
Hermione Granger flopped onto the best armchair in the bustling Gryffindor common room. She bent down to get her laptop from her bag. It felt so weird having computers at Hogwarts this year. The only reason she was able to IM her muggle friends from back home was that Dumbledore got hooked on Spider Solitaire when visiting a muggle internet café in London that past summer.

She pressed the power button of her Toshiba ULTRA-THIN notebook and watched the gray screen light up. Hermione leaned back and exhaled. When it got to the home screen she double-clicked the IM icon and waited. To her awe and dismay a little wizard cartwheeled across the screen stopped, waved the tiny wand in his hand and the following words appeared across then screen: "HogwarsInstantMessaging ! The new form of IM exclusively for Hogwarts Students!"

When that little display was over, a buddy list popped up as well as a sign in box.

It said: "WHOA there-Looks like you're new! Type in your name and house to make a screen name and password!

Hermione typed in-

NAME: Hermione Granger

HOUSE: Gryffindor- which led to another screen saying, "Welcome Hermione, to H.I.M.! Below you can customize your screen name and password."

She thought for a moment and then typed in:

ScreenName: yougotgryffined

Password: slytherins drool

Hermione chuckled to herself and clicked enter. 'Oh, this year's gonna be fun' she thought.