled, like he just imagined the whole thing.

"Maybe he was trying to hug you?"

"Don't be stupid Ray. I know Tyson has limited brain capacity but even he wouldn't try that."

"Why not?"

Kai looks quite surprised at the reply.

"No-one hugs me, and they no what I'd do if they did."

"Don't you like hugs?"

Kai looks even more surprised at that reply.

"What's with all the questions? It's none of your business."

And with that, he turns and leaves, his scarf swishing behind him. That really hurt. I always thought we were quite close but that just proved he doesn't trust me at all. Why did he get so worked up by my question, I suppose it was a sensitive subject for him. I wonder why? I guess I should follow him and start training.

"Ray, concentrate. Your reflexes are usually better than this. What's wrong with you today?"

What IS wrong with me? I just can't seem to concentrate at all. I keep getting distracted by Kai. Fighting a gorgeous specimen who is only wearing his black baggy trousers and has sweat dripping down his perfectly crafted abs would distract the straightest man with a brain and functioning eyes, let only little confused old me. I take back the brain part, Tyson, fully recovered from the earlier incident, seems to being standing in the corner drooling over the sight as well, I guess I'm not the only one able to appreciate this beautiful piece of art. That is exactly what Kai is, nothing that is that perfect can be called anything less. Ew! I sound like a pathetic fangirl!

"RAY! Pay attention!"

"Wha? Oh, sorry Kai. Must have zoned out."

"Try again."

He runs at me ready to strike, I only just avoid him but he's a lot quicker than me in my current, daydreaming state and he manages to pin me to the floor within seconds. He's so close; his face is inches away, his beautiful crimson eyes burning into mine.

"Just focus. The sooner you beat me, the sooner you can go and zone out in your own time, just stop wasting mine."

Oh no. I got him angry. He looks really good when he's fuming though! If I lifted my head a little I could reach those luscious lips. Argh! Stop thinking those thoughts Ray! I need a break.

"I'm sorry Kai; I'm just not feeling to well. Do you mind if I go and lay down?"

"Your not getting anywhere like this, so you might as well. Are you sure you're ok?"

Am I mistaken, does he sound worried? Kai, are you worried about me? Ahh, he's so cute! What? His soft hand is softly pressed against my forehead, wow it feels so great, he really is worried about me.

"You've got a temperature; you should take something for it."

Ah, I just want to hug him and hold him tight but I won't because of what he said earlier about his 'issues' with it.

"Thanks but I'm fine. I just need some rest, I'll be fine later."

Kai gets off me and holds his hand out, I grab it and he helps me up.

"Ray, are you alright? You don't look so good."

"Thanks Max but I'm fine."

"You're not. Go and lie down."

"Is that an order Kai?"

"Yes but are you planning on taking me with you?"

…What? Is he… inviting himself into my bed? Argh! What should I reply with? Fighting the urge to scream 'TAKE ME OH GORGEOUS ONE!' I reply with the slightly more dignified:


Kai looks straight at me with a bored expression and then focuses his eyes downwards. Following his eyes I see his hand gently clasped in mine. Ah, I never let go of his hand when he helped me up. I can feel the blood rushing to my face as I mutter "Sorry" and run out of the room (unfortunately not taking Kai with me), not before receiving a dangerous glare from Tyson. Hopefully, after a good sleep and a serious think I'll be able to figure out my true feelings for Kai, which are, of course, nothing more than friendship...

To be continued…
Well, that's the first chapter! I hoped you liked it!

Please review

