I stepped up to the edge and looked down. It was a long way to the bottom. But that was fine with me. I didn't intend to be living that long. There is no sense in staying here. No one knows the truth about me. And I doubt anyone even cares. Its not like it should concern them, anyway.

They think I am so strong. I can do anything I want and get away with it. But I can't… I'm always waiting for someone to sweep me off my feet and save me. I am always waiting, but never seeking. I'm just a lie… I'm always feeling so used. Like an experiment that screwed up and failed it's duties to become a someone. Like an imperfect clone that doesn't feel emotion on the outside, but thrives on it on the inside.

I couldn't stop thinking of all the things I regretted as I looked down. The brilliant, white waves crashing upon the little island. It was a beautiful day, one too perfect for what was about to happen. I took in a deep breath. One little jump, I thought, and that will be it. All my pain will be gone.

As much as I wanted to, I couldn't see myself plunging to my depressing fate in only a moment. It seemed like it was only yesterday that I was happy. How did I get like this? How did the shadows end up in my heart?



"Don't worry about it, Raven." Beast Boy said, seeing my puzzeled expression. "I couldn't let you die at the hands of that dude…" Beast boy looked up. For the first time I had ever seen, he was truly happy. Not the usual slaphappy Beast Boy, but someone mature that was satisfied with themselves for… Rescuing me…

I tried hard not to smile. For the first time in my emotionless life, I was happy. I felt wanted, needed, more then just a worthless hero saving the city on her own will.


What had I done… "Nothing. I never do anything!" I breathed in and out heavily as if I had just had a heart attack. My mind was swirling. So many things in my head. I wanted to get rid of this misery. It was now… Or never.

I pushed off determinedly from the ground, and in just a quick second, I was experiencing what it felt like… What it felt like to be… saved. Even now, so close to death, feeling the painful, cold whips of air against my face, I felt renewed. I wished it didn't have to end like this.

I heard a faint sound, like the closing of a door. And then, the one word I had wanted to hear all my life… "Raven…"

I turned my head as a gust of air came my way. I wanted to fall faster, I didn't want to be rescued from my ever present fate. I closed my eyes, a tear dropping from my face. "I don't want to be saved…"

"Well, I do… I need you to be saved." My heart was beating fast. I opened my eyes and felt myself being held in someone's arms. They were warm and inviting.

There was a short pause, as I was being slwoly pulled to the ground. I soon felt the ground beneath my feet and looked up at my rescuer. "Beast Boy…" It was him, but there were green wings on his back. I looked at him sadly.

"New trick…" Beast Boy chuckeled. I felt myself smile, and laugh quietly.

"Thank you…"

"Yes! It is awfully sad! But I hope you enjoyed it! Jennifer