Summary: shounen ai Edward returns from Germany, to his friends and family, and Roy surprises him. Edward needs automail repairs, and they need to tell Winry something, and hope for her blessings. But Winry has a crush on Edward, and Roy and Edward are together, not only this, but poor Alphonse has a crush on Winry! Oh the hummanity of love polygons! Pairings: Roy/Ed (obviously), Eventual Al/Winry, and hints of Fury/Havoc

AM: hello, here's another story, This is both EdXRoy, and AlXWinry in later chapters... It doesn't seem like either at first, and the beginning is a little rocky, and I'm hoping that it will start going smoother after I get Ed and Roy together again... (I know you don't understand now, don't worry about it) Anyway, I don't know a whole hell of a lot about the movie, all I know is that Edward somehow gets to the other side of the gate, and is in Germany. I don't know if this is a fact or not, but I'm making it so time travel faster in the real world than in Amestris... (you know, that's fun to spell) This is after Edward's return to Amestris... Yeah... I hope it's not too awful... Oh right, and in the first few paragraphs, when I say Alphonse, I'm referring to Alphonse Heidrich whom Edward stays with while in Germany (He bears a striking resemblance to Alphonse Elric, if I do say so myself)
TK: Well no freaking duh he looks like Al!
AM: Aww who asked you?
TK: Nobody, that's why I'm talking
AM: So if I told you to talk, you wouldn't?
TK: No, I'd still talk!
AM: Whatever!

Disclaimer: It's FAN fiction people, FAN fiction, as in written by FANS, so obviously, I don't own it...

WARNING: If it's FMA and written by me, it's obviously going to be EdXRoy, there will also be some mentions to FuryXHavoc, so it's shounen ai... yeah... THERE ARE ALSO SPOILERS! (but only a few, since I don't know much about the end of the series...

AM: So then, enjoy!

Chapter I: Home

Edward blinked his eyes, where the hell was he? All he remembered was that transmutation circle, then the Gate. The Gate, that was the last thing he remembered, he tried to call back his memories, but to no avail. He sat up with a great amount of effort, every muscle in his body screamed. He bit back a groan and surveyed his surroundings. He was lying on a bed in a small room. The room wasn't very decorated, plain white walls, and matching carpet, there wasn't much else to the room, and he figured the house wasn't very flashy, maybe he had fainted? The smell of food being cooked wafted into the room as the door was opened, and a woman looked in. "Edward!" she cried out, as she practically flew to him, and crushed him in a hug. His body was screaming in pain as it was, and the extra pressure wasn't helping, what in Heaven or Hell had he done to cause himself to be so sore? And who was this woman? She looked so familiar, but his memories were so sketchy, almost as if he were waking up from a dream he barely remembered. "When Alphonse told me you'd disappeared, I was so worried!" She cried into the golden haired man's shoulder.

Alphonse? Why would Alphonse tell a woman he didn't know about him disappearing, he had only been out for a walk. That's right! He had informed Alphonse that he was going for a walk to clear his head. It had been so full of thoughts and memories of Amestris lately, that he was feeling far more depressed than usual. While on his walk, he had come across a strange transmutation circle, and out of curiosity, tried to activate it. Needless to say it worked, and he ended up at the Gate, he didn't want to recall what had happened there, though. Those memories, however, didn't explain why this strange woman was hugging him, or how the hell Alphonse had known this woman. "Uh... Who are you? And where am I?" he ventured, hopefully this woman would answer his questions.

"Edward?" She asked, sounding slightly hurt as she pulled away to look him in the eyes.

Edward's own golden optics widened in surprise as he stared back into the woman's pink ones (are they pink or red?) She had tanned skin, and brown hair, and her bangs were unnaturally pink. She looked exactly like her, but there was no way! She was back in Amestris, on the other side of the... Gate! "R-Rose?" he asked, his voice hoarse, and quiet.

Rose looked at him funny, "Who do you think?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips in mock irritation.

Edward shrugged in response, who knows who he thought she was? But he certainly wasn't expecting Rose. If rose was here, then that means he had to be back in Amestris, right? "Where am I?" he asked her, looking up almost pitifully.

