A/N: I am sooooooooooooooo sorry it took me so long. I had problems with my university, but anyway. Here is the next chapter!

A dark figure was standing above a beautifully decorated sink. Stone flowers rose from the floor, twisting their way up, towards the top of the sink where water was displaying colorful images. Dazzling black hair fell around her face like a curtain of the night. Some parts on them were shining like the stars on a clear night. Her dress, the same color as her hair, hung from her body and touched the floor beneath her. A smile was forming on her mouth as she spoke in a whisper, in a language long forgotten to the Humans.

"He found her…" Her voice was like the night breeze that touches the skin and makes it shiver in a pleasant, ecstatic way.

Another dark figure appeared behind the black pillar. His steps were heard as he walked across the black marble floor and towards the woman. His clothes of a blacker color than darkness hugged his well-shaped body perfectly. He brushed her hair and kissed her gently on the back of her neck. As she shivered under his touch he wrapped an arm around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder, so that he could see in the water.

"Did you have any doubt that he couldn't?" he said equally silent.

"No. I had no doubt that he could find her. I was worried that he might find her too late." she answered.

"Well, the easy part is done. Let's see how he will approach her."

"The truth is the difficult part, love. The truth..." she said, a sad look in her eyes.

"She already knows part of the truth-"

"If things have gone as we had planned." she cut him.

"Don't worry. I have faith in the Origin." the man said.

"You're right." she said sighing. "It hasn't abandoned us for as long as I exist." the woman said turning around. The man's eyes fell on her full red lips that he knew their taste so well, and they tasted like nothing he had ever experienced before. After a minute he couldn't resist any longer and bent to kiss her.

Virginia was making her way towards the DADA classroom, thinking about the way things went in Potions.

'I thought Malfoy would be worse than usual since he is Severus favored, or he thinks he is, and Sev would never punish him, but he was surprisingly polite. Well as much polite as a Malfoy can be….' she thought. True. Malfoy was so engrossed in what he was doing that he didn't speak to her, unless it was completely necessary.

Apparently he kept his word. They had a truce. What worried her most was the feeling that she felt when their skins touched. She had to do some research. As she reached the classroom her thoughts turned at today's DADA lesson. According to the book, he was going to teach them the Conjunctivitis Curse, one of her favourite spells.

As she entered she noticed that the classroom was dark. All the curtains were closed and the only source of light was a few candles that hovered above her. She sat at the back of the class on the right side.

As the rest of the class started filling in she saw Professor Lacroix entering the room from a side door. Suddenly all the noise that was caused by the female population of the class, stopped as they saw him. They started drooling while he was oblivious at the reaction he had caused. Virginia was completely disgusted at the girls. She felt movement at her left and turned to see Blaise Zabini sitting right next to her.

"Hey. Ginny, isn't it?" he asked. He apparently wanted to be friends with her. 'But why…?' she thought as she answered.

"Virginia. Ginny is the stupid nickname that my brother gave me without my permission, of course." she drawled.

"Call me Blaise! I do prefer Virginia. It's more like you." he said with a small smile

"May I ask you something?" she said warily. "I can understand you talking to me, but sitting with me? Isn't it bad for your reputation and against your laws to sit with a Gryffindor?" she asked

"Honestly, I don't care what others think. All I know is that you are most likely not a Gryffindor and that I might enjoy your company. Besides, it's hard to be a trio since my two best friends are sitting together…"he said indicating Malfoy and Pansy.

"So, that's the true reason…"she joked with a smirk that could give a Slytherin a run for their money.

But soon their conversation was stopped by Professor Lacroix

"Hello class. My name is Stephan Lacroix and I am your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher for this year."he said in a mysteriously silk voice.

"Today we'll be learning the Conjunctivitis Curse. As you know, the most important factor for a successful hexing is the sight. Having that in mind, who can tell me what this curse can do?"he asked and several hands were shot in the air but was already looking at her, expecting her toraise her hand.

"I believe your name is Ms Weasley, am I right?" he said indicating Virginia.

She nodded and then said "Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (mucous membrane that lines the surface of the eyelid and the exposed surface of the eyeball), and is taken from the Latin "conjunctus," meaning "joined together." This curse is aimed at the eyes of the victim and causes the eyelids to crust together so that the victim cannot see. In addition to loss of sight, it seems to cause pain to the victim as well."she finished with a smile

"Correct. As Ms Weasley explained it can prevent the enemy from having a proper aim, or an aim at all…"he smile and all the girls laughed.

"Now. I need two volunteers, or should I say one volunteer and a victim?"he said with a soft smile. All the girls in the class were looking at him with… lust? Virginia wasn't sure since they were all having a stupid expression on their faces.

"Since you seem to know the spell Ms Weasley, why don't you come up here and be the volunteer?"

Virginia rose with a grace and boredom written all over her face to stand at the front of the class. She went near the professor and waited for him to call the… victim as he called it.

"Well, come on! No one wants to help me with this spell? I wonder why…"he said and the whole class chuckled. "You know it will be good for you to know how this spell feels if you find yourself in a battle and the enemy cast it on you, don't you agree?"

A girl raised her hand indicating that she volunteered but Virginia doubted it was because of the reason the professor mentioned before.

As the girl took her place opposite of Virginia, she took out her wand. For a brief second professor's eyes betrayed his surprise as he looked at her wand but then it was gone. Virginia didn't miss it though and was curious about it. She look at her wand. It was a deep shade of black with many silver symbols, starting from the hilt(?) and moving upwards like a vine. She knew that it was special, but really, what wasn't on her? Every piece of jewellery was a gift from her ancestor.

"O.K. then. Do the spell." her teacher's voice brought her back and she easily cast the spell with a grace that even a goddess would wish for. Screams filled the room as the girl was obviously in pain. She was trying to rip her eyelids but that only caused blood to appear where the wounds that she made were.

Virginia tried to block the annoying sound that was causing her a headache but it was no good. She flicked her wand and the screams immediately stopped. As she sigh in relief she looked up at her teacher's eyes and saw bewilderment. 'Shit! He must have noticed that I didn't pronounce the incantation.'

The professor, who was now standing near the sobbing girl making sure that she was alright as he had already cast a healing spell, quickly looked at the class and said "Well, as you all saw this spell can be really painful and it's always good to increase your endurance. For the next lesson I want from all of you a small essay on methods that can increase our durability in pain. Class dismissed." he said and they all left, wondering why did he dismiss them so early.

Stephan sighed as he run his hand through his hair. He stood from is chair and took a handful of floo powder in his hand that he throwed in the fireplace. A face appeared as he spoke.

"She already found her wand and can cast a spell with only a thought." he said not hiding his surprise from his voice and the face smiled.

"It was time Stephan. She was probably able to cast this way some time ago and as for her wand we made sure that she would receive it on time." the face said.

"So, I should expect more from her?" Stephan said

"She still doesn't know the full extend of her powers…"he started with sadness in his voice

"And you do?" he cut

"Fortunately no one knows…" the face said and vanished from the fire leaving Stephan alone in his classroom once more.

…..I love you……. Please don't hurt me…………Thnx for any review you are going to send, cause I know you will…..