Gotham city the worst of the worst place was infested with crime and corruption, the police force was a joke. No one respected them, yet there was silence when night fall came. There was no crime and those who dared commit one, would face his wrath and paid with their sanity. They spoke of him as the terror in the night, no longer was the champion of justice. No, he had become more, he had become the terror of criminals and the fear of evil doers. Times had changed and so had he.

He was the dark knight, he fought a lone battle on those whom broke the law and he made them pay. Gotham was a cesspool of crime and corruption, but he was the one who kept it safe. No criminal ventured out at night, no drugs were dealt, no rapes were committed, because they knew that his eyes were upon them. They feared and spoke of him with terror in their voices. He liked that. It helped spread the word that he was not like the rest. He was no superman, wonder woman or Green Lantern, he was different.

He was the Batman and the night was his domain. He reined his kingdom with an iron fist. Those who didn't obey the rules would be punished, those who abide by them would live in peace. He was a myth and a legend, a horror story that criminals knew too well. From mouth to mouth his name was spoken and the message got clearer and clearer once the criminals began to talk.

Now on high of Wayne Tower, the sentinel of the night observed his city with a sense of pride. No one dare come here to cause trouble, no hero nor villain. Only those foolish enough would dare defy him on his domain. Those who did, paid the price.

There is a break in at 21 and Lexington.

"On my way."

There is an appointment at Wayne Towers at 8, do keep that in mind.

"Something wrong with my last performance?"

Grant is bidding for the company. I will not have him take it from you.

"I'm flattered."

Don't be. It's either you or Terry.


He ends transmission and jumps downwards towards the streets below. His new suit will break his fall and will glide him softly toward his car. The display of him gliding downwards and then banishing in the alley ways will leave a lasting impression on those on the streets below. There will be no crime committed in this side of the city. His batmobile's stealth cloak is activated and soon he is in the air rushing towards the other side of the city.



"You forgot to tell me who was doing the break in."

Some jokers you can handle them.

"Jokers? This should be fun."

Be careful Dick, their weapons are no joke.

"Yes dad."

The tone is sarcastic and Bruce smirks. Richard will never change. He likes that about the man. Slowly he turns off the computer and walks towards his office. At Wayne Manor there are things that need tending to and he for one will be prepared for tomorrow's meeting and he will, as always have to prepare Richard's things for the meeting.

Bruce Wayne now was in charge of his company, with Richard patrolling the city. He was now submerged in his business and was trying to find a way to stop this take over that was being planed behind his back. He was no fool, he knew what was happening and was slowly destroying their little plan. Fortunate for him he was the world's greatest detective.

One hit and the first punk was sent trough a wall, his gaze pierced them and none of them move. Of course they would not engage him head first, he knew as much. They would wait for their leader or the strongest one of them to take him on. He saw the leader, his mask lenses scanning him.

"So the bat wants to play. Fine let's play!"

Cyborg. He hated cyborgs. They were so cocky and over confident, razor hands such a cliche it was beginning to be boring and as the teen rushed towards him, he wondered if he was ever this cocky. A smirk played on his lips. Jumping upwards, the kid slashed at him clumsily and without discipline, one slash to the right another to the left. He raised one leg and kicked him in the chest sending the punk to the ground.

"Hey Laffy, you okay man?"

"Yeah, the old guy still got it."

He stood up bummed, rushed at him raising both his hands to slash at him. He dodged and punched him a right hook to the face, a left to the stomach and one side kick to the skull of the punk and he was out way to easy. Looking at the others he knew their plan to run or attack. If they were cocky they were going to try and fight him, if they were smart they were going to run.

"Ok guys lets do this!"

He smirked. They were not smart. Big guns and stupid gag bombs with acid and gas all molded after the Batman's nemesis. They were creative, but oh if the joker could see them now, he would be disappointed to no end. Not one had an original device on them. They fired and punched, threw and blasted. All they hit was air and the once that did hit were repelled by his cloak. Switching from defensive to offensive he rushed towards them. The surprise was all he needed. Jumping into the air he let lose a barrage of small black bats.

The jokers ran. They knew what they were and as explosions lit up the night sky a figure watched from the shadows a small smile on its lips. Batman, the dark knight was in full swing right now. He dodged a katana slash and counter with a left hook to the upper jaw of the criminal, then threw a round kick to the nearest joker punk, sending him to the ground. Knocked out ten minutes later, they were all done and the bat stood in the middle. As always he had won.

From his belt he pulled a weapon and fired it up into the air. A loud bang and then he was gone and he was once again on top of the buildings, high above the city, where he felt most comfortable. He could see the police lights below they as they picked the jokers up and wondered if Barbara was going to keep them locked up for good this time.


He turned around at the mention of his name and at the sound of the voice. He knew the voice. Only one person in the world spoke his name in such a way that it seemed tender and forceful at the same time. He knew the voice, recognized it the minute he had heard it. He didn't like it. Turning around he faced the shadow and frowned.


The name had effect and the shadow came to life, two glowing white eyes emerged from the darkness and a petite woman emerged from within its cold depths. His frown deepened turning into a glare. For 10 years he had not seen her, yet now she was here in his city. He didn't like it.

"I need your help."

He turns away from her and she frowns. This is not how she wanted to come back into his life but she needed his help and time was running out. Closing her eyes, she takes a deep breath. She has no time for petty arguments and grudges. Stepping towards him her hands grab his cloak and she forces him to turn around and face her.

"Damn it, I don't have time for this, Richard."

"Nor do I, Azarath's politics do not involve me princes."

She pulls something from her cloak and he frowns. The all too familiar symbol stares back at him and he wonders for a second if this is a set up, because there is no way that the man is alive, there is now way that he can be in Azarath. He had taken care of Slade a long time ago.

"You recognize it, don't you?"

"It can't be real. I took care of Slade a long time ago!"

"I don't care about why he is back, or why he is in Azarath. I need your help, Richard."

"Whoever it is, it's not my problem. I have my own city to look after."

"Damn it, he took my kids!"

More to come...