Disclaimer: I do not own anything

A/N: I actually already put up the story Put two together yesterday, but it got deleted I dun kno wat I pressed this morning? So I decided to put the story back up but with a different beginning. Don't worry the whole story line won't change well except sum parts :P like the pilot chappie n stuff. Coz come to think of it I will have to write a really looonggg story (which is good if I'm bored). Thanx for ppl that reviewed in my last story before it got deleted (silly me).

Chapter: Pilot Chapter

Late November 1918, Central City.Fuhrer's Mansion

'I cannot believe that bastard' thought a certain fuming blonde middle-aged woman as she put her babies to sleep. 'I thought I trusted him, I thought he changed' this time tears rolled down her deep amber eyes. As she looked at her daughters in peaceful slumber, more tears pour out. 'Look at them, so peaceful in their sleep'.

But now Riza Hawkeye made up her mind, she cannot stand being with someone that she does not trust, while pretending that nothings happened. So she packed up hers and her daughter's things to leave the house and him immediately.

As soon as she finished packing up, she picked up one of her twin daughters, and said goodbye to the other one.

"Bye Roxanne, honey mommy's really sorry that she have to leave you like this, take care of your daddy ok, mommy hope that you will be a pretty, nice and strong girl when you grow up, I hope that someday we will be together as a family again" She said as hugged and kissed her other daughter.

Black Hayate saw Riza's sadness, so he got up to her and start licking her feet to make her feel better. Riza saw this and she picked the little puppy up.

"Well Hayate mommy has to leave now, mommy's sorry, mommy cannot bring you, but can you take care of Roxanne for mommy?"

The dog yipped as the sign of approval for Riza's favor.

Riza smiled, as she patted him on the back and said, "Good boy".

On her way out, she left a letter to her husband on the side table of their bed. She went downstairs to the kitchen to say goodbye to her maid.

She spotted her cleaning the stovetop, "Sylvia" she said quietly.

"Oh ma'am what are you doing up so late? And are you going somewhere?" She answered in a confused manner.

"Yes Sylvia, I'm leaving"

"But why? What about the Fuhrer, and the girls?"

"Oh Sylvia, I just got to go"

"But can't you just talk it through with Roy?" Sylvia said as she tried to make Riza stay.

"Sylvia, don't pretend you don't know what's going on. I know you know, that I know, that Roy are doing things behind my back!" (A/N confusing huh…) She said tears came rolling down her face.

"Yes, but I think he doesn't mean it"

"What do you mean he doesn't mean it? He meant it really well! I've been really patient Sylvia, but look at this" She said as she pulled out a picture of Roy and the mysterious girl. They look like they are having fun, which disgust Riza very much.

"I can't stand it anymore Sylvia, It hurts" Sylvia can't stand watching Riza being torn apart she haven't seen her this devastated since the death of both of her parents. Since then Sylvia promised herself that she'll do anything to make her happy.

Sylvia pulled Riza in a hug. Trying to make her feel a bit better.

"Sylvia" Riza said in between her sobs.

"Can you do me a big favor?"

"Of course"

"Can you take care of Roxanne and Black Hayate for me, you don't have to worry about Rachel she's coming with me".

"Sure of course I will do that; I will take care of them like I took care of you"

Riza was glad to hear that. Now she has no more worries of leaving her other daughter. Sylvia has been with her ever since she was a little girl. When she got married to Roy Mustang, she came along Sylvia with her. She has been like a mother that she never had. Well actually, she have but she died shortly after her birth. And her father died in a war.

"Riza what about your husband?" Sylvia asked.

"Don't worry about that I took care of him" She said as she let go of the hug.

"Well where are you going to stay after this?"

"I'll go back home to my grandfather's house, in the southern city, and I will also quit the military"

"Oh", that was only Sylvia's answer to her statement.

The clock striked 11, Riza gathered up all her things and Rachel to get ready to go.

"Well Sylvia, I guess this is good bye"

"Yeah, well you take care of yourself over there ok?"

"Sure, I will, you take care of yourself too"

"Yeah I'll do that, me, baby Roxanne, Black Hayate and Roy.

With that Riza exited the Mansion. She gave one last look at it, then left. She hurried down the streets to get to the train station as soon as possible so that she doesn't have to bump into Roy and to escape the cold as well.

End of pilot……..

A/N: So watchu think? Well its my first FanFic so its ok to make it bad rite? Anyway I love any review (criticism, suggestions, flames, appraisals, threat letters, hoaxes hehehehe XD ). Oh yea BTW, to shadow dreamer 27 and Tsunade-chan. Thanx for your review really appreciate it.

Anyway u guys know wat to rite? READ N REVIEW!