Important Author's Note! Please read it entirely!

Hi there, everyone. You were probably hoping to see the next chapter of Kingdom Wolves finally. But I'm afraid that is not gonna happen. I already announced this a couple months ago on my profile, but this is for those who haven't read it: Kingdom Wolves is officially CANCELED.

I'm sorry to disappoint you all who have waiting years to read chapter 34, but I'm sad to say that I have lost full interest in this story quite some time ago. It was never meant to end like this, but other projects and real life kept getting in the way. And when I actually did try to go back to writing chapter 34, I'd like look back at my old chapters and see just how silly they were, and how much I lacked of literature back then. Now, I'm happy that you guys were able to overlook all that, but now…I just can't. That huge spark that got me to write this has burned out long ago. I'm sorry.

However, in spite of all this, this does not mean that you'll never see the ending of Kingdom Wolves. A fellow writer name Owldusk asked if he could take over and finish the story, which I happily let him. I've sent him notes of how I wanted to end the story, and I think he'll do well with them. So, if you want to see the ending of Kingdom Wolves, check out his profile. Owldusk. He'll have the entire story (with some changes) on his profile and the last three remaining chapters. Please show him the support and respect you have given me throughout the years. I commend him for taking over the project; otherwise there'll probably never be a conclusion to Kingdom Wolves.

That's all I have to say for now. I would like to thank all those have read, reviewed, faved, watched, and supported me all these years. From the moment I got my first positive review, I actually felt that I could fly around the world of how happy I was. Thank you all—and thank you, Owldusk. I know you'll do your best for Kingdom Wolves, and that's all I ask.

Fan Boy 101