A/N: Hey! My name's Leanna. Welcome to my luuurvely fic. A few things:
Disclaimer: Queen Rowling owns the world (or at least the characters in this story). I wish I owned Sirius and Remus. JK can keep Peter, though.
Warning: The main pairing of this story is Sirius/Remus, which means, dun dun duuuuuuun, this story is full of slashy goodness. For the less intelligence oriented of you out there – that means boy on boy luuuuuurve. Flames are welcome, so long as they are inventive and grammatically correct.
Rating: M – There is one love scene in this chapter, which I really wanted to avoid, but it's just not realistic that two seventeen year old boys would stop at kissing. It's not very detailed and should be pretty easy to skim over if desired. In fact, I've included nice bold warning markers if that is your intent.
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Chapter One: Roommates
"Are you sure this is okay?" Remus asked, setting down the box he was carrying and looking around the empty flat to where Sirius stood behind the bar in the small kitchen.
"Of course it is!" Sirius declared, grabbing a bottle of firewhiskey and two glasses from a nearby open box and setting them on the counter. "Ol' Grangerford is leasing it to us for practically nothing! It's a steal."
He was referring to the owner of the apothecary below them who had decided to close up shop for the summer and finally take that vacation he'd been meaning to take for the past ten years. Remus had to admit they'd gotten and excellent deal and the location was perfect: right on the edge of diagon alley in London. But that hadn't exactly been what he'd meant.
"I mean, are you sure it's okay that I'm staying here?" He clarified, as Sirius poured them each a drink. "I feel weird – not being able to pitch in rent or anything."
Remus had been spending his summers with his grandfather for the six years that he had known Sirius, but his grandfather had passed away just before the end of term. Sirius had spent his last summer with the family of another of their close friends, James Potter, but he maintained that he had been planning to get his own place this summer regardless. Still, Remus felt uneasy. His friends had done so much for him already.
"Enough of that." Sirius said, dismissing Remus' concerns with a wave of his hand. "Let's have a drink."
"We still have more boxes sitting on the curb downstairs." Remus pointed out, making his way over to join Sirius nonetheless.
"Are you afraid its going to get stolen?" Sirius asked with a laugh, handing Remus a drink and downing his own. "No offense mate, but no one would want that crap besides you."
"Half those boxes are yours." Remus reminded him indignantly, gulping down his own firewhiskey with a grimace.
"You know what? You're right." Sirius agreed with a smirk. He set down his empty glass and headed for the door, presumably to haul more boxes. Remus couldn't help but smile at the retreating form of his friend. As much as he didn't want to be a burden on anyone, he couldn't imagine anywhere else he'd rather spend his summer. After all, this was the last summer before they would all graduate from Hogwarts. And for Remus, that was a depressing and somewhat scary thought.
Two hours later, all the boxes had been brought up, the bottle of firewhiskey was empty, and Remus and Sirius were sprawled out on opposite ends of the lone sagging couch.
"Well, this is kind of depressing." Sirius said, his words slightly slurred.
"I sure know how to bring down a room, eh?" Remus agreed, his speech punctuated with small hiccups.
"Not you." Sirius clarified, gesturing wildly around the flat. "This!"
Remus tried to follow Sirius' arm movements, but the motion made him dizzy.
"It's just not unpacked yet." He told Sirius, reasonably.
"No." Sirius said, shaking his head for emphasis. "I mean, us. Living here. I thought it would be liberating, but it's kind of depressing."
Remus snorted.
"You miss your mum already?" He asked, eyebrows slightly raised.
The distinct sound of someone gagging came from Sirius' end of the couch.
"Miss that old hag?" Sirius sputtered. After a few moments he calmed down enough to add, "The Potters were nice though. I kind of liked pretending I had a normal family for once."
Remus voiced his agreement with a small nod and a hiccup.
He turned to Sirius suddenly, as if something brilliant had just occurred to him.
"We're kind of like a family, though!" He said, with a lot more fervor than the statement really required. "We're the marauders! We're a pack! We're pack brothers! Aroooo!"
Sirius laughed and pushed Remus playfully with a finger to his lips to motion for him to be quiet.
"You want our new neighbors to know there's a wolf boy living next door?" He asked.
"Sorry." Remus murmured, hanging his head like a scolded two year old.
"You're right though." Sirius added, his countenance brightening considerably. "We are pack brothers. And we don't need family! We're going to have an awesome summer! Look at this place! It's a swinging bachelor pad!"
Remus greeted Sirius' declaration with a chorus of 'Yeah!'s and 'Who need's um?'s, but he eyed the sparsely decorated flat dubiously.
"I'm bored." Sirius announced after they had lapsed into silence for a few minutes. "Where did all the firewhiskey go?"
"You drank it." Remus returned sleepily. Sirius looked over to see his friend slumped against the arm of the couch, his eyes closed, and his breathing rapidly becoming more and more even.
Sirius stood up and stretched. He went to a nearby box and pulled out an old blanket, draping it over the form of his now slumbering friend. Remus' tawny hair had fallen into his eyes, and Sirius pushed it back with a tender hand, before heading to one of the bedrooms and collapsing on the bare mattress within.
