Ok this is a new story. Me and my cuzin Jess (who's supposed to be annonymous but whatev's) are writing it. She actually wrote this first chapter so i have to give her the credit or else she'll hurt me..lol..j/k. any way on withit.

Disclaimer: I do not own n-e thing of S.O.N. (sadly).Everything belongs to The-N and the creators of the show.

Spencer's P.O.V.

What's Up. My name is Spencer Carlin and I think my life pretty much sucks since my parents decided to move me and my brothers to L.A. Let's start from the beginning shall we? A couple of years ago I came out to my parents and of course they flipped, well my mom freaked, but my dad was pretty cool with it, I always knew he was the cooler parent. Anyways Mom felt that it was the "influences" at school so she was like "Let's move, how about L.A.?" Well she did get a new job, so did we really have any choice? Guess not cause that's how I ended up here.

Chapter 1

It's the first day of school for Spencer and her brothers Glen and Clay. Her mom pulls in front to drop them off. Right away Glen and Clay get out of the car and say goodbye to their mom and run off to get their class schedules.

Mrs.Carlin: Honey, are you sure you don't want me to walk you in?

Spencer: Mom I'm sixteen years old, I don't need you to walk me in like I'm five and to be honest even back then it was embarrassing.

Mrs. Carlin: Oh but honey you were so cute and the little red dress you wore with your pigtails and…….

Spencer: Mom please stop, I'm going to be late. I have an appointment with the principle.

Mrs. Carlin: Wow I never thought I would here those words come out of your mouth.

Spencer: Well you know me Mom I love to make a great first impression.

Mrs. Carlin: Stop being sarcastic. I'll be here to pick you up after school hopefully I can take some hours off.

Spencer: Yeah sure mom whatever you say I'll see you later.

Spencer slowly walked through the entrance to the high school. She knew that people knew she was the new kid, but then again she always felt different from everyone else. She eventually found the Principle's Office and walked right on in.

Spencer: Hi, I'm here to see the principle.

Secretary: Yes of course, you must be Spencer Carlin?

Spencer: Yeah, I am.

Secretary: Wonderful, Principle Carter is expecting you in his office. His door is to the right down the hall.

Spencer: Thanks.

Spencer walked slowly down the hall and entered the principle's office. She immediately saw a man sitting in a chair with his back turned to her.

Spencer: Hi, umm… excuse me?

Quickly the chair spun around to reveal Principle Carter.

Principle Carter: Oh…. Hello you must be Spencer, Spencer Carlin, yes?

Spencer: Yeah

Principle Carter: I've been expecting you. So how has the transition been? You know, moving from a small town in Ohio to a big city like L.A.?

Spencer: Well it's different, but I really haven't been able to see the city yet.

Principle Carter: Oh, what a shame. Anyways umm….. I've been looking over your file and I can see that it's a very colorful one.

Spencer: Yeah well, you know I can explain….

Principle Carter: No need, you are in a new city, a new school and believe me you are starting with a clean slate.

Spencer: Thank you

Principle Carter: Please, there is no need. Why don't I give you your schedule? It's here somewhere I just need to find it, hold on.

Then Spencer heard this girl's voice behind her at the entrance of the principle's office.

Girl: Don't worry Sir; I have a copy of it.

Principle Carter: Oh, for a minute there I thought I had lost it. Spencer, please meet Ashley.

Spencer turned around and saw the most beautiful girl she had ever seen in here life. She was in complete shock.

Ashley: Hi I'm Ashley, Ashley Davies.

Spencer: Umm…….. Wow.

R and R thanx!

-Sam and Jess