Disclaimer: I do not own gravitation or any of its characters, but I did in this dream of mine where we ate pocky and strawberries and Yuki kissed me and…ok I'll leave it at that! I make no money on these stories!

Summary: The eleven year old orphan Shuichi is taken in by his father's best friend Uesugi-san. Eiri the middle child turns out to be the best friend Shuichi ever had, but after a fateful trip to New York everything changes. Now nineteen, can Shuichi ever get Eiri to care for him again? AU YukiShu

Warning I'll be jumping into past and present. I'll denote the changed by the '----'. This might not always happen, but you'll know the change.

Chapter 1: The Golden Eyed Boy.

The eleven year old boy watched the coffins being lowered into the ground, willing himself not to cry. His parents and sister were gone, he'd never felt pain so unbearable in his life. They started shoveling dirt into the graves; the boy tightened his hands, forcing himself to watch the spectacle emotionlessly. Everyone slowly started to leave, when a hand grasped his shoulder. He found himself looking into a bald man's face…he recognized Uesugi-san.

"Shuichi-kun, you're coming to live with us. Your parents would have wanted that." the man smiled kindly at him. The pink haired boy nodded and peeked behind the man to see two boys and girl staring at him. Uesugi-san had been a frequent visitor to his house, his father's best friend. Though he had never met the rest of his family.

Uesugi-san walked him up to the children and started to introduce them. He pointed to the beautiful girl with brown hair and gray eyes. "This my eldest daughter Mika." Then he pointed to an even more beautiful boy, with golden hair and the same golden eyes. "This is my son Eiri." then he pointed to the small boy. "This is my youngest son Tatsuha." Shuichi shook hands with all of them.

Then Uesugi-san ushered them to the car and they all piled in. the long trip to Kyoto was a relatively silent. Tatsuha had fallen asleep with his shoulder on Shuichi's and Eiri kept looking at the boy sympathetically. Mika sat up front next to her father. Shuichi realized the family would be very different from what his had been like. When his family traveled the noise level in the car reached the top decibels and they had to be told to shut up.

Unconsciously Shuichi started to hum his favorite Nittle Grasper tune softly. The humming turned into really soft singing. Eiri glanced at the sad little boy; his voice was so beautiful

They pulled up near a beautiful house and everyone piled out. Eiri offered to show Shuichi his room. Shuichi nodded and picked up the small case he was carrying and followed the older boy. He saw the room was nice and plain. A light yellow quilt was on the bed. The curtains were light yellow too. A small desk was against one wall and a huge cupboard was against the other.

He smiled as he set his suitcase down…it looked forced. Suddenly two arms encircled him. "It's ok to cry Shuichi-kun. I cried when my mother died. I promise I won't tell anyone if you do…" those simple words opened the floodgates in Shuichi's heart. Tears came pouring out, wetting the older boy's shirt. He sobbed, his pain almost blinding him. Eiri walked them over to the bed, still holding the boy. He rubbed the younger boy's back soothingly, murmuring comforting things into this ear.

When the boy had stopped he smiled. "Ja, Shuichi-kun, if you want to take a nap go ahead. I'll wake you up for dinner." Seeing the younger boy still clung to him he smiled once more reassuringly. "if you need me or you're feeling worse, I'll be in my room, which is opposite yours. Okay?"

The pink haired boy nodded and slipped under the covers, watching Eiri's form disappear into the room opposite. He sighed. This wont be too bad.

"Hey Tatsuha-kun! I'm coming back…no I didn't flunk my exams! Hiro and I got an offer from Seguchi-san. Yes, we're starting up a band and I'll continue studying at the Tokyo university." Shuichi grinned as he talked to Tatsuha. He'd missed his adoptive family. He'd gotten a scholarship to study in London when he was fourteen…Uesugi-san had encouraged him to go ahead and take it. So he'd set off to London with Hiro. This reminded him. "Tatsuha-kun how's Eiri?"

There was a silence on the other end. "I guess he's ok. Still drinking and womanizing." Shuichi bit his lip, the last time he'd seen Eiri had been bad. The boy had returned from New York five years back a crying wreck. He hadn't come out of his room for weeks. Shuichi used to hear him scream in his sleep because his room used to be opposite Eiri's. Then suddenly a month later the boy had come out…but had turned into a silent, cold person who didn't let anyone get close to him.

It had hurt so much Eiri shutting him, Shuichi out like that. They had been very close. Then Eiri had his seventeenth birthday and had moved out, he'd gotten an apartment in Tokyo, continued school from there and then Shuichi'd heard that he had started attending university. He didn't answer any of Shuichi's letters though the younger man still wrote to him regularly.

Shuichi said goodbye and put the phone down. Tokyo…he was going to see Eiri again. This time he'd have the time to win the man's friendship back! What the hell happened in New York for him to push me away?

Eiri had been as good as his word waking Shuichi up for dinner. He'd talked to Shuichi kindly all the while about music and books, trying to keep the conversation going at the usually silent table. Mika was absent for dinner because she had gone off to spend the evening with her boyfriend Tohma and would be back late.

The thirteen year old boy had even got Tatsuha talking to Shuichi and they'd all trooped up to see Tatsuha's beloved Nittle Grasper posters. Shuichi was feeling a lot better. Eiri promised to take him to buy some posters for his room the next day.

Eiri kept all his promises. Soon the week turned into months and Shuichi found the pain was beginning to fade away. Every time he had a nightmare Eiri would be next to him in a flash comforting him. Shuichi followed him around like a puppy, though the older boy didn't seem to mind. Shuichi realized Eiri didn't exactly have too many friends. So sweet little Shuichi would bring all his friends home to make friends with Eiri. Eiri had liked that so much he'd given Shuichi a hug. We'll be best friends always, I promise Shuichi-kun…

The plane landed. Shuichi stepped out of the arrivals gate to find Tatsuha and Mika waiting for him. He'd never really been close to Mika, but they still liked each other a lot.

"Ta-kun, where's Eiri?" Shuichi asked after hugging them both. Tatsuha shook his head.

"He couldn't come Shuichi-kun. His deadline is close and this is going to be one of his best novels or so he said. Don't worry I could always drop you off at his house and then take you to Kyoto. I'll go to Mika's place and wait for you…" Tatsuha smiled at his kind of older brother.

Shuichi nodded his face lighting up. "Hiro will be coming tomorrow; he had a few things to finish up. You know you've grown a lot Ta-kun. I cant believe you're sixteen, still have the Nittle Grasper obsession huh?" they talked amicably all the way and then Tatsuha left Shuichi at Eiri's apartment, telling him the door number before driving off.

Shuichi took a deep breath wondering what Eiri would be like now. He walked up to the flat and rang. The door opened and Shuichi caught his breath looking at this beautiful golden eyed man. "Eiri…"

A/N: ok so should I continue? I know it's a cliff hanger, but it's just a thought. Tell me if you like…
