
As he rolled over and reached out for something to defend himself, his hand found her soft form and made him aware that it had all been a dream and this time, she was the reality. Jacen lay back down slowly so as not to disturb her and shifted, very carefully, to drink in the vision lying next to him.

He had never seen her hair in such a tangle of soft coppers. Even on their missions she always tamed it with her warrior braids. This soft and wild look was a treat and something stirred in him. It was, in fact, quite tantalizing and he found the urge to take her in his arms and wake her nearly irresistible. Tenel Ka being Tenel Ka, however, this might have proven fatal. He chuckled quietly at the thought. Realistically speaking, they were both more used to sleeping alone.

He allowed himself to absorb this new view of her as he considered their conversation yesterday and came to a few conclusions that, for the most part, had been on the edge of his awareness for years now.

He still loved her. Yes, this was true. He was too selfish to sit out the rest of his life in the Hapan court as her Consort. Almost true… he had a unique destiny and, while it wasn't upon him yet, he must prepare. His problem was trying to explain that to his family and Tenel Ka because he wasn't sure, exactly, what his destiny was. He was living by faith until it made itself known.

She still loved him. Okay, so she had made that incredibly clear last night. He couldn't deny it, but at the same time she was no longer willing to throw away the sway she held over her people for her happiness alone. Their cultures kept them apart, probably always would, and she acknowledged that now. Sighing, he also realized that their love for each other, combined with Tenel Ka's love for her people, doomed her to a miserable life. She was the most loyal person that Jacen knew and it would kill her every time she was required to lie with her consort to try and conceive an heir.

Abruptly it hit him like a speeder between the eyes. Useful. She had said most useful. He sat up on his elbows.

"Tenel Ka," he said. Very calmly. Much calmer than he, in fact, felt. He had thought yesterday was mostly playful banter. "Tenel Ka."

Looking down he saw her sharp gray eyes staring back at him with an unreadable expression.

"You are pregnant, aren't you?"

"Friend Jacen, why do you ask questions to which you already know the answers?"