Rose smiled and replied with one word, "Home." She was about to say something else, when she realized something, "I have to call Alphonse!" she cried rushing out of the room. Edward believed she meant his brother, but he couldn't ask with Rose gone. Edward looked at the door Rose had left from, and his eyes rested on the figure of a little boy, who looked to be about two. With dark skin and hair, and pink eyes, he was the spitting image of Rose! Edward smiled at the boy, who gasped, and ran away from the room. Edward chuckled, and decided it would be good to talk to Alphonse, he should probably ask. He stood up from the bed and left the room to find Rose, sitting in the kitchen with the phone to her ear.

Edward realized that he hadn't spoken to his brother for five years! Of course, how could you contact someone in another world?

Rose looked up and smiled at Ed, as the little boy hid behind Rose's skirt. "Jake," she said quietly to the little boy, "Edward isn't going to hurt you." she then looked back at a shocked Edward.

"That's your son?" Edward asked in disbelief. Rose only nodded in reply, then turned her attention back to the phone. How was that possible? Jake was a baby when he had last seen him. He should be five now, but this kid was no older than two! Unless... Time traveled differently on the other side of the Gate. He knew he had been on the other side of the Gate for five years, he was 22 years old! But if Rose's child was only two, then in Amestris, he had only been gone for two years, meaning Alphonse was only 18, and Roy had to be in his thirties.

"I swear, Rose, if this is a joke, I'll..." Edward looked up to see Rose holding the phone away from her ear, closing her eyes.

When the screaming died down, she placed the phone back up to her ear, and answered calmly "No, Alphonse, he's standing right next to me." she then realized something, and added accusingly, "And why on Earth would I joke about something like that?" Alphonse said something in reply, and Rose handed Edward the phone.

"Nii-san!" Alphonse cried into the phone.

"Yeah, it's me, Al." Edward replied, smiling.

"Nii-san!" Al cried again, apparently, that's all he could manage to say, after all he hadn't seen his brother in two years. Edward was about to reply, when Al asked him, "How are you? You didn't get hurt, did you?"

"No, Al, I'm fine" he reassured his brother, then looked down at his right arm, "Well, my automail isn't, but..." Five years on the other side of the Gate, and five years without an automail tune-up. He examined it more closely. Jeez! How did it still move? It was coated in rust, and looked as if it would fall apart at any moment.

"Well, come back to Central, and we'll go to see Winry!" His younger brother exclaimed cheerfully, "I'm sure she'll be thrilled to see you!"

"I'm sure she will." Edward confirmed, then remembered, "By the way, how's Roy?"

Alphonse was silent, the Colonel had been promoted to General while Edward was away, an amazing feat for two years, but then again, Roy Mustang was an amazing person. However, he never fully recovered from the loss of Edward. The two had been lovers before Edward's disappearance, after all.

"Never mind, I figured as much" Edward replied. He had a feeling Roy would be something like that, he wasn't much better though, he had spent five years away from them all, "I'll be up there soon" he said, as he hung up the phone.

Rose smiled and pointed to the door, "Go!" she ordered, smiling slightly, "But don't you dare forget to visit me!" She warned. Edward was about to protest, but Rose insisted, "Your brother will want to see you." she said, smiling.

Edward nodded, and hugged her, "Thanks." he said before leaving.

James looked up at his mother, as she smiled at the door. She then picked up the child and headed toward the kitchen.

Edward groaned as his head fell back against the uncomfortable seat of the train. Train rides were such a pain! He sighed and looked out the window at the passing scenery, he didn't miss train rides at all, they always made him... fidgety... He knew this one would seem like the longest ride ever though, simply because he wanted to get there so bad.
Alphonse was at a complete loss, should he call General Mustang, and inform the man of his older brother's return, or wait for his brother to tell the man himself? After a great deal of thought, he decided on the latter. He had always been a hopeless romantic (hey, so am I), and he decided it would be more meaningful to both the lovers if the younger one appeared out of nowhere. He smiled at his own thought, then giggled, and he absolutely couldn't wait to see his older brother again!
AM: There we go, chapter 1 is done, I'll have chapter 2 up tomorrow, because it's already written, and I'm in the process of writing chapter 3, so, until next time!

