Chapter 25: The Aftermath
In the Great Hall Neville still held the lifeless body in his arms while Voldemort's followers went about quelling the last areas of resistance, there weren't many left after the Dark Wizards had turned their wands onto the children nearby to them. Lowering the charm that she had conjured Molly looked around for Vernon who had taken off towards the main table at one point during the battle, there she saw his body slumped over the chair that had been revealing the escape of several people. Fearing the worst she began to move towards him when with a groan he lifted himself off the chair, and shaking his head he stumbled back to the Weasleys with the rest of the wizards that the Death Eaters were herding back into the centre of the hall.
'Are you okay?' she asked as he slumped down heavily beside them.
'I dove on the chair before they noticed,' he replied rubbing his ribs where the chair had been pushing into him, 'I couldn't get anyone else out though.' Looking across the hall he saw Neville cradling Justin lifeless body, 'but I'll never be okay again,' he whispered silently.
'I don't think we're going to get out at all,' Ginny muttered looking pale and not tearing her stare away from Neville who was still cradling Justin's body despite several people having attempted to separate the two. She then turned away into a deep hug from her mother who was trying not to admit the same thing.
* * *
Wiping a grimy sleeve over his forehead Draco moved slowly through the underground passages where he had been stuck ever since the Death Eaters had invaded the Great Hall, arriving at the meeting of all the hall passages he had found only signs of a located magical discharge around a symbol on the floor. It meant his allies had been captured or had somehow escaped, he would have put equal money on both of them having occurred, but somehow he knew that Harry was still out there. Behind him were a few families who he'd managed to smuggle out before the onrushing Death Eater forces had caused him to shut the passage behind the shield.
'Do you know where we are?' asked Percy Bole over his shoulder, behind him were his younger brother and parents.
'Yeah, I know where we are, I just don't know where the others are.'
'And where are we then?'
'Below the Great Hall, I saw it on Harry's map once, the big one Dumbledore had on his wall is exactly the same, but it's like they've shifted.'
'So you don't know where we are?'
'I do know where we are, I just don't know where the right tunnel is – better or worse?' silence greeted Draco's snapped reply. 'All I know for now is that we don't want to end up back in Death Eater hands, and I don't fancy meeting any of our old housemates either.'
'You're right, I suppose it could be worse.'
'How could it be worse?'
'I don't know, the floor could collapse–' and then with a great moan of earth the passage they were in disintegrated underneath them. Coughing and spluttering Percy spat a clump out of his earth and turned to face Draco's wry face. 'Next time tell me to keep my big mouth shut.'
'Oh I don't know,' came a new voice out of the dark, 'I think you've turned up just in time, Lumos!' and there among a pile of newly fallen earth and rocks, bathed in a pale light, stood Albus Dumbledore.
* * *
In the kitchen Aunt Petunia remained with Harry while the others descended on another table in the large room, Sirius looked around at the group; Hermione, Ron and Dudley sat together on one end, beside them sat Fred and George with Viktor at their side. Surrounding him was Lupin, Snape and a dazed-looking Percy, 'Are you sure you're alright for this?' he whispered to him and got a nod in return. Shrugging his shoulders Sirius looked around the rest, vague faces he remembered seeing on the train, the house elves from the kitchen including Dobby, most looked around as if lost, they wouldn't fight, well he had to make them. Him. The Prisoner of Azkaban he thought wryly allowing a small smile to creep onto his face.
'Well?' Snape asked him questioningly, his dark eyes focusing on Sirius who just stared back, 'Black! What now?'
'Now we have two options, we fight for what's ours…or we give it all away.'
'Wait,' interjected one of the parents, 'you want us to go up against You Know Who with just a bunch of kids and teachers?'
'No,' Sirius replied, 'I want you to go up against Voldemort and your fear with just a bunch of kids and teachers, whom happen to include Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore.' His cool gaze held that of the parent until they looked away.
'But where is Dumbledore?', the question came from Hermione, 'and we can't send Harry to fight in his state, he's half dead Sirius. I don't want to destroy what hope you have, but at the minute we can fight, and we can die.'
'True words Ms. Granger,' Snape agreed, turning to face Sirius, 'we can fight and die, and if we don't die, then we can at least expect to watch those we hold dear to us die…and I don't want that to happen.'
