Title: Dark Serenity – The Dark Sailor Soldier, Sailor Negamoon
Author: Queen Serenity
Fandom: Sailor Moon:
Chapter: Two – Dinner With a Prince
Later, as planned, Serena ate with Prince Diamond. Every dish was mouthwatering… completely and utterly mouthwatering.
The poor prince was stunned into silence for the first few minutes as he watched food disappearing at an unbelievable rate into the girl's mouth.
Serena, feeling his eyes on her, looked up to see Diamond staring, jaw dropped in a very uncharacteristic way. Blushing, she put down her silverware and wiped at her mouth with a napkin. Way to impress a guy, Serena, she thought, feeling really embarrassed. She was surprised, however, when the prince cracked a smile at her. A real smile.
"No need to be embarrassed, Serena… It's just that I've never seen food enjoyed with such… enthusiasm." He let out a laugh.
As they ate, Prince Diamond and Serena talked… they talked of many things.
The two primary subjects were Serena's life… Diamond actually seemed to be genuinely interested in her. He wanted to hear about her growing up, becoming Sailor Moon, and all sorts of stuff like that. The other subject was one that Serena was interested in… She wanted to know what the primary objective of the Dark Moon family was… wanted to make sure that it wasn't destroying the world, or anything like that.
All in all, it was a very pleasant dinner, even with Serena practically eating the dishes and tablecloth, too.
Afterwards, the prince escorted Serena back to her chambers… and, blushing lightly, she thanked him for a nice dinner and laid a kiss upon his cheek before closing her bedroom door behind her.
If she had bothered to look back, she would have seen a rather surprised Prince Diamond, blushing slightly as he touched the spot where her lips had touched.
QS: Yes, I know this is a short chapter, sorry. Also, would anyone like to do some fanart for this fic? It would be really cool if someone could do something of Serena in this dress in this chapter, or maybe her with Diamond or something, ya know?