Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be
Dedication: To being ill, and having too much free time
Fruit And Precision
Really, I don't see what's so provocative about strawberries. I mean, it's not as if the shape is anything special. Tastes rather sour as well. Unless you pile about two tonnes of sugar on the stupid things. I rather have a passion for melons.
No, I don't mean like that. I mean Honeydew melons. They're sweet and all slippery and they have little seeds that you can't taste but are there.
Moony cuts melons into little tiny squares. He takes exactly three minutes and thirty-nine seconds to do this. Infinite precision. Seriously, he measures. Well, actually he doesn't, but he almost could. They're all about an inch wide. It's amazing. He has such a keen eye.
When Moony eats melons, he eats them with a spoon. He puts them in a neat little pile and lifts his neat little spoon to his neat little mouth and eats piece by piece.
Each inch wide piece goes down his long throat after being chewed for exactly three seconds. The look on his face as the fruity sugar hits his tongue is one of pure happiness. His eyes close and he almost moans.
It takes me exactly twenty seconds to breathe again.
Anyone willing to do a beta job on this?