'So what then?' Sirius snapped, 'you want us to stay here, sat on our arses until they find us?'
'If necessary – yes.' Snape replied evenly, 'you may have lived more than one lifetime already Padfoot,' he continued, looking deep into Sirius's eyes, 'don't make others do the same.'
* * *
'Would you consider coming out of the ceiling anytime soon?' Dumbledore asked, looking up to where most of the parents and children who had followed Draco were hiding. 'Look, Draco and Percy came down and they're alright…'
'We only came down because we fell down,' Percy muttered to Draco where they both stood leaning against the wall, slightly wary of Dumbledore's companions.
I'M NOT REALLY THAT SCARY AM I? Godric asked the two who just shrugged their shoulders, their experience of ghosts extended to the Bloody Baron and ended there, and he had never really spoken to them…just glared.
Really, you'd think they would pay the founders of the school a bit more respect
Rowena commented, her silvery form levitating in tandom with Helga.Well, we are dead
she argued back, They have a right to be a bit…worried'I think you mean scared,' a disembodied voice shouted from the stretch of the tunnel that hadn't collapsed.
'Look, will you lot just come down?' Draco shouted up, 'It's not as if they're hurting us is it?' he said, in reference not only to Percy and himself, but the few others who had fallen on top of them.
'Well spoken Mr. Malfoy,' Dumbledore said with a sparkle in his eye, 'now if you would all please come down, we could get out of here and find the others.'
'Others?' Draco asked.
'Surely you don't think only you got out?' the old wizard asked, but it was done so that Draco didn't know whether or not he was serious. 'What we need to do is get to the kitchens, if anyone got out, they'll be there – or I won't be getting any socks for Christmas.'
* * *
'I am losing my patience with you,' Voldemort whispered over the silent hall, 'now…separate the Muggles…all of them,' the silent command was issued to the Death Eaters that had once again surrounded everybody inside the hall. Holding their wands out the Dark Wizards walked among the families, easily picking out the Muggles by their clothing, 'and the Mudbloods,' Voldemort hissed when he saw a few families had been left aside.
The hall was quickly divided, leaving only a few families near to Voldemort, while those Muggle or Muggle-descended were driven to the outside, still nursing his ribs Vernon looked to where the Weasleys sat in the centre, he wasn't sure who was in more trouble, them or him. The cold light in Voldemort's eyes suggested that anyone could be a target for his wrath, and so far this was true. In his chest Vernon felt a deep chill when the Dark Wizard rose and began to walk among the 'pure' families, stopping beside the Weasleys.
'Arthur Weasley,' he whispered as he stood over them, 'I have heard lots about you from Lucius, been busy at the Ministry have you? Looking after the Muggles and warning everyone else about me…and look where you are now. Only your wife and darling daughter left –'
He was cut off when Arthur rose in anger as Voldemort stepped towards Ginny, his fear had been overridden by a need to protect his family, but without a wand he never even threw a punch. Voldemort shot an electric blue field from his wand that sent Arthur flying into the crowd on the outside. 'Join your precious Muggles fool,' he spat, 'you would be of more use to them then to any purpose in our world.' A jerk of his head sent two Death Eaters forwards, and they dragged Molly and Ginny to the other circle as well, further reducing the number in the middle. 'Well, I think that's all the worthless Muggles accounted for…and now for those of pureblood who dared to oppose me.'
* * *
Aunt Petunia had joined the impromptu council of war leaving Harry to lie on the table, his head still burning but the dull throb having left, instead there was a feeling of unease…he could almost sense what Voldemort was doing without being in the hall. Lying there, he could not hear the scraping of the wall behind him over the sound of Sirius and Snape 'debating', he was sure if Remus didn't intervene soon Voldemort wouldn't have to worry about dealing with them.
'INVADERS!' a shrill voice shouted, cutting through the air, his head jerking up Harry saw Dobby and most of the other house elves running towards him with sparks of energy already crackling around their fingers. Turning round Harry's jaw dropped as the invading figures stepped from the darkness, behind him he heard the sudden and total silence that had spread throughout the kitchen, walking towards them with a reassuring smile and sparkling eyes was Albus Dumbledore.
