Hi guys, sorry for the wait! Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 5

"'Five easy steps to bag your dream man.'" I read from an article in a magazine. "How the hell is that gonna help me in this place?"

I skip through the pages, not reading them, when I come to the horoscopes. "'You'll feel trapped this month, but don't stay copped up in your room,' Man is that true!" I say with a sigh.

Theres an article on the teen crime rate has gone up. That's when I chuck it against the wall and burn it with my eye rays.

"What did the magazine do this time?"

I look to the door and Brick is standing there, smiling sympathetically.

I roll my eyes and Brick joins me on my cot.

"This place sucks don't it." He says with a sigh.

"Yes. Especially when you are all on ya own."

"Yeah, know what you saying." Brick said. I turn to face him.

"How are you on your own? You've got your brothers, right?"

"Nuh uh, the cops arrived during a heist, they jetted and left me to get the blame. Wouldn't even come to court with me, bastards."

"Oh right. I still can't believe I got a whole year." I moan.

"Hey, they went easy on ya."

"You think?" I ask.

"Yeah, I got two years, due to other crimes they never caught me for. But yeah, one year for manslaughter, that aint half bad."

"I guess, still sucks though. So how long you been here for?"

"A year yesterday. So we getting outta here at the same time. Together."

"Uh huh."

There was a bit of a pause.

"I gotta admit, I never thought I'd see YOU in here." He laughs.

"Well, I never thought I'd be in here again."

"Wait, did you say again?"

I look up from staring at my lap. "Oh, right, you weren't born when it happened. I stole a pair of golf clubs when I was younger. Had 200 hours of community service."

"Whoa, never knew."

"Yeah, well, I guess I'm not the goody goody sister."

"Ya definitely ent now. But I like bad asses. And I gotta say, that is one bad ass." He says with a grin.

I chuckle.

"I just can't believe the luck we get. Fancy us being roomed together. Its, weird. " I say getting up, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, we're just gonna have to learn to, dare I say it, get along. There are advantages to being paired with you though."

"Whats that..?" I say nervously, not sure what to expect.

"I got the hottest partner in the prison" he says, raising his eyebrows.

I shake my head and smile, as I bend down to gather up my stuff ans shove it under my cot.

"Whoa, how much stuff you got?"

"Quite a lot, but I'm a girl, I need moreā€¦things."

Brick thought for a moment. Then he got it. "Ahh, right I get ya. Ooh, that's gonna be hard with all these men around right?"

Blossom looks up at him. He wasn't as dumb as he seemed.

"It shouldn't be. We're aloud to go to the loo whenever we want right?"

"Well, not really. Its like being back at fucking school. They'll let you though."

"They better."

"That's the spirit. Who gives a shit. So, what you wanna do?" he asks.

"Curl up in a ball and die." I say, laying down on his cot.

"Well, you do that, while I go clear the recreation room and play some foosball." He said, hopping off my cot. "And Blossom,"

I look up from his cot. "What?"

"I wouldn't lay on a guys bed like that. It looks like your asking for something. Something I'd be willing to give." He smiles cheekily, then leaves.

Hes soo unbelievable!
