Disclaimer - I do not own Narnia or anything to do with Narnia.

Hello Everyone! Well here it is 'Worlds Apart' for your enjoyment.

Summary - Narnia is lost, three of it's rulers are imprisoned while one is instituting rebellion. It has been two years since Rabadash declared himself King of Narnia and married Queen Susan to cement his claim. Since Queen Lucy was reduced to a life of servitude, while her brother King Peter was made a capitive in the Castle dungeons. King Edmund is the only one left to free Narnia, as he struggles with the loss of his siblings and the finer aspects of war. In all Narnia seems doomed but the balance is shiftingand a race against time ensues as worlds that have been kept apart collide with explosive force.

Hope you like it as much I liked writing it.

And onto the story.


Swirling mists veiled a lifeless plain. The moon shone like a beacon in the inky blackness that had settled on a world swathed by night. A lone figure sat hunched in the darkness, his view of the moon blocked by thick walls of stone, thick walls without a single crack or break. Thick walls that featured no windows. This lone figure was Peter the Magnificent, High King of Narnia; he was dressed in the tatters of a faded, once grand tunic. Chains adorned his wrists and ankles. Peter was twenty seven, it had been two years since Rabadash of Calormen forced his eldest sister to marry him, since his other sister was forced into servitude, since Cair Paravel had been lost. Only Peter didn't know that, to him it had been much longer.

"Edmund" Peter whispered to the shadows, his cracked lips forming the familiar word, the word he said everyday, this was partly to make sure his voice still worked but more importantly this one word comforted him, gave him a reason not to completely give up, gave him faith. This word reminded him that his brother was still out there somewhere, working to overthrow their tyrannical conqueror, out there fighting for his country.

'While I'm imprisoned in this hole,' he thought bitterly to himself, testing his bonds. They didn't give and all that Peter accomplished was sore wrists. 'Of course they're not going to break; they didn't the last 50,000 times!' He chastised himself. With a familiar feeling of defeat coursing through him, Peter sighed and leaned backwards slightly, resting his head on one of the rough rock walls that made up his prison. He didn't want to give in, didn't want Rabadash to have that kind of power over him, but what was the point in clinging to hope when there was none? If his brother was going to rescue him he would have already. Peter hadn't seen the sun, moon or stars for a long time, a miserable time. All his life consisted of now was pain, despair and those four stone walls. He only ever left his cell for his weekly sessions with Rabadash. These sessions were the only way for Peter to track the time since he was kept in constant darkness, trapped in a never ending night.

Dark woods stood silently under an ever present moon, nothing was happening; only one was there to see. One oblivious to all else, consumed by his thoughts. This was Edmund. Second King of Narnia and Leader of the Rebellion against the usurper, Prince Rabadash, or King Rabadash to his supporters. Soft brown eyes, shone from under frowning eyebrows, it was evident from all of his features that something was preying on his mind.

Peter. His brother. His friend was locked away in the bowels of the earth, captive of Rabadash, slave to the wicked King's whims.

'I wonder if you've remembered my brother, I wonder if you even know what the year is, let alone the day. Today dear brother is your birthday.' He swallowed, so many memories, so much pain. He was surprised though, to learn his brother still lived, for two years he'd thought him dead and now… Edmund didn't know which was worse, believing Peter dead or knowing him to be alive and a prisoner. He supposed alive was better, while Peter lived the Rebellion still had a chance to see the days of the High King renewed.

He thought back to the days before the storm, before the darkness, carefree days of summer sunshine, Peter had always been the more active of the two, the better battle planner, the strategist, the Commander, the magnificent, Edmund was the politician, the smart one, the just one. He could never get his head around the finer points of combat, he knew how to fight, how to enter and win a battle but he wasn't as good as his brother. He envied his brother. The King who everyone always looked to for leadership, the eldest, the magnificent. Peter was the one who turned heads, Edmund would stay around the dark corners watching everyone, keeping an eye on Susan or Lucy. Peter was doing the same of course but he couldn't just stop his conversation to help them out, it would be a great insult to whichever Lord or Lady he was conversing with.