'Excellent work Dobby,' he said, cutting into the silence with warmth, 'I see you managed to handle your new duties very effectively…are you okay?' he added the last part when Dobby grabbed a handy pan and whacked his head with it.
'We is thinking you are dead Professor Albus Dumbledore sir,' Dobby replied, still bouncing the pan off of his head, 'we is sorry for this.'
'Not at all,' the elderly wizard replied, using his wand to flick the pan away to a sink, 'on the contrary, I found being 'dead' quite helpful for a little while. News later,' he continued, his voice now serious but still with a reassuring tone, 'I have more people who need to be looked after…and also some new…acquaintances…to introduce.' As he spoke this Godric, Helga and Rowena sailed through the wall behind him while Draco, Percy and the other families edged in through the secret door Dumbledore had opened.
I NEVER KNEW ABOUT THAT ONE Godric remarked, waving back to the hinged wall.
That was one of mine, kept it a secret for getting food
Helga replied.Yes, perhaps we should stop this discussion now
Rowena interjected as all the house elves fainted away en masse.WE'RE HAVING THAT EFFECT ON PEOPLE TODAY Godric remarked, staring curiously at Dobby who was lying down with a fresh cooking pan covering his head.
'Are they…?' the timid question came from Hermione, who was the only person other than Dumbledore who appeared capable of speech, in reply the elderly wizard only nodded. 'I thought they were…'
Oh we are dear,
Helga answered, doesn't mean we don't get out though'Oh. That's nice.'
Some of us more than others
Rowena continued until Dumbledore cut in:'And that is what some of us have to discuss later…but for now, can someone help me wake up the elves?'
* * *
Deep in the forest Hagrid stirred when he felt a soft hand wipe across his brow, opening his eyes, he drew in a deep breath and felt a dull pain stir in his ribs.
'Rest easy Hagrid,' a soft voice whispered, and he turned to focus on Tenna, 'Ronan found you at the edge of the forest, he and Bane brought you here. You were badly hurt, but our healers have done their work, your body is renewing itself as we speak.'
'What's going on?' he asked, feeling the pain subside to a throb, looking around at the activity of the centaurs all around him.
'We are preparing,' another voice replied as Tenna's husband stepped forward, 'for what may be the end, alas not even we can know the outcome to this struggle.'
'But yeh can't,' Hagrid said, 'yeh don't know anythin' that's been happening, or even what's happened.'
'However I do know,' Firenze said, trotting up to Hagrid's side as the man rose, 'remember I conferred with Albus Dumbledore after meeting you and Harry Potter.' His sapphire eyes were alight as he spoke to Hagrid, 'he himself told me this might happen, and to lead the forest against the castle when it did…he would take care of the rest.'
'How?' Hagrid asked, 'I haven't seen Professor Dumbledore since the explosion, he could even be dead…'
'Yet the Potter boy is not,' Tenna replied, 'I may no longer see, but even I would sense his death in our world. If Albus Dumbledore is truly dead then our hope is diminished…but with Harry Potter alive it cannot fail.'
Chapter 26: The Resurrection of Hope
Deep beneath the school Albus had summoned together the few teachers and older students who had escaped, with Harry still suffering from the effects of his scar they were gathered around his table while he sat propped up between Ron and Hermione, still wrapped in a Hogwarts blanket, with Dudley on the end of their bench. Around Dumbledore sat the spirits of the three founders while at the sides of the table were Sirius, Remus, Severus, Viktor, a dazed Percy Weasley, the twins, Draco, Percy Bole and Dobby.
'We must accept that the castle has fallen,' Dumbledore began, glancing in particular at Sirius, 'and there is precious little we can do to change this situation at the present time, even with the aid of our three new friends.' At this point he gestured to the ghosts, but then Harry saw a familiar sparkle enter his eye, 'However, with their help I have been given the information we need to gain the advantage, I'll let them continue.'
