Chapter 1
Why me?
Why me?
I can't believe this is happening…
No, she couldn't. She couldn't believe the coincidences that have happened today, she couldn't believe that the one day she wasn't feeling well, was the day she had a test that she couldn't miss. She couldn't believe that today was the one day that her boyfriend was dragged into a fight, and it broke her heart and hopes for her relationship. She couldn't believe that this weekend was a three day long holiday. She couldn't believe that there a snow storm outside. She couldn't believe that she was stuck in this school with him.
- - - - -
"You fucking bastard!"
Inuyasha hit Koga hard in the stomach. Kagome scream. She screamed because it was so sudden and it looked so hard that blood was spat out of her boyfriends' mouth and onto her white blouse.
Koga, had knelt down from the attack, Kagome rushed to his side, and held onto his arm. He turned to look at Inuyasha who was being held back by his girlfriend Kikyo, who just happened to be Kagome's older sister.
"The Hell was that for-?!"
Koga barked at Inuyasha. Kagome, too was looking for an answer but from her sister Kikyo.
"I don't-" She had started but was cut off from Inuyasha's exclamation.
"You threw out my shoes, you bastard! Now there's ketchup and mustard stain all over it!"
Kagome, sighed in disbelief, all this for shoes?!
"You deserved it! What kind of demon would insult his girlfriends younger sister?!"
Kagome tensed. Now she was the center of cause?
"Koga I don't give a damn what he said!"
Koga stood up suddenly and stared at her hard.
"I do."
She couldn't find an answer, her heartstrings were pulled a bit. She stood up, she could see that Kikyo was scolding Inuyasha.
"Koga let's just leave, remember you promised me-"
"I promised I wouldn't fight in front of you I know, but-" He held her hands inside of his. "-when it's for your honour Kagome can there be no exceptions?"
Kagoem stared into Koga's eyes, she could tell he really meant the words he said, but when she had made him promise she meant her words at the time too.
"No, Koga there can't be any exceptions."
Koga tighten his grip on her hand, he looked at her, deciding what to do, he then sighed. Without looking back to Inuyasha he threw his arm around her shoulder then proceeded to walk away.
"Fine! But only for you Kagome!"
Kagome let out a small smile. It was the end of the school, day and the start of the long weekend, she thought, he may not want to ruin the date they had planned for tomorrow...
"Leaving with your tail in between your legs wimpy wolf? Good thing your taking your PMS-ing girlfriend with you!"
Kagome felt his arm leave her shoulders, she felt her scream his name, to make him stop. But it was too late, they had already begun. Kagome felt the tears brim in her eyes. So she ran. Not before hearing her sister scream.
A flash of red, behind her eyelids, made her open her eyes. On the other side of the school, Kagome stood in the hall leaning, she watched the people go by. She wasn't sure what she was still doing at school, she thought maybe it was because she was worried about Koga. Maybe because of her sprint she suddenly felt her queasiness from this morning come back at full speed and power, the people looked as dizzy as she felt...
She saw Koga, she knew he must have emerged the victor. Because he was the one standing. His face was badly bruised though. She couldn't even picture how his gut must have looked like from that first blow.
"Kagome..." He called out her name quietly, she couldn't actually hear it over the noise in the hall, but she saw his lips move in the familiar pattern of her name.
"Let's go home..."
She suddenly felt angry at him, how could he have expected her to go home with him, after he had just broken their promise. She was furious; does he really expect her to forgive just because he won her "honour" back? She stood up straight and walked past him.
"I asked you not to fight."
She had said it quietly, but she knew that with his demon ears he heard her.
Koga had turned around to see her walking away he held out his hand, he wanted to stop her, he should have stopped her but he didn't, he let her walk away.
She was able to find herself a destination, her locker; she was on her way there when Koga had suddenly called her out to walk her to her locker, hen home before Inuyasha suddenly showed up. She went the long way to avoid going by the way where the two had their fight.
