The Raven

Chapter 7

Epona trotted along at a steady pace, as her rider contemplated his conversation with Zelda.


"Link, what have you done?" Zelda demanded her face flushing, "I told you to protect her!"

"Do you have any idea who might have done this?" he asked.

"It's him…Your shadow."

"Don't worry Zelda. I'll track them down. I'll get her back." He turned and walked out the door.

"I hope so Link…" she whispered.

(End flashback)

Riven winced with pain as he placed the saddle on the back of his horse. Maya was sitting on the ground staring at the dying flames of their small fire. "You haven't run away…" his words played through her mind like a broken record. Why was that? The man repulsed her but still she found herself sitting here, waiting for him. He turned to her, "You ready to go?" he asked his voice cold.

She lowered her head, "No."

He sighed in agitation and sat on the ground, "Don't expect me to wait all day." He snapped.

She wanted to say something. But the words caught in her throat. "Uhh…umm…" she sputtered.

"If you're going to say something…just say it."

"You were just like him."

"Oh not this again. Look, I am nothing like Link."

"I wasn't talking about Link. I was talking about…Ganondorf. …he would…kill without batting an eye. As if people's lives didn't matter. That's the way you were at the river…I know my people kill. But it was never like that."

"That's the way I was taught. Mercy and pity are simply weaknesses. If you let them in, you've given your opponent an opportunity to strike you down."

She shook her head, "No…this isn't you. That man at the river. That's not who you are." She said.

Riven looked up at her, "How do you know that?"

"Because…I know you." she replied, "You're kind and funny and insightful. That man back there…I didn't know who that was. But it wasn't the Riven I know. Why can't you be that person? Why do you have to be so angry?"

He smiled slightly, "She always asked me that…"

"She who?"

"This Gerudo I knew. She took care of me after my father killed my mother."

"Your father killed your mother?"

Riven nodded, "Yeah. He stabbed her in the back during The Great War before the King of Hyrule united the country."

"Was that when you and Link got separated?"

"Yeah. He went to live in the Kokiri Forest and I went to live in the Gerudo Valley. My father was there. He helped train me. He was actually one of Ganondorf's men. On the day he gave me my sword, I swore I would never be like him. I think he knew I resented him for killing my mother. Once I asked him if he loved her, even just a little and he said, he married her simply because it was convenient. 'A perfect cover' he called it. Who would suspect a man with a family? When he knew all along, he was plotting to help betray the king." Riven shook his head, "He was nothing but a liar."

Maya slid closer to him, "You aren't like him."

"Are you sure? He was pretty merciless too."

She nodded. They were silent for awhile. "…You know back at the river." He began, "Believe it or not I actually hesitated before I attacked those bandits. But when I saw that guy with his hands on you I just…all I wanted to do was protect you."

"Thank you." she whispered looking up at him.

He smiled in return. "You have a nice smile." She said.

He felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment. "No really you do." She said, "Your eyes light up and your entire face glows…" her voice trailed off, "…It's amazing, enchanting." She reached up and touched his cheek gently.

He looked down at her again as she continued speaking, her voice lowering to a whisper, "I feel so right with you."

Her soft silver eyes seemingly compelled him to move closer so he did, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her toward him. He leaned in, his lips barely touching hers. "…I love you." she said, her voice barely above a whisper before their lips met completely.