Just a double drabble about some characters I like.

(This is a work of fan fiction, inspired by the works of JRR Tolkien; his characters, settings, places, and languages used in this tale are not mine. I receive nothing but my own pleasure (and I hope that of my readers) for this work. The work is my intellectual property, is available only for the private enjoyment of its readers, and may not be copied or redistributed by any means without the explicit written consent of the author.)

The Prettiest of Dol Amroth

"She's very beautiful," Éomer sighed deeply.

"She is indeed. The prettiest of Dol Amroth.Very good bloodline," Faramir answered.

Strange answer, Éomer thought. But, true. Aside from the King himself, few in Gondor could boast of a better one, dating back to the first Prince of Dol Amroth, Imrazôr the Númenórean, and if legends are true, like the King, has Elven blood as well. I can believe it. She sits, despite the saddle, with Elven grace. It is hard to guess the age of those in whom the Númenórean strain runs so true.

"How old is she?" Éomer asked mildly, trying not to reveal his rising level of interest.

"I'm not sure. Nearly fully grown I would think."

Éomer turned and studied Faramir, whose profile revealed nothing. Odd that he doesn't know. I had heard the sons of the Steward were nearly as close as siblings to their cousins in Dol Amroth.

"She's elegant and proud, but not insensitive. Intelligent and strong too. Although not as heavily built as one bred in Rohan, I have no doubt she could take on any but the stoutest of warriors," Faramir continued, glancing at Éomer, whose face had shadowed with a dark, truly puzzled frown. Suddenly, Faramir, usually so solemn, threw his head back and burst forth with a deep hearty laugh.

Hearing his laughter, Lothíriel turned her elegant and spirited mount with effortless skill and waving rode toward the wall where Faramir and Éomer sat.

Éomer, ever good-natured, smiled, as much at himself as at Faramir, "I was speaking of your cousin and you thought I meant the mare?"