Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
A/N: Hello everyone. This idea has been in my head for the longest time, I hope you like it. If anyone was wondering, Aestas Estas means summer in latinand that was why I decided to name it this. This takes place in the 3rd season. Jess never left, and Lorelai and Rory canceled their trip to Europe at the last minute. It's only the first chapter, so I don't know if it's that good. But, just please read and review!
Lorelai held on to her daughter for dear life. It's not like she needed to physically hold on to her, but she didn't want her to go and she never wanted to let go.
"Mom. Kinda choking me here." Rory laughed. She pulled away and smiled. "Mom. I promise. It's only for two months. It's just like most of the summer... and, it's with Lane and..."
"Two boys." Lorelai pouted.
"You know these two boys. Dave and Jess. Dave and Jess." She repeated with a small smile. "Me and Lane have been wanting to do this for years, and now is the perfect time since her mom is in Korea. Besides, we're in good hands. Jess and Dave can take care of us."
"Who's driving?" Lorelai asked cautiously.
"We will take turns." Rory rolled her eyes.
"Remember last time you were in a car with Jess? Bad results."
"Mom." Rory warned. "Just please... I will call you every single day. And I will have my cell on me so you can annoy me all you want. Even when you're bored." Lorelai gave her a small smile. "Plus, you get alone time. You always have me lounging around all the time. Now, that I'm leaving, you get nice time for yourself."
"Yeah. Two stinkin' months of alone time, Yippee." Lorelai exclaimed sarcastically.
"And... since we have been saving up for this for a long time. We can afford to stay in motels at night. So, no weird people kidnap us or anything." Rory smiled.
"I like that idea. But, the only idea that I don't like is the two beds."
"Me and Lane share, and Jess and Dave share."
"Great. Now, their gay." Lorelai smirked.
"Well, would you rather them share beds with us?"
"I liked the them being gay idea better." Lorelai nodded. Rory rolled her eyes. "Where are you going to be driving anyway?"
"Now? You ask this now? When we're about to leave?" Rory sighed. Lorelai nodded. "You are one crappy mom." Lorelai rolled her eyes. "We're going to be anywhere and everywhere. Where ever the road takes us. But, we'll have a map so we know where we're going and we don't get lost. Plus, you will know where we are at all times. You know that I will call you every day to tell you our whereabouts."
Lorelai nodded. "Alright. Well, you guys are being very grown-uppy."
"You, however–," Rory smirked.
"Rory! Let's get a move on!" Jess yelled from the car, that was parked in front of the house. Everyone already in it. They had just put all her stuff in the trunk, and they were just waiting for her to say her goodbyes.
"I have to go." Rory sighed. She leaned foward and gave her mom a huge hug. "I'll talk to you tonight. Promise." She smiled.
"Love ya kid. Be careful." Lorelai kissed her daughter's forehead.
"Love you too, mom. We will. Don't worry so much." Rory laughed, then waved. She ran off to the direction of the car. She hopped in the car, in the front seat, next to Jess. (Jess was driving, which did not please Lorelai)
"Bye!" They all yelled as they drove off.
"Yay! We are finally on the open road and alone!" Lane exclaimed, throwing her hands up.
"Umm, we're not even out of Stars Hollow yet, Lane. Wait for it." Rory laughed. They passed the 'Welcome to Stars Hollow' sign. And that indicated that they were officially out of Stars Hollow. "Now, we are on the open road and alone!" She smiled.
"I still can't believe that you're mom let you come." Dave smirked.
"Well, she didn't exactly. She thinks that I am at Lorelai's for the summer... which is kinda the truth." Lane half smiled.
"Lane Kim is a complete liar." Jess nodded, keeping his eyes on the road.
"So negative, man." Dave stated. "And why do you two get the front seats? It smells like nachos back here." He made a face.
"'Cause, we are the power couple." Rory announced. "Right?" She turned to Jess. He rolled his eyes, and she gave him a look.
"Uh, right." Jess mumbled, taking her hand.
"You can't hold my hand while you're driving." Rory scolded, trying to get her hand away, but he wouldn't let go. "Jess. Why do you insist of holding my hand?"
"Helps my driving." He smirked.
"No, it helps our chances of getting in a car accident." Lane chimed in. Dave laughed, and put his arm around her, and she relaxed into his grip. Rory eyed them suspiciously. Lane gave her a questioning look.