The next day, Sirius woke with a monster of a headache. He felt as though someone was repeatedly hitting his head with a brick, though he couldn't imagine what he had done to this person for them to be abusing him so. He opened his eyes blearily and groaned, instantly wishing he hadn't.
Sunlight streamed into the room from the window which still lacked curtains or shades of any kind. Sirius groaned again and rolled off the mattress, stumbling into the kitchen. Remus was already up, unpacking. He seemed shocked to see Sirius awake.
"I didn't expect to see you up this early." He commented, casually moving to conceal something that he had been holding. "It's only 7:30, Sirius."
"Sun." Sirius groaned, by way of explanation.
"Sorry, mate." Remus said sympathetically as Sirius rooted around the boxes to find he bottle of hangover potion he knew he had somewhere.
He finally located the vial and downed the entire contents in one disgusting gulp.
"What's that?" He asked, now that he was a bit more coherent, gesturing at something that Remus had been attempting to return to one of the boxes without being noticed.
Remus blushed slightly, as if being caught red handed. He held out his hand to show a set of sturdy looking chains and handcuffs. Sirius smirked.
"Kinky, Remy." He commented.
Remus rolled his eyes, throwing the chains back into the box.
"They're for tonight." He told Sirius. Realizing he hadn't made things look any better, he clarified, "For the moon."
Sirius' smirk instantly became a frown.
"You're going to chain yourself up?" He asked, unnecessarily.
"We're living in a highly populated area now. We can't take any chances." Remus replied slowly. He sighed. "Look, I already checked the flat when we moved in. The exposed pipes in the bathroom will be strong enough to hold me. It'll be just like all my other transformations when I'm not at Hogwarts. And you can just go out tonight. I'll be fine by myself."
"Cut the crap." Sirius said. "You know I'm staying here with you."
"Seriously," Remus pleaded, almost desperately, "I'll be fine on my own. You don't need to be here."
"No fucking way." Sirius said, not believing the words he heard coming out of his friend's mouth. "I'm not going to run off and get smashed at some bar while you're chained up in the bathroom tearing your guts out!"
Remus shook his head sadly.
"What do you think I did all those years before I met you – all those summers when I was away from you?" He asked softly.
Sirius' eyes widened in shock at this revelation. What did he think, that Remus frolicked about on the loose when he was at home? He couldn't believe he had been so naïve.
"I had no idea." He muttered, not sure of what else to say.
Remus shook his head as if to dismiss the concerns of his friend.
"It's okay." He said.
"No!" Sirius burst out suddenly. "It's not okay! It's never okay. All this time I thought we were making it better for you –"
"You were!" Remus cut in.
"But no," Sirius continued as if he hadn't heard him, "all those summers you would just go back, go back to it, to being chained up like an animal."
Remus hung his head. He couldn't argue with that fact.
"I'm not going out tonight." Sirius said firmly. "I'm going to stay with you here."
"What're you going to do?" Remus asked bitterly. "A werewolf and a grown dog could hardly fit in that tiny bathroom. You'd practically have to lie on top of me!"
"Look," he said, his voice changing to a softer tone, "I want you to go out. Have fun. I'm used to it by now. I'll be okay."
He gave Sirius a look that firmly said 'this discussion is over'. Sirius saw the look in Remus' eyes and knew that there was no winning, so he finally agreed.
"Alright." He said slowly. "If that's what you really want."
When the sunset came Remus set a silencing charm over the outer walls of the flat and then methodically prepared the chains in the small bathroom, securely fastening them to the pipes and then around his own chest and hands. Sirius watched from the doorway, wishing there was something, anything, that he could do for his friend. With a sharp glance from Remus, he finally gave a nod and said goodbye, heading out the door.
Instead of going directly to the nearest pub, however, he sat outside the door, lighting up a cigarette and merely waiting. As soon as the moon rose in the sky he was back inside the flat listening to Remus' anguished cries emanating from the bathroom. When the cries became howls, Sirius transformed into a great black dog and bounded through the door into the bathroom, throwing himself onto the raging wolf inside, so that its sharp claws dug into the dog's hide instead of into its own flesh. The werewolf and the animagus thrashed around in the small space for most of the night leaving them both in tatters by the morning, though the dog more decidedly so.
When Remus woke, he was met with a searing pain. As usual after his transformations, his whole body felt on fire. He could feel numerous new cuts and bruises spread throughout his body. Yet somehow the pain wasn't as bad as usual. He felt warm somehow, comforted. He took a moment to get his senses together and came to the realization that he wasn't alone. He could feel the chains still wrapped around his arms, the cool metal almost a relief against his burning skin. But there was something else as well. Strong arms were wrapped around his waist, holding him in a warm embrace that made him want to curl up and go back to sleep, ignoring the pain.
