Warnings and Disclaimers- I don't own any of the characters and well lets face it if I did I wouldn't be able to do any of the fun stuff that I can now. DaixSato

This is actually based on a small snow storm I woke up to recently I could help but think of the manga and even more I couldn't get the snow storm out of my head, so what do you think?

Chapter 1: Breaking the ice

Satoshi sat in the darkness of his apartment all alone. This was nothing new for the young commander… but at the same time it was almost unbearable. He was thinking, thinking of laughing ruby eyes and fiery hair that danced just out of his reach. High school was almost over, eight more weeks and he would have to go back to full time police work. It was kind of sad knowing that it would all be over soon. Once it was, those eyes would disappear from his life forever, and he knew that he just didn't want to have to accept it so soon.

Getting up the young commander walked over to the window and placed his hand on the cold glass. It was snowing; pure white flakes fell from the sky. For once in his life he wanted to be able to feel the snow on his skin. Satoshi wanted to live a normal life like any of the other students that walked about in his school. He didn't want to be a prodigy; he didn't want to be the remnant of the angel that had possessed most of his life. Sighing he placed his forehead up against the glass relishing in the chill only to be interrupted by a knock on the door. If he stayed silent they would leave, he could just ignore it.

The knock came again echoing through the empty house and then a light creak as the door was opened. "Hiwatari-kun are you home? You weren't at school today and we were worried." came the red heads hesitant voice. Walking in the room the red head slowly closed the door behind him and walked a well known path to Satoshi's bed room where the young commander always seemed to be found when he was hiding. Daisuke walked into the bed room to see the young commander sitting by the window his forehead placed up against the glass.

Daisuke couldn't help but blush as he thought of how beautiful Satoshi was as he sat there. His sapphire eyes closed and his sky blue hair falling down around his face. Daisuke didn't know why but he wanted to hug away the sorrowful look that seemed to plague the young boy's features. To smooth the hair out of his face and take the pain out of those beautiful eyes. Walking over to Satoshi Daisuke sat on the edge of the bed and just watched his friend silently hoping he would come out of the stupor shortly.

Satoshi's eyes slowly opened and focused on the red head in front of him a small smile spreading across his lips. "You can call me Satoshi you know, I promise I won't bite."

Daisuke smiled brightly his eyes dancing with light as the gems they were so familiar with. "I wasn't too worried about you biting me but I'll remember that. So, why weren't you at school today? Is everything ok?"

"You know Niwa-kun I've already graduated, it really doesn't matter if I go anymore." He looked at the red head wondering what his reaction would be.

Blushing Daisuke looked down and studied his hands as if he would find an answer there. He thought for a moment and then looked back up; "It wouldn't be the same if you weren't there, who would I have lunch with? Or what if me and Riku have another fight, who can I come talk to about how impossible she is being that day? Just because we broke up a couple of years ago…." Daisuke looked back down at his hands again tears filling the ruby eyes as he remembered the disappearance of the shadow thief that had no only become his best friend but a part of his heart he was now missing. It was soon after that he found Riku was too much of a reminder and truthfully without Dark it just wasn't the same with her. He had no more reason to see the sacred maiden in her.

Before Satoshi could stop himself he found his hand gently brushing away a tear that had fallen from Daisuke's eyes. Cursing himself but to late to stop now he allowed his hand to fall down the boys face stopping at his chin which he then lifted forcing the other boy to look into his eyes. "Dai… no matter where he is now he will always be with you, you know that." He allowed his hand to travel down further stopping at the boys racing heart beat. "He will always have a home right here in your heart. Though you may not hear it, I know Dark is laughing with you and teasing you every step of the way."

Daisuke felt Satoshi's hand fall from his chest, yet the warmth was still radiating from where his hand just so little ago rested. Warmth the young boy was surprised that he didn't want to let go. Daisuke smiled sadly and leaned forward so that his face was mere inches from Satoshi's. His eyes rested on the boys lips for a moment and reaching his hand forward to caress his pale cheek Daisuke let his lips gently brush Satoshi's. Realizing what he had just done Daisuke looked up into socked sapphire eyes. Retrieving his hand as if it were burnt the redhead blushed and muttering apologies; he ran from the room.

DS: Will be continued with second chapter if enough people want it; if not I will finish as originally intended.