"Wow, Jess, Look! Their so cute." Rory smiled, and tapped on Jess' shoulder. He rolled his eyes, but looked at them and smirked. "I have never seen you guys as a couple... you're adorable."
"Stop it." Lane mumbled.
"Jess, why can't we be adorable!" She whined. "You never do mushy stuff in front of people... come on, you gotta show them that we're as cute as them! We can't let them win. My mother would be outraged, what will–," Jess stopped the car slowly and leaned over Rory, brushing his lips against hers.
"No kissing!" Dave exclaimed.
"I had to shut her up." Jess smirked.
"Find a less gross way please." Lane agreed. "We see enough of you kissing already. The bridge, the gazebo, near the gazebo, Luke's apartment, Luke's, you're couch, his couch, storage room, bathroom stalls, and basically everywhere." Jess smirked, and Rory blushed. He started the car up again.
"Hey, I didn't hear you mention the car..." He smirked suggestively. He leaned in to kiss her, but she pushed him away, placing his hands on the wheel. "I thought you said you wanted to be cute." She rolled her eyes.
"All I want you to do right now is keep you're eyes on the road, and keep you're hands off of me and on the wheel." Rory blushed once more.
"That should be our new moto." Dave suggested.
Lane laughed. "Where are we going?" She asked, looking out the window.
"Where do you want to go?" Rory asked.
"I don't care." Jess stated.
"Neither do I." Dave smiled.
"Hm. Let me see the map." Rory asked. She turned to Jess, who had the map. He smirked, then shook his head. "Jess! Let me see the map." She repeated. Jess said nothing. He just put it in his back pocket.
"You want it, you gotta come and get it." Jess smirked.
"You are so immature!" Rory exclaimed. He just shrugged. "You're really going to make me reach into you're back pocket and get the map?" He nodded. "Jess." She whined.
"What?" Jess smirked.
"Ass." She muttered under her breathe, then reached over him and reached for the map in his back pocket. She finally got it out and she sat back in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Oh, come on, Rory, it wasn't a big deal. A joke." Jess looked at her.
"Not funny to me." Rory mumbled.
"Whatever. Don't care anymore." She looked back at Lane and Dave. "Dave, can we change seats? Don't feel like being up here anymore." Jess looked at her, and sighed. Dave nodded. They quickly changed seats. "Sorry. I didn't mean to get you away from Dave, it's just... god! He frustrates me." She whispered to Lane.
"I get it. Jess can be a jerk." Lane smiled. "Hey, how about we pick a place to go?"
Rory nodded. "Let's do it."
It was starting to get dark and they were all exhausted. Rory still sat in the back seat with Lane. Jess was still worrying about her, and looking back when he could.
"I need to go to the bathroom." Rory groaned.
"Okay. But, where are we going? So, we can find a gas station or something so you can pee." Jess stated. Rory rolled her eyes. She groaned. "What's wrong?" He asked, annoyed.
"Car sick." She sighed.
"Car sick? Didn't know that you were the kind of person to get car sick." Dave commented. Rory gave him a small moan. "Wanna come back up here so you don't throw up all on the back seats?"
"Yes please." Rory smiled. They changed seats again. She sat in her seat, looking out the window.
"Where are we going? I ask again." Jess mumbled.
"Massachusetts!" Lane exclaimed. The guys looked at her with questioning glances. "Hey, it was not my idea, it was her's. To be more specific, Boston. So, we're going to Boston." He nodded.
"Why are we going to Boston?" Dave asked.
"My dad lives there. Maybe we could stop by and say hi... if that's alright with you guys. I don't want to take over the trip." Rory hesitated.
"You're not taking over anything. We're only going to be staying there tonight and in the morning. It's barely nothing on our trip. We do have two months." Lane smiled. Dave nodded. Rory smiled to herself, then grunted.
"God. I hate car trips." She mumbled, resting her head against the window.
"Still sick?" Jess asked lightly. Rory nodded barely. First, he made his seat go back a little, so he would have space between his lap and the wheel. Then, he patted his lap, gesturing for her to put her head there. She smiled and did what he asked. "There. That way you're comfortable."
"But, you are uncomfortable."