Instead, he gingerly opened his eyes and tried to get his bearings. He was still lying on the floor in the bathroom, but he was definitely not alone. He lay wrapped up in Sirius' arms. As he shifted to look at the other still sleeping boy, he saw that Sirius looked almost as bad as he, though he lacked Remus' multitude of past scars. Remus blushed furiously when he realized that their clothes had both been ripped to shreds at some point during the night. He tried unsuccessfully for a few moments to extricate himself from Sirius' grasp, but then gave up, realizing that there was no place for him to go as he was still chained to the pipes.
After a few moments, Sirius began to stir, still not loosening his hold on Remus. He opened his eyes and looked up at the smaller boy, who had attempted to prop himself up against the wall. He let go of his friend immediately, pulling himself up off the floor and into a crouched position against the sink.
Remus was staring down into his palms, avoiding Sirius' gaze. Sirius saw the remains of his robes lying in a heap in the corner and all at once realized that neither of them were clothed.
"I told you to go out." Remus muttered softly, still not looking up at him. "I didn't want you here."
Even though Sirius had let go of Remus as soon as he had awoke, they were still crowded into the tiny bathroom, with barely a hairs breadth between them. Not caring about their current state of indecency, Sirius reached out and laid a reassuring hand on his friend's shoulder.
"I had to stay." Sirius told him, simply. "It's like you said last night. We're family."
Remus shrugged off Sirius' hand, but he did finally look at him.
"I'm glad you did." He admitted, almost inaudibly.
Sirius gave a smile, but his heart wasn't in it. He had only really given a half-truth. He real reason he had come back was because it was Remus. His Remus. He couldn't bear to think of him suffering alone, chained up like a beast. Now, sitting with him like this, so similar to so many dreams he had had, he never felt so alone.
He slowly stood, helping Remus to his feet as well, noticing every place their skin met, even if only for a moment. He gabbed the small brass key from the box behind the sink and reached around Remus to unlock the heavy chains. With Sirius' arms wrapped around Remus to unfasten the locks, their faces were only inches apart. All at once it was too much for Sirius to take.
Before he could stop himself, his lips were on Remus'. He felt Remus tense with shock, pushing back into the wall. Sirius broke the kiss abruptly, not believing what he had just done.
Remus simply stared at him for several moments, his eyes wide. Sirius desperately tried to think of something to stay.
"I… I'm sorry, Moony." He stammered, a pleading look in his eyes. "I sh.. I shouldn't have done that. I just, I just thought you… I mean…"
Suddenly, Sirius found his lips silenced by the touch of Remus' own. For a moment he couldn't comprehend what was happening, until he felt Remus' tongue easing across his bottom lip, urging his mouth open. Sirius complied and the kiss deepened, his heart singing out at the thought that Remus, his Remus, was actually kissing him back! Remus pulled free of the chains that Sirius had unfastened, and ran his hands through Sirius' hair, pulling their bodies closer.
"You don't know how long I've wanted to do this." Sirius murmured, when they came up for air.
A/N: And now it gets a bit dirty… if you'd like to avert your gaze
"I know." Remus returned huskily, sending shivers through Sirius' entire body. To his immense satisfaction he could feel Remus' erection against his thigh, silently begging him to take things one step farther.
He broke away from Remus' grasp and grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the bathroom and towards the couch. He pushed Remus onto the sagging cushions and lower himself on top of the boy, kissing him passionately. He could feel Remus' hips bucking up against his own erection, pleading for release. Sirius broke the kiss to look directly into Remus eyes. Those beautiful grey eyes that usually made him think of the sky after a storm were now slowly driving him crazy with lust.
"Are you sure about this?" He whispered, knowing they couldn't take it back.
Remus had been his secret desire for so many years now that it was hard for him to believe that this was actually happening. He didn't realize he was holding his breath for Remus' response.
Remus reached up and traced the edge of Sirius' cheek.
"I'm sure." He told him, pulling Sirius back towards him.
After a few more moments of passionate kissing, Sirius felt as though he might explode. He was dizzy with the thought of his deepest fantasy being realized. He pulled back from Remus and turned the boy over gently. He slowly guided himself into Remus' opening, with one hand caressing Remus' own throbbing member. Remus let out a groan of pleasure as Sirius ran his fingers lightly down the shaft, simultaneously pumping into him. They came together in a spasm of ecstasy, the explosion of Sirius' orgasm sending Remus over the edge as well. They fell back onto the couch, breathing hard, still wrapped up in one another's arms.
/end dirtiness
Sirius reached up and pushed a damp lock of Remus' hair out of his eyes.
"I love you, Moony." He said softly, feeling no secret was too big anymore.
Remus' eyes were closed, his breath coming in short gasps as he lay against Sirius' shoulder. Sirius was beginning to think he had fallen back asleep when he heard a very faint, "Love you, too."
Sirius closed his eyes and smiled happily, not believing in a million years that this moment would have ever arrived. The last thought he had before he drifted back to sleep was, this is going to be the greatest summer ever.
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Well, there's chapter one! I hope you liked it. Remember: Reviewing is hawt. And may earn you sexual favors. Or at least warm gratitude.
Chapter Two… things start to get a bit more complicated. Introducing Spunky!Lily, Whipped!James, and Greasy!Snivellus, among others.