Thank you Albus,
Rowena said, shifting her spectral glasses over her nose, this really needs to be told as a story, which I believe is your forte HelgaIt is indeed Rowena, and so I will teach you all something that history has forgotten
rising up, the ghost missed a smirk between Hermione and Viktor. The first thing to say is that you have undoubtedly missed the delightful presence of Salazar from our company. When we founded the school many years ago, it was he who started the discord that led to separate houses being formed, and yet when we all died his spirit remained as did our own…For hundreds of years we watched the school grow, under headteachers long forgotten to you all, up until Dippet and Dumbledore, but during their years as headmasters a change occurred. It came in the form of Tom Marvolo Riddle, whom a few of you will know is in fact the wizard you call Lord Voldemort. Now he researched heavily into the Dark Arts, more so than any student had before…and so he attracted Salazar's attention…
Professor Dumbledore will remember that Riddle never really showed any strong powers until his sixth year, and it was at that point the change occurred. It was all Salazar, he left the deep passages where we had lived by day and met the Riddle boy, began to teach him, eventually revealing that he was his heir. At the end of the sixth year, Salazar and the boy merged without our knowing, his soul and that of Riddle became intertwined, and so Lord Voldemort was born.
That is his secret, that is what preserved him after the curse meant for Harry killed him, it destroyed his body for certain, but the dark strength of both souls within him…that was a force that could not be dispelled by mere magic. And so he remained, an evil entity that still had enough power to corrupt and to return, and return he has, this time with a stronger body and still with a soul to powerful to be destroyed…
'Or at least that's what I thought at first,' Dumbledore commented, causing most people to jump sharply as his voice cut through the silence that had descended, 'and so it seemed all my hopes had gone…and then Godric had an idea.'
For once
Has your ego finished yet or would you like to retake the castle by yourself?
Which is where I come in being the chief researcher among us
You could just say the smartest, we both know it
Helga said with a glance at Rowena.Well if you insist, but moving on, we now know that we too can transfer our souls in a similar way, giving our powers to those who could destroy Voldemort, destroying both Salazar and Riddle in the process
AND SO WE ALL RESEARCHED, Godric continued, TRACING OUR BLOODLINES UNTIL WE FOUND THREE SUITABLE SOLUTIONS he finished this part with a smile that was both grim and happy in the knowledge it passed.
'Which brings us to now, when I met the founders and they passed on the knowledge to me,' Dumbledore continued the commentary easily, 'and now I know with this knowledge that we have a chance of defeating Voldemort – forever.'
* * *
In the Great Hall the Death Eaters were watching the Dark Lord take his time to strike the fear and terror from years earlier back into the hearts of the captives there. Slipping between families he delivered threats to the natural wizards and witches who had refused to join him while mocking the mixed blood descendants with cruel words. It was only when he had circled the entire hall that he returned to his seat and an oppressive silence settled upon the hall, red eyes flashing Voldemort regarded the people before him, an ugly look had settled on his face.
'I remember the fear of the old days,' he said suddenly causing several people to twitch as his gaze passed over them, 'the fact when my name shook many of you, when my mere appearance could frighten the life out of some wizards and witches, and countless Muggles.'
'That fear is not here, and that disappoints me, before I can rule again this has to be changed and I can see only one way…it is time for a demonstration of my power. Not anything as simple as taking this castle or ridding the hall of giants…no…a full demonstration of my power.' Rising suddenly he reached out with a clawed hand at Fudge who was lifted in an invisible grasp and thrown against the south wall, a sweep of his other arm sent the people crowded there away to the sides.
Continuing this he sent the captured Hogwarts staff there, and to the horror of the remaining families he snatched Arthur, Vernon, Neville and the remaining Prefects out from the crowds surrounding them protectively. With a cry of desperation Molly started forwards only to be restrained by two Death Eaters nearby as Voldemort lined up his chosen victims along the wall. Without any ceremony he walked forwards and raised his wand, the point aimed squarely between Fudge's eyes.
'NO!' the cry tore itself from Fudge's throat and rang out over Voldemort's incantation, a green light flashed throughout the hall in time with a resounding crack, and in the seconds afterwards when the glare left his eyes, Vernon Dursley saw the pale skinned and grey-eyed Minister fall to the ground.
* * *
'Harry!' Dumbledore shouted as he convulsed once then smashed forwards onto the table, he scar burning brightly on his forehead. Hearing his cry Aunt Petunia ran over from where she had been attending to a cut on Albert Bole's face, once more a sopping wet rag in her grasp, arriving at the same time Ron and Hermione lifted their friend up to see him shaking and red once more. 'Tell them now,' Dumbledore whispered as Harry was laid down and his forehead bathed again, turning back to the ghosts Dumbledore repeated his request, 'tell them all now.'