"With your head on my lap? Never."
She just smiled and played with the bottom of his shirt. He laughed, but let her. They finally made it to the motel, without having to stop at a gas station. When they were about to stop at one, Rory and Lane complained that it was not sanitary. And they just rolled their eyes.
"We're here!" Lane squealed. She looked out the window. "Umm, are you sure that's sanitary?" Dave grunted.
"It's not the Hilton or anything, it's just a motel where we can stay at for now. It seems pretty cheap to me. Specially for the fact that it's the four of us in two queen beds." Jess replied.
"You wanted a road trip, you got one." Dave laughed. "Except, I'm not really fond of the idea of two grown men sleeping in a bed together. It's a little wrong, don't ya think?" Jess smirked, but nodded.
"My mom would freak out if we shared beds with you guys." Rory bit her lip. "And... I know Mr. Mariano, over here, would try some funny business." Jess' smirk grew, but gasped.
"Ms. Gilmore, are you accusing me of funny business?" Jess gasped once again. "I am shocked at you." He smirked again and laughed. "Besides, what's so bad about the funny business?" He said suggestively.
"Jess!" Rory blushed, and hit him playfully on the arm.
"Stop now. You guys are sickening." Lane made a face.
"Are we going to go in or are we just going to stare at it?" Dave asked, rolling his eyes. They all nodded, and made their way out of the car. "How are we going to do this? Do we have to bring in all the bags or what?"
"Umm, you ask the girls. They are the ones that need like everything." Jess gestured to Lane and Rory leaning on the car, close to them. "What are we bringing in and what are we leaving?"
"Umm, I brought like a couple of just loose bags, so we can take out a couple of items out of our suitcases and then put them in the bag so we don't have to carry them around." Lane smiled.
"What are you bringing?" Jess asked.
"We'll go do that now." Rory replied. "And we're going to pack your stuff too by the way." She smirked. Jess and Dave eyed each other.
"Should we be scared?" Dave whispered.
"I think it's wise." Jess mumbled.
They made their way into the motel, the girls carrying all the bags. They insisted.
"Why did you have to pack our bags?" Jess questioned. "All you people did was whine about us not having enough clothes and all that crap."
"It's not all that crap... you guys have nothing. Jeans and T-shirts, jeans and T-shirts, oh yeah, one sweater and some baggy pants." Rory rolled her eyes. "My god, why can't you be tasteful in clothes?"
"If we were tasteful in clothes, we would be gay." Jess smirked.
"Man, that is coming up way too many times in conversations... I'm starting to believe it's true." Rory laughed. They rolled their eyes. Then, made their way to the front desk. "Hello." Rory greeted a woman that was behind the desk. She was lightly tan, and had blond hair.
"Hi, welcome to the Bedford Motel. How may I help you?" The woman smiled.
"Umm, we would like a room." Lane replied.
"Do you have reservations?" The woman asked.
"You take reservations?" Jess asked in awe. Rory looked at him with a stern face and hit him on the arm. "Oh my god, that so hurt." He said sarcastically.
"No. We don't have reservations." Dave answered. The woman nodded.
"We would like one room with two queen beds please." Rory smiled.
"How many nights?"
"One night." They all replied together.
"That would be sixty-five dollars. Would you like to pay now?" She asked. Jess nodded. He handed her the money. "Great. Well, we're glad to have you here in the Bedford Motel. You can enjoy complimentary coffee and utilize the microwave oven in the motel lobby. Guestrooms offer dial-up internet access, and cable television."
"Sounds great." Jess said sarcastically. "Now, can we just get the number for our room, before we die from the sound of you're voice?" Rory rolled her eyes.
"Jess. Don't be rude." She whispered to him. "I'm sorry... My boyfriend isn't feeling well today. Excuse him please." Now it was Jess' turn to roll his eyes.
"No problem." She replied. She typed in something then smiled. "Umm, your room is B-3. Down the hall and to your right."
"Thank you!" They all echoed (everyone except, Jess, of course) They followed her directions and pulled open the door to their room. Rory groaned when she saw the room, and dropped her bags.
"Could this room be a little more tacky?" Rory complained.
"Eww. Look at the bed covers. That is the worst color that can ever go on a place of sleep." Lane cringed. "Take them off, take them off! I think I'm gonna puke." Dave rolled his eyes, and started taking off the top covers of the bed. He threw them off to the side. Rory then sighed and dropped on the nearest bed.
