Misawa's Mistake

Chapter 1: The Hill

Alright peeps first fanfic written for this site by me and hope you like. Flamers will be cursed into oblivion by my friend Mr. Magic.

Chazz's eyes got bigger and bigger as he saw what was on the web page before him. His eyes were about to pop out of his head when he finally got up from the computer yelling,


He got up and ran from the room yelling, and completely disregarding the fact that he was in his pajamas.

"MISAWA!" He yelled as he ran through the Obelisk hallways.

A head with shoulder length brown hair was looking out of one of the doors.

The girl saw who was making all of the noise and commotion and ducked back into her room. She had just enough time to grab an oversized black t-shirt before the pounding started.

"Lina-Open-The-Door! C'mon-Lina-I-Need-Your-Help!"

Every word was spoken in a loud voice and was followed by a thud on the door.

Lina opened the door cautiously, it was halfway open when Chazz pounced he jumped into the room.

"You have to help me find Bastion NOW!"

He was a mess standing there in plain black boxers with "Thunder" written on them in yellow on one of his legs. His hair had come down from its gelled state and was now hanging down his neck stopping about halfway down to his shoulders.

His eyes were still glassy from the computer, and he was shifting impatiently from one foot to the other.

He must have been truly disturbed because he had run down the hall without



-or a shirt

Instantly her frown ceased and she threw him the shirt,

"I think I have some black boots you can wear, don't lace them up and you should be fine, you know where the socks are"

Lina walked into the bathroom and came out a minute later with her hair brushed and a new shirt on.

It was black and matched her pajama bottoms it read "lightning" across the front.

Chazz too was dressed all in black (now with the shirt and boots on) and because his hair was down he looked slightly like the guitarist from a punk rock band. (A/N: drools)

He grabbed a jacket from her closet and they were out the door. Elapsed time 4minutes 39seconds, they had obviously done this before.

As they walked out the huge double doors Lina's frown returned.

"Chazz why do we need to find Misawa? I know he's a loser but what could science boy have done this time?"

"Not right now Lina I'll tell you later, once this is over"

Chazz said and continued walking. Lina stopped; she crossed her arms and glared silently.

"Lina c'mon just come with me it's hard to explain."

His face was a little less hard now.

She took one step back so she was now on the edge of the hill. (A/N: trouble)

"Try me?"

He took another step toward her "Lina…" he tripped over one of the shoelaces (they were untied so they would fit him)

His body fell forward and hit hers they both went tumbling down the hill totally tangled up together.


Were the last words that came out of Lina's mouth before they fell of a ledge into the ocean

screen goes blank, announcer starts

Announcer: "What happens next? Tune in next week to find out

Bye! Thanks for reading hope you enjoy! RnR ppls Oh and hopefully I can update every week unless tests are coming
