The chosen

Chapter 17


A period of time passes and every thing returns to normal, the experience having ending up nothing more than a memory, an experience to grow and become stronger, for some even a cool story to tell. Always something to be gain from a past event, because as much as the past hurts us it is there for a reason, to teach us a lesson, to make us think to grow and understand the world better, this is why no matter how much an experience hurts, or how uncomfortable a memory is you cherish it and you remember it and you move on.

She had a hard time accepting this and and even longer time coming to grips with every thing, coming to understand to move on and to finally be here, to finally be accept with he had accepted so long ago, now on earth she flies the polluted skies of a city she hold no love for, a city that takes to much and give so little in return, a city so is always on the brink of destruction only to be pulled back by a silent knight.

The Gotham city night is always the same, bone chillingly cold and the air has a horrible stench, she always wondered why he did it, sure they all knew the story, the all knew the stories now, she reminds herself as she flies low enough to be spotted by him. The batman, Gotham is immortal knight, always standing guard, Glancing at the Wayne building in front of her she smiles when she sees the figure standing on top of the big old W, flying towards it she stops and floats a couple of feet from the figure a smile on her lips.

"No cape?"

The figure smiles back and shake his head, it been a long time since he used capes, even longer since he had his lower half exposed.

"Gave it my own twist, you like?"

"She giggles as she places a hand over her mouth, she does not want to hurt his feelings.

"I know the voice needs work, dick and Bruce tell me all the time"

"Batman glares at her and her eyes widen, her giggling all but stops, the voice might need work but the glare is spot on, she wonders how long it took him practicing it to get it just right.

"Speaking of….is Richard available?"

Terry smiles and she can't help but noticed how much of an un batman gesture that is, specially when he is not supposed to have a visible mouth, the new costume she summarizes is quite odd.

"Yeah he is inside, I was just heading out, night patrol and all"

"She nods and he flies off into the night sky, another thing that surprised her, batman now flies, stepping into the entrance that will lead inside the building she hesitates on the steps and steels her resolve. Enough time has been wasted, enough regret and pain. Composing herself she heads down the dark stairs and enters his office, The man behind the big expensive desk looks much older than she remembers, His lone eye stares back at her.


"His voice is rough, she can see the faint outline of the scar that took his eye vanish on top of graying hair, she walks closer and pulls her hood down, revealing gray hairs of her own, she smiles at him and takes a deep breath.

"The children send their regards...T-they will be here tomorrow, I just..."

She sees his eye light up and a coy smile tugs at the corner of his lips, he is playful, her heart does a little jump inside her stupid chest and she reminds herself how much this man affects her.

"They spoke with me too you know"

His eye shift away from her and despite her openly gawking at him he does not return his gaze to her, she is as beautiful as he remembers, his palms are sweaty and he feel his stomach do a flip, angrily he reminds himself that he is no longer a teenager.

"We are idiots aren't we..."

A statement to alleviate the tension and he is reminded of their bond, every thing is there, right there if only they would grasp it. Her voice as soft as ever pull back his gaze and now they stare at one another, soft smiles on their lips.

"That we are...Raven I honestly..."

Words fail him, she reaches for his hands, he does not pull away, she places hers on top of his and smiles at him.

"I think we don't need words Richard…"

He thinks they do, he thinks there is so much that should be discussed but then her hands tightness on his. He looks up at her and she smiles a gentle welcoming smile.

"We got all the time to talk...if you would...that is…."

He pulls his hand away and she feels doubt creeping on her, but suddenly he is beside her, gently turning her towards him, now facing one another her doubts are washed away, his eyes stares at her, an open inviting stare that speaks more than any words can.

"I should be asking that, not you"

He all but whispers at her and she allows herself to feel, to remember. He had always loved her, that was what Terry had told her all those years ago.

"Of course"

He had never stopped, just like her. She gently leans towards him and his arms wrap around her, just as hers wrap around him.

"I love you"

"She whispers.


"Oh snap, and ending, lol I found it while looking trough old CD aint that wild !

Welp there it is. The end.

0_0 short and sweet. 0w0