"Man, I am exhausted." She exhaled.
"Get up." Jess exclaimed. Rory raised an eyebrow at him. "If you don't get up now, you will never get up. Comes from experience. Go take a shower, and change. I do not feel like carrying you in there."
"Jess." She whined.
"Now, please."
"Fine. God, when did you become so bossy?" Rory sighed and got up. He smiled and kissed her slightly on the lips. "Is that my reward?" She stuck out her bottom lip. He laughed.
"Umm, sure, call it whatever you want." Jess pushed her in the direction of the bathroom. "Go!" She rolled her eyes, then entered the bathroom. Soon, they heard the shower turn on and they all went to their own beds.
"I call the bathroom next." Lane claimed her place.
"Fine with me." Jess mumbled. He took out a book from his back pocket and laid back on the pillow. Soon, there was a noise that disrupted their peace. It was a cell phone. "That's Rory's phone. I'll get it." He sighed. Then, reached over to her purse and took out her cell. "Hello?"
"Hello?" Lorelai greeted him awkwardly.
"That's my line." Jess stated.
"What are you doing answering Rory's phone?"
"She's in the shower... I just picked it up."
"Okay. Well, how's the trip going so far?"
"Nobody's bleeding."
"Then it's going to be a good night." Lorelai sighed. "I'm glad everything is going smoothly then..."
"So... Jess–,"
"Hold on. Rory just got out of the bathroom." Lorelai heard some rustling and then she heard her daughter's voice.
"Hey sweets!"
"Hey." Rory smiled. "What's up? Sorry I didn't call you when we got here, We just were kinda concentrating as hard as possible to actually get here without getting lost. Which I am proud to say, we have accomplished."
"Do you like the motel?"
"Ugh, you would not believe what the covers of the beds look like..."
"The most horrible color! I mean, come on, these people could at least put something decent on the beds where we have to sleep." Rory sighed. "But, it's fine for just one night. Besides, I better get used to these kinds of things. We are going to be on the road for a while."
"My daughter, the roadie." Lorelai smiled. "Where are you anyways?"
"Oh, umm, Boston."
"Uh, yeah."
"Any particular reason for this trip to Boston? Specially since it's one night. I mean, what could possibly be so interesting in Boston?" Lorelai played along.
"Mom." Rory bit her lip. "Fine. You want me to say it? I am in Boston to see dad. We are going to try to catch up with dad, and possibly Sherry on this trip to Boston." She sighed. "Sorry I didn't tell you I was thinking about coming to see him..."
"You were thinking?"
"Yeah. Back home. Please don't be mad, I didn't intend for us to actually come here... and I know you're mad at the whole dad and Sherry thing, but–,"
"Hey, hey. Calm down. There is no reason for you to be apologizing here. It's absolutely cool with me if you want to see your dad... he is your dad. You have a right to see him, you should see him..." Lorelai drifted off. "I just, wish that you hadn't hidden it from me. You don't need to hide it from me. I am completely cool with this whole thing."
"No your not."
"Hey, give me some credit. I am super mom, and if I say I can be cool, I can be cool. Alright?"
"Yes, ma'am." Rory smiled.
"So, lighter topic then?" Lorelai suggested.
"I talked to Jess like five minutes ago..."
"Iceberg city?"
"Yup." Lorelai sighed. "I just... don't know why he won't talk to me. I mean, I've seen him put full sentences together when he's talking to you. But, with everyone else you need a translator that speaks slacker."
"I know... I'm trying to have him adjust to the idea to actually speaking to people." Rory laughed. "But, he is getting along with Lane and Dave pretty well. I mean, we have had pleasant conversations together."
"That's great, hon."
"Yeah. I know. I want him to have friends, like I do... so he can have someone to talk to and stuff."
"Don't worry, kid. He'll adjust." Lorelai assured her.
"I guess." Rory sighed. "So... what have you done today, missy? I haven't heard you mention anything about your day."
"Yeah, because I lead a boring life. And it sounds totally small compared to yours." Lorelai rolled her eyes. "I went to Luke's. It was very crowded, so I didn't get much Luke time. But, he was so distracted that he kept on refilling my cup–,"
"Which is always good." Rory pointed out.
