The Yaoi and Slash Fanfiction Academy

Chapter II

Eleanor stared at the ceiling of her room, unable to sleep. She was in room thirteen, on the third floor. 'Just what I need- a bad omen.' She was rather new to the world of writing yaoi and slash fanfiction, mostly preferring to read. However, a few months earlier, she had decided to have a go, thinking herself experienced enough to try.

She hadn't done too badly, according to her marks sheet, and was, along with most of the students at the academy, classified as a 'possible talent'. Not that this said much; the introduction booklet told her that most of the students couldn't take it after the second year, and had to be sent back to their own dimension, before they could go into their third year, and graduate from the academy.

She was hoping that she would be one of the lucky ones, who stayed on to graduate; now that she had had a taste of what it was like to write these genres, she desperately wanted to continue.

She rolled over yet again, feeling even more nervous than before. Finally, she sighed, and resigned herself to a sleepless night.

/Next morning/

Eleanor blinked wearily at her timetable, still not awake after several cups of very sugary tea, drunk at breakfast, at which neither Miss Cerberus nor Miss Yuki was at, thankfully.

Apparently, she had 'Evidence-Finding 101' first, with…Miss Lily Potter? Eleanor blinked in confusion.

Miss Yuki's words came back to her; 'You may even recognize some of your teachers.'

Well, be as that may, she hadn't expected Lily Potter to be teaching! A prominent female character, featured in one of the most famous novels in the world- 'Okay, Ellie, calm down now, calm down.'

With a start, she realized that she had been sat in surprise for five minutes, and people were beginning to stare at her. With a quick, rather sheepish wave and smile to them, she grabbed her bag, and hurried to her class.

/Time break to 'Evidence-Finding 101'/

Eleanor fairly flung herself into her seat, and not a moment too soon- she had just gotten herself straightened, pencil case out and bag under the desk, when a tinkling bell was heard, signifying the beginning of class, and a striking young woman walked in.

Her hair was a shade generally known as 'auburn', as curled into loosed ringlets around her heart-shaped face. Her eyes were a piercing green, and somehow catlike.

This was Lily Potter.

There was an immediate rustling of chairs, as students belatedly remembered to stand up in the presence of a teacher.

The aforementioned teacher just smiled, and motioned with her hand for them to sit back down, and they did so with relief, as she moved to stand in front of the class.

"Good morning, class. My name is, as you probably know, Lily Potter. Not Lily Evans- that would be my younger self, who can sometimes be seen around here, helping. I am here to teach you Evidence-Finding 101, as you should also know. Please, open your notebooks at a clean page, and find a -working- writing utensil."

There was a ripple of movement throughout the classroom, as people obeyed.

"Now, we're starting at the basics…" There was a loud groan from most of the class. A look from Ms. Potter, and there was immediately silence again. Everyone was reminded of the age-old probably-not-a-myth 'Redheads have tempers'.

"Good. Now, as I said, we're starting at the basics…" This time, no-one objected.

/POV switch to Miss Cerberus/

There was a small 'whumf' noise, as a rather battered suitcase was thrown onto a bed, and a small girl threw herself down next to it. She'd known she'd regret not cleaning out that old closet one day, and that day had just come. She sneezed loudly, cursing her dust allergy.

But, she had it! The item she would need to get rid of some of the less promising first years. Really, there were far too many, she thought. She'd had to do some serious bending of the time/space continuum to get them all in, and she couldn't do it forever. No, some of them would have to go.

And she had just the way to do it, with the thing in that old battered suitcase. She gave her trademark evil cackle, and petted the case lovingly. Oh, this would be fun…

/Time break, POV shift back to Eleanor/

Eleanor hurried out of the classroom quite happily, satisfied with what she had learnt. They had taken examples from DNAngel, a manga series with plenty of innuendo, and been encouraged to compare them with actual BL series. Quite enjoyable, and many people were heard vowing to read DNAngel.

Suddenly, a magically-amplified voice echoed throughout the corridors.

'Will all students please go the main hall. There will be an unscheduled assembly.' Miss Cerberus' voice rang out, instilling fear into students and various small creatures.

Eleanor blinked, and changed her direction to head to the main hall. What was going on, she wondered? And would she like the answer?

End Chapter

A/N. Um. Ah. Yes. Well. Eheheh…I suppose there's really no excuse for leaving it for about half a year, is there? So, so sorry; I'll try to update at least marginally more often…Slinks off