If you think it best then we will do so
'Now is the time, or things will go beyond our control.'
Very well, as Godric said we traced our bloodlines and found three whom we could bind our own souls to, three who are with us right now
You can probably guess of whom we speak,
Helga continued, in particular gazing at Sirius, whose eyes hadn't left Harry since the boy had collapsed.'Harry…Hermione…Ron,' he whispered, watching the three of them, the two supporting Harry as his aunt held the compress against his head. 'You want to send them up against Voldemort?'
'No,' Sirius said, his eyes now filled with worry, 'they've only just begun their real lives, you can't expect them to do this…surely there is another way?'
And yet an hour ago you were willing to sacrifice everyone here,
Rowena said, her sharp remark catching Sirius's attention, including Harry and his friends…surely you see this is a better way?'Of course I see it's better,' Sirius snapped, surprising everyone with his equally sharp tone, 'but it's just…'
Unfair…as our most of life's ways, you have suffered much Sirius, we all know this…but how many more would suffer again – do you want more children to grow up as Harry did? Never knowing their parents? Never having a real family until their precious childhood was gone?
Helga's argument settled a silence over the room as the people present split their attention between the three children and Sirius, a silence that was broken by Severus of all people. 'I think I can say we again face two decisions…sit and do nothing…or fight with what we have,' his face travelled over everyone in the room, including Dumbledore. Looking into his eyes he saw that Snape also felt the same as Sirius, that they could not ask this of three children, but as he said, their choice was split two ways.
'We fight.' The statement came from Harry who had once again struggled through a haze of pain to speak.
'Very well,' Dumbledore said, gesturing that everyone should step away, leaving the ghosts and the children, 'the time has come for past and present to join forces.'
Hermione, take my hand child
, Rowena stepped forwards first, her voice calm and serene as Hermione rose from the bench and took a trembling step towards her. As her hand passed through Rowena's she felt a chill, that did not pass but instead remained as their hands merged together, leaving a silver outline around Hermione's palm. My blood runs through your veins Hermione Granger, Rowena spoke, but only Hermione heard her voice inside her head, in you is the wisdom of all Ravenclaws, past and present, as well as the courage of one who is true in heartSlowly the two began to merge together, everyone held their breath and jumped when Helga's voice drifted through the air, Ron, take my hand as Hermione took Rowena's she said, gliding to his side as he left Harry alone on the bench, again as she spoke only he heard after their hands merged together. My spirit is one with yours Ron, you have the loyalty of a true friend that has born Harry and Hermione through trouble and will do so forever, as the loyalty of a Hufflepuff will last forever
Sitting alone, Harry saw Godric walk forward silently, looking into his face he saw that the man had a grace about him, despite his often ungainly phrasing and actions, he had been a man of great power in his time. Extending his hand, Harry met Godric's and felt the same lasting chill as Hermione and Ron had done, once again Godric's voice spoke within his mind only.
Simultaneously all of the ghosts joined with their descendants as the magic that bound their six souls together, a white light shone from the skin of the three children as the ghosts disappeared within them, each felt a burst of warmth flood their bodies where the chill had been. A calm silence had spread throughout the entire kitchen, everyone had turned to watch the event after listening to Sirius's outburst, the people and elves were all staring at the three, not with wide eyes of fear, but with the curiosity that surrounds a miracle.
A few seconds later the light faded from the room to leave Hermione, Ron and Harry standing alone, there was no sign of the ghosts at all. For a few seconds nothing happened as everyone just stood watching and waiting, finally Ron spoke, his voice sounding unnaturally loud in the silence. 'That…was…'
'Yeah,' Harry agreed, blinking his eyes a few times, 'I feel…refreshed…'
'You look refreshed,' Hermione commented, and she was right. Harry's scar still shone a vivid green but he was no longer sweating or as red as he had been, his body no longer trembled with the effort of just standing.
'Harry?' the question came from Sirius, 'is that still…you?'