"Always." Lorelai smiled. "Then, I basically hung out at the Inn, and worked. Boring day all in all." But, she gasped dramatically after that. "Oh my god! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!"
"I just realized that tomorrow is Friday!"
"Friday night dinner. Damn it! I forgot... a whole summer of Friday night dinners alone! Without you." Lorelai exclaimed. "Nope. I'm not doing it. Come home this instant. I swear to god, I will come and get you!"
"Mom." Rory warned.
"No, Rory. I can't have any alone time with my mother and my father."
"You're being over dramatic."
"Oh no I'm not."
"Look, mom, I have to go. But, I'll call you tomorrow night. Late. Because you'll probably be at Friday night dinner..." Rory smirked.
"Evil child!"
"I know. I got raised by you, you know." Rory exclaimed. "Anyways, I gotta go. I swear, I'm going to drop dead of exhaustion."
"Ugh, fine. I'll call you tomorrow. Love ya, babe."
"Love you too, mom. Good night."
"Sleep tight!"
They both hung up and smiled. Rory looked around, she found Lane already asleep on the bed, and she guessed that Dave was now in the bathroom because he was nowhere to be seen. So, she crawled into the bed, next to Jess. He looked at her, from his book and smiled.
"What are you doing here?" Jess smirked.
"Just wanted to say hi." Rory smiled, and stuck out her bottom lip. She rested her head on his chest and smiled. "Whutcha reading?" She asked playfully.
"You wouldn't like it." Jess stated. Rory looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Hemingway." Rory scoffed and scrunched up her nose. Jess laughed. But, she soon closed her eyes. "Rory." He whispered.
"You can't sleep here." Jess smiled down at her. She opened her eyes.
"Why not?" She pouted.
"Because your mother and Luke would make a dead Jess out of me." Jess played with her hair. "Plus, Dave sleeps here. And, as much as I would rather sleep with you and not with Dave... you have to go to your own bed with Lane."
"Don't feel like it."
"Rory." Jess pleaded.
"Since when did you become so reliable?"
Jess laughed, and sat up. Rory rolled her eyes.
"Can I at least have a goodnight kiss?" Rory pouted.
"Sure. Why not?" Jess smirked, then leaned in and kissed her tenderly on the lips, then pulled away. "Goodnight, Rory." He smiled.
"'Night Dodger." Rory sighed, then made her way to her bed, next to a sleeping Lane.
Rory laid awake in her bed, it was thundering and it was creeping her out. She shrieked when she saw lightning out the window. Soon, she felt Lane was awake too.
"Lane?" Rory whispered.
"Oh my god. This thunder is freaking me out." Lane exhaled. She moved closer to Rory. "How long have you been awake?" She asked, in a low tone so they wouldn't wake up the guys.
"I don't know... a long time." Rory replied. It thundered again and Rory jumped. "Lane..."
"Yeah. I know. I'm–," There was the loudest thunder yet and they both ran out to the guys' bed.
"Oww! What the hell?" Jess exclaimed.
"We're scared." Rory replied.
"Of what?" Dave asked groggily.
"Thunder." They both answered together.
"Since when are you guys five?" Jess muttered, annoyed. Rory and Lane moved deeper into the covers. "We don't fit in here! You guys have to go back to your bed. Now." Rory shook her head, and moved closer to him.
"Yeah. Guys, come on, four people do not fit in a queen bed." Dave agreed.
"Too bad. We are planted here forever." Lane stated.
"Oww, Rory, your elbow is sticking into my side." Jess complained.
"Sorry." She replied with a smile. "Can we please sleep here? You guys don't want your girlfriends scared, do you?" Jess sighed, then shook his head, so did Dave. Jess put his arm around her and she snuggled against him. Dave and Lane got comfortable too.
"At least we don't have to be worried about being cold..." Dave smirked.
"No, but we can worry about being hot. Four people in a bed in the middle of the summer is not good." Jess mumbled.
"Shh... guys, we're trying to sleep." Lane smiled.
"Ya. Come on, shush." Rory smirked.
"Sorry." Dave rolled his eyes.
"'Night." The girls muttered.
"Good night." Jess and Dave sighed.
What do you think? Should I continue? Review!