If only Edmund could've helped Susan out of her trouble, if only he could've seen the trouble earlier. He was suspicious yes, but Rabadash made his sister so happy, that was before the Tashbaan trip. Edmund thought they were safe when they managed to slip away in the middle of the night but when they docked at Cair Paravel they saw Rabadash there, two of his guards holding Lucy and the rest spread throughout the castle capturing any who wouldn't submit to them. Edmund didn't even manage to draw his sword when Rabadash was upon him, the only reason he escaped was that Peter and his guard arrived, only five of them left the courtyard that day, Peter, himself, Oreius and two other soldiers, the rest were dead or captured. Edmund had tried to rescue Lucy but she was led away before he had the chance, Susan too was hurried from the scene. The next few months were filled with recruiting and skirmishes, Archenland was lost so Narnia had to look to the Lone Islands for aid but Rabadash managed to turn them away by promising them he wouldn't invade them unless they landed on Narnian soil. They stayed away after this warning, so Narnia was alone, as was Edmund, stuck in a role he didn't want, with his family all prisoners in one way or another. The King walked over to, and sat on his bed, resting his head in his hands, it seemed Narnia's hope was imprisoned and the country doomed.

'Where next Peter? What now?' Sighing Edmund readied himself for sleep, and when it finally came it was only light and restless.

A figure stood on a high top tower looking out on a blanketed ebony sea. Dark curls caught the early morning breeze swirling towards the thin band of red that was the sun rising, bringing with it a pale warmth that spread across the scenic landscape and touched the stony face of the one who had risen to greet it. Dressed in a white robe, trimmed with silver the person who stood upon the brink of the tallest pinnacle of the castle looked faint, and ailing. If any who were up at that hour looked up they would see a woman on the verge of letting go, but Susan wouldn't jump - no. Even though she hated her husband, her life and her fortune, she would never jump. Not while her younger brother still remained free, providing hope and faith. Not while her older brother remained locked up beneath her feet, imprisoned and alone. Rabadash had told her that Peter was dead, but Susan had learnt a lot over the past two years including the art of eavesdropping. She overheard something that the guards were murmuring about, visits her husband made to the dungeons and that they were far too frequent to be routine checks. So Susan had sent her trusted 'servant' Lucy, to investigate and she came back bearing news that there was a teenage boy being held in a cell, a cell that had no windows, and was surrounded by thick stone walls. And so Susan convinced herself that this was Peter, and Lucy agreed with her.

Susan regretted her choice to let Rabadash court her, because of it her family was now divided and her country in the hands of a harsh dictator. One constant reminder of the consequences was her sister Lucy, now degraded to a lowly servant, she was originally to scrub the castle's floors but Susan had pleaded with Rabadash to let her be her maid and Rabadash relented and gifted her own sister to her as a wedding present. This act disgusted Susan but she kept her views and emotions between herself and Lucy, knowing it was better to bring out Rabadash's good side, doing this meant she could ask for small favours, trifles in her husband's eyes but they meant everything to Susan. They meant she was at least doing something to repair the damage she'd caused, paying her debt to her people and Narnia.

She almost jumped out of her skin when she heard someone behind her, thinking it was Rabadash, she spun fast ready with an excuse and curtsey. Though luckily it wasn't her husband, it was a pallid, brunette with sparkling blue eyes and a kind smile.

"Lucy, you scared me." Susan relaxed as her sister and friend approached.

"Sorry but you should really come inside now Susan. You'll catch your death in this weather and with only your nightclothes on too. What would mother say?" 'Mother' being the nickname they often used for Edmund, who would always be ready to protect them. 'Father' was Peter's nickname, he always made sure they were behaving and often managed to chase off Susan's potential admirers. Lucy fussed as she draped a thick woollen shawl over her sister's shoulders, and Susan readily was led inside realising any protests would fall on deaf ears.

A/N As always please review.