I disclaim all the characters that I've used from ffx and ffx-2. This pairing is something I haven't actually seen and I really wanted to so I wrote my own:P. I just want to clarify that in this story Wakka and Lulu are just friends, they are not married and do not have Vidina. Scarlet and crimson

Chapter I

The silver haired sphere hunter stood alone on the deck of the airship. The wind was blowing from the north this day, as cold as ever, like the icy winds over Mt Gagazet. In fact the wind was probably from Mt Gagazet as they were flying from there right now. You see the high summoner Yuna, her cousin the spunky AlBhed, Rikku, and she, who stood alone, Paine, had just hunted a sphere from there. It was a black mage dresssphere and would serve them well. Just recently Buddy had received sphere waves from Besaid Island and that was where they were headed now.

The gothic girl stood out from the red paintwork of the Celsius, then again she stood out from almost everything and everyone, she was yet to find anybody similar to herself. Her fellow Gullwings were all happy go lucky people even Yuna who had suffered loss over the years. Paine was the oddball from them all. From the way she dressed, to the way she acted. Her gothic clad frame and witty yet cold personality was what defined her.

Inhaling the air she felt the coldness soothe her lungs. She liked the cold, it cleared her mind, still she relished warmth and was anticipating their arrival on the tropical island they were to visit.

Yuna had so much history there; after all it was her home. Her friends were there. Paine knew she considered them family, as Yuna never stopped talking about them ever since she joined the group. Her ex-guardians Wakka and Lulu lived there; to Yuna they were her brother and sister. Paine knew all about them, from Yuna and Rikku. She knew all their traits as if she had known them for years, still even if they were right under her nose she would not recognise them.

She wondered if they would accept her, she wondered what they were like in the flesh, but really none of this wondering bothered her. She didn't care whether they liked her or not, it was just how Paine was. Although Paine knew it would be tough on Yuna to return there since she just up and left without a word. But if Lulu and Wakka were as nice as they were made out to be then they would soon get over it.

Paine gazed out into the clouds. The white cotton balls were weightless in the sky. It was always a childhood dream of hers to fly upon an airship, well ever since she saw Cid's ship when Yuna defeated Sin. Reminiscing about such times in the past, her horrid past with crimson squad her train of thoughts were shaken as Brother shouted over the speaker in AlBhed. His words translated as:

"Gullwings report to your stations!"

Rolling her eyes at Brother's commands the sphere hunter made her way to the automatic door that was the only exit from the deck, unless you were to jump. From there she rode the lift down to the bridge where Yuna, Rikku, Brother, Buddy and Shinra were all waiting. Buddy still sat in his navigational chair, and Shinra was still at his computer analysing spheres.

"We're nearly at Besaid, is everyone ready?" Brother asked.

"Yes I am. Yay! We're going back to Besaid!" Rikku jumped in the air. Paine rolled her eyes at her childish antics. Brother looked toward her and she just nodded her head to say she was ready. Brother then looked toward Yuna, she turned her head to the floor.

"I'm ready, I just hope they're not angry".

A few minutes later the three females of the group were teleported down to the small island. They landed upon a tropical beach, golden sand, turquoise sea, swaying palms, the noise of the waves lapping against the ruins and of course the heat. Yes Besaid itself was nothing without its heat, it wouldn't be Besaid if it weren't hot. Paine wasn't used to this kind of heat. She had never been to Besaid before, but she knew of its temperature, just she didn't think it was this hot!

The sandy pathway to the village was not too long, but the view was stunning. Looking from on top of the cliffs you could see the small village of Besaid to the north and to the west endless beaches spread on around the island. There were waterfalls and endless green jungles to the other side of the path. A few ruins lay further on, from machina cities thousands of years ago. There was dark green grass growing every here and there, but Besaid seemed to hot to grow too much of the stuff.

After a few minutes they reached the small village of Besaid. Yuna was in the lead of the trio, Rikku bounding on excitedly behind her. Paine just kept her distance, knowing Yuna would probably want her own space. Yuna paused at the entrance of the village.

"I guess this is how a runaway feels after finally returning home", she mumbled.

"Yeah I bet, the way you took off like that, without a word!" Rikku added.

The trio travelled on a little further, Paine still at the back of the small group when a man's voice called to them.


A red haired man stood in the middle of the opening. He scratched the back of his head and merrily looked at Yuna. He wore an Aurochs uniform, bright yellow with a bracer and sandals. Paine gathered he was Wakka.

"Hi Wakka", Yuna said waving to him.

Rikku ran toward the man and started elbowing him in the stomach.

"You haven't changed a bit tubby!" she teased.

Yuna slowly walked next to Wakka, Paine followed standing a little away.

"Cut it out, ya!"

Yuna laughed at his outburst.

"You really haven't changed".

"Yeah but you have. I hear you're a sphere hunter now", he said looking her up and down. Yuna had changed a lot since the pilgrimage, in looks and attitude.

"Yes, I'm really enjoying myself!"

"That's good, ya. I heard the rumours. To tell you the truth, I wasn't too worried. Who's your friend?" he questioned looking toward Paine.

"Oh this is Paine, we hunt for spheres together". Paine nodded in acknowledgement.

Another strong silent one just like Lu, maybe they'd get along. Thought Wakka.

"Anyways go say hi to Lu, she's been worried bout you. Get goin!"

With that Wakka walked off. Yuna led the way to a small hut on the right hand side of the village; Rikku followed her into what was obviously Lulu's home. Paine however was a bit reluctant for she didn't know the woman. She wasn't going to go in until Rikku waved at her to enter.

The three girls stood in the hut. It was small but ornate. The smell of incense wafted through the air, rose with a hint of lavender. A small bed was in the corner of the room and a small couch was in front of them, a woman sat upon it.

Black braided hair cascaded down her bare pale shoulders. Purple and red necklaces adorned her neck and hung around her chest. The dress she wore was quite different. Black leather with a fur and lace trimmed bodice, the front of the skirt made entirely from belts. Quite peculiar yes it was, however she looked stunning in it. Or at least Paine thought she did. Her eyes widened at the gothic beauty before her.

So this is Lulu. She's beautiful. She thought.

"Hello Lulu".

"Yuna, I see you've changed", her voice had a tinge of surprise in it.


"Care to take a walk? I could use the exercise".

Yuna nodded and soon enough the four women were at the top of the cliff, just outside of Besaid village. Yuna and Lulu stood the furthest up, talking. Rikku ever hyperactive was bouncing around. Paine, she stood away from the group as usual, she didn't want to intrude on Yuna's reunion. Instead she just gazed at Lulu from afar.

No the wonder Rikku admired her. Now I can understand why, and why they never shut up about her. She's so stunning. She seems so above everything. She's like everything I strive to be. Still I know she wouldn't give me any attention. I'm just a newbie, one of Yuna's friends.

Paine sighed as she sat on a rock. Yuna had just showed Lulu the sphere of Tidus, a guy Yuna loved, another one of Yuna's guardians that she hadn't met. Yuna started to walk back down the cliff, Rikku following and eventually Lulu too, although she trailed behind. Paine could have sworn that Lulu smiled at her as she waked past, but who was she kidding? After letting the mage past the warrior followed them to the village.

"Why not stay the night?" Lulu asked Yuna, as she retreated to her hut. The sphere hunters were obviously staying here.