Once she had finally reached her locker the hallway was finally emptied of students: all except for one. Kikyo leaning against Kagome's locker, as if to guard it, she had the look of a beautiful guardian. Kagome always believed that Kikyo was the perfect priestess, she was beautiful and talented, not that Kagome wasn't! it just that Kikyo was always more mature, and graceful...
"Kagome. Are you alright?"
She nods and forces a smile for her older sister.
"Don't worry about me Kikyo-nee, how's Inuyasha? I saw Koga so I'm guessing that he won."
Kikyo glared at her younger sister. She knew what she was trying to do; Kikyo wasn't going to fall for it.
"Kagome…Don't try to change the subject. I know you to well for that."
Kagome disagreed with the last part: but decided to say nothing. She had a headache, and just saying words sends the pounding into a hissy-fit.
Kikyo stared at her sister long and hard. Kagome was getting things out of her locker and into her, which always looked over packed...
"Your relationship with Koga isn't what you thought, huh?"
Kagome jumped. Her head reeled but she kept her footing.
"What-?! No, that's not it-!
"Kagome it happens all the time!"
Kagome started rubbing her temples, she decided to sit down against the lockers, finding the ability to speak she asks.
"What does?"
"The fact that two sibling or best friends get into the problem where there boy friends are enemies!"
So Kagome looked at her sister. She just suddenly remembered that was a factor as well for this drama, it seemed like her headache was only allowing her to think of one thing at a time. She closed her eyes, but then another flash of red appeared. She decided to go along with her sister's reasoning.
"But did it have to happen to us?"
Kikyo hugged her little let her, her sister smelt nice, her scent was that of flowers, and wood, for being at archery practice all the time. Kagome wondered, if she smelled like that...
"Seriously are you going to be alright?"
"Yeah…" Kagome whispered back. She then stood up, remembering her plans for the evening.
"I'm just going to spend the night at Sango's house Ok?"
Kikyo smiled, thinking that was good. And with that Kikyo left.
Kagome closed her locker, her bag finally packed, she was walking down the hall, when she felt dizzy she decided to wash up in the restrooms.
She couldn't believe how good the water was on her face, the empty stalls barley fazed her, but the heat emitting from her face did. She let the water drip down, tasting sweat being mixed with it in her mouth. She tried to look into the mirror, when a flash of red, and hard noise of her heads thumping caused her knees to get weak. She was leaning on her hands her head against the cool of the mirror, she whispered to herself...
"It's just that time of year...Your ok..."
She looked into the mirror, and saw the world spinning madly about. Her knees buckled, she collapsed to the ground, she thought she saw red before everything faded to black...
All of this took place after school, at around 6 pm.
Here it is the REMASTERED version of the first chapter! The editing didn't take as long as I thought, YAY. Now many of you old fans must be wondering, why this cruelty? I really seriously believed you weren't coming back! I thought you had died in some sort of trajic car accident.
HAHAHAHAH. Is my answer to tragedy. No, you aren't that lucky. I don't know why I came back. It may have been because the manga series ended over the summer, it may have been that I watched the first new episode of Inuyasha last week, it may have been I was in a pleasant procrastinating mood when I saw the latest review for this story by Amaya Shinto that was so simple, i couldn't believe it.
And it made me laugh, But I really think it was just an overall combination. SO who knows what will happen next~!
But onto the next question:
WHY?? THIS ISIN'T UPDATING?! ToT you gave me falso hope TT
I'm sorry about the false hope part. But the truth is, there is no way I'm going to update something that has my 12 year old crappy writing all over it. My 17 year old self does not allow it.
One More thing I'll be deleting the original chapter 1 so you can't compare BWAHHAHAHAHA, but later so maybe some of you guys won't be disappointed, I'm gonna work hard and use my English class skills to make this a better fanfiction!
That's all! Class is over! Rise! Bow! Have a good day!
Lots of love and apologies