Hello people

I wanna thank all of you who have read and reveiwed my story. (wipe tear from eye) LOL well here it is

For the last time



Chapter 23: Too Easy

Life is complicated.

Rogue knew it. Remy knew it. Heck every mutant in that mansion knew that they were never going to live a simple life. But when Rogue thought that just about everything that was stopping her from being with Remy had happened, conveniently in the time span of a few weeks, she didn't expect that she would still have work to do. Cleaning work. Picking up every loose end that was making her life complicated. Bobby was a loose end. She used to care what he thought but as time went on and she noticed that he was just one of those complications.
Rogue walked down the corridor holding Bobby Drake's arm in a tight grip as Remy stared after them from the kitchen doorway. Bobby opened his mouth to complain but a glare from Rogue was enough to silence him. Jamie was walking past wide-eyed and flattened himself up against the wall to avoid any chance that the Goth's rage would be turned on him. She half pushed half throw him into the empty rec. room.

"Alraght Bobby, ah was being nahce, but raght now tell mah what ya problem is"

"What?" He stuttered slightly "I didn't even say anything"

"But you were gunna" She tapped her head "Remember ah'v got you up here"

He looked at the ground "I guess I just like you Rogue, and I didn't want to see you with a guy like him"

Even though she knew he meant it in the best way possible, she was way too pissed off to let it slip.

"And what is wrong with him? Why do ya dislahke him so much?"

"He's a womanizing arshole!" Bobby sounded like he had wanted to say that for a long time "He's just a perverted jerk, he's just using you"

She slapped him.

"Ah'm not stupid Bobby! And ah don't need ya protection" The anger drained out of her and she took a seat on the couch and he followed.

"He's not a bad guy, he's a jerk" She admitted "But not a bad guy"

He half smiled rubbing his cheek.

"Ya still mean a lot ta me, just not in that way" He looked slightly disbelieving "Heck since when have ya known me ta get all soppy?"

"It was kind of scaring me" He gave her a very sad attempt at a smile and she rolled her eyes.

"Fahne, and if the guy breaks mah heart then ya get ta help Logan kick his Cajun ass".

"Really?" She nodded and he looked considerably happier.


Remy, listening from outside the doorway, was taken aback by her comment and hoped she was just humoring him. He jumped back from his post when he heard more movement from inside the room.

"No hard feelings" Bobby walked out and stuck out his hand. Remy's eyes drifted past the teen and to Rogue. She sent him a threatening glare causing him to grin.

"Course homme, no hard feelings" He shook his hand gingerly.

"Thought ya were gonna blow it then" Rogue put her arm around his waist as they walked off down the hall.

"Remy almost gagged, but y' worth it Cherie" He grinned.

"Now ya gonna make mah gag" She joked "And these are mah good shoes"

He laughed and then sobered a bit, becoming more serious.

"So dats it?" Rogue gave him a confused look "No more waiting?"

"Ya never stop tryin do ya" He chuckled but shook his head.

"Non Cherie, I mean we can be together now"

"Ah thought we'd already established that"

"Y' gonna have t' spell it out fo' me, dis Cajun a bit slow today" She rolled her eyes.

"Remy LeBeau will you go out with mah".

"I grudgingly except" She playfully hit his arm "Movie?"

"That's a bit toned down for you isn't it?" He shrugged.

"Just taking it slow". She snorted "Well until Wolfy gets off Remy's back"

Sometimes life was just easy.


From the rooftop the threesome watched as the couple, one with two-toned hair the other with demonic eyes, climbed onto the back of a motorbike and sped out of the drive. The Aussie put his arms around the shoulders of the other two companions.

"Oi think little Remy's gonna be allllright" He wiped a single tear from his eye and jumped to his feet and ran off in search of others in need of his worldly wisdom.

"Is he, like, gone?"

"I zhink so"

"Fiinnally" The young girl sighed pulling her boyfriend into a kiss.


Is this a dream?

If it is

Please don't wake me from this high

I've become comfortably numb

Until you opened up my eyes

To what it's like

When everything's right

I can't believe

You found me

When no one else was lookin'

How did you know just where I would be?

Yeah, you broke through

All of my confusion

The ups and the downs

And you still didn't leave

I guess that you saw what nobody could see

You found me

You found me

So, here we are

That's pretty far

When you think of where we've been

No going back

I'm fading out

All that has faded me within

You're by my side

Now everything's fine

I can't believe

You found me

When no one else was lookin'

How did you know just where I would be?

Yeah, you broke through

All of my confusion

The ups and the downs

And you still didn't leave

I guess that you saw what nobody could see

You found me

You found me

And I was hiding

'Til you came along

And showed me where I belong

You found me

You found me

When no one else was lookin'

How did you know?

How did you know?

You found me

When no one else was lookin'

How did you know just where I would be?

Yeah, you broke through

All of my confusion

The ups and the downs

And you still didn't leave

I guess that you saw what nobody could see

You found me

(You found me)

(When no one else was lookin')

You found me

(How did you know just where I would be?)

You broke through

All of my confusion

The ups and the downs

And you still didn't leave

I guess that you saw what nobody could see

The good and the bad

And the things in between

You found me

You found me

The End


Can we say happy ending? Teehee

I couldv taken the story in a different direction, but I think iv already stretched it too far. So soppy endings all round!

That was just Kelly Clarkson's 'You Found Me' caus well I just thought that it fits in pretty well.

Oh yeah and I was kinda hoping that all of ya lovely people could give me some story suggestions, you know for my next masterpiece LOL. But seriously if anyone has any ideas for me then let me know!