'Yeah, at least it feels like me…but there's something else…' he replied, 'like there's someone else in here with me,' he added, tapping he side of his head. Walking up to his godfather Harry gave a reassuring smile, then found himself crowded by Dudley and Aunt Petunia as well. Similarly, Hermione found Viktor walking up to her and embracing her warmly while Ron's brothers came over to examine him, Fred and George settled for poking him quickly in the belly.
'Well,' Dumbledore said as the groups settled, 'now we have our founders back, who's ready to get back their castle?' Unanimously, all the hands and acceptable substitutes flew upwards in support.
* * *
'There's someone you should meet Hagrid,' Firenze said after a while, satisfied the other centaurs were doing their tasks correctly, 'they arrived not long after the school fell…two of them seem especially interested in seeing you.' Trotting off quietly he lead Hagrid deeper into the forest, deeper than the groundskeeper had ever been by himself until reaching a clearing, 'wait here, I will summon them.'
Walking over to a hollow tree Firenze lashed a hoof against a beam creating a resounding note that hung over the trees nearby, in answer two female centaurs, whom Hagrid recognised as Cascade and Sienna, walked silently out of the tree branches…behind them giant shadows merged with the trees until…
''Agrid!' the French accent was unmistakable, and from the fronds emerged Madame Olympe Maxime, 'I thought we would not see each uzzer again!' striding forwards he met and embraced her, wincing slightly as she clutched him back around the ribs.
'It were a close thing Olympe,' Hagrid said, his cheeks starting to turn red, pulling back he held her hand before turning back to Firenze, 'I though yeh said there was two people wantin' to see me?'
'There are…' a deep voice replied, and stepping forth from the trees came a woman taller and wider than Olympe, her beetle black eyes shone as she beheld Hagrid, '…hello my boy.'
'Mother…' Hagrid replied, trying not to choke his words, 'you don't look any different from how dad described yeh.'
'Indeed,' Fridwulfa replied, a twinkle in her eyes as she remembered Hagrid's father, 'Olympe tracked me down after you raised the rest of the enclave,' with a giant palm she gestured to the other giants emerging. 'I have heard much about this Dumbledore fellow, and I already know of Voldemort, but it was you that really brought me back.' One arm reached down and embraced her son, 'And if you say this Dumbledore is trustworthy than you have me in your fight, and if he will give us rights, you have us all.'
'He will ma, he's taken good care of yeh boy and he'll take care of all of yeh.' Hagrid turned now to all the giants, 'We're in need of yeh help now, Voldemort's taken the castle, we're goin' to attack but alone we won't make it…'
'Together we will,' replied a strong voice, and from the edge of the opposite side of the forest the centaurs emerged, with other creatures among them, silver unicorns stamped and snorted, in the trees Hagrid could make out the spiders of Aragog's tribe.
'All of us,' hissed the voice of Aragog himself, 'stand together as one.'
'THEN LET'S GO!!!!!' Hagrid roared, and with a mighty the creatures and people of the woods charged after him, rousing the forest with their cheers. Leading the charge Hagrid turned to find Olympe by his side, with Ronan, Bane and Firenze galloping around him, looking back he saw swiftly striding giants following his mother and galloping unicorns dancing amidst the centaurs while owls flew swiftly through the trees the spiders swung from.
And there at the back, with a spider trailing on the roof and its lights flashing madly, came Mr. Weasley's car.
* * *
Inside the Great Hall screaming had erupted seconds after Fudge had collapsed to the ground, 'That's more like it!' Voldemort shouted shrilly, amidst the laughs of the Death Eaters as he moved onto the next helpless victim. Vernon stared down the wandtip into Voldemort's red eyes, 'Where's your boy now Muggle?' he sneered, drawing back his lips to release the curse that would send Vernon to the floor with Fudge.
Preparing to deliver a final response Vernon was cut off when the doors to the Great Hall were blown off once more. 'VOLDEMORT! YOUR TIME ON THIS EARTH HAS COME TO AN END!' standing there with his scar glowing brightly stood Harry, wand in one hand, his Firebolt grasped in the same hand while his other hand held the sword of Godric Gryffindor. As he spoke, a green lightning bolt mark rose above him, expanded until it filled the doorway.
Voldemort wasted no time on pleasantries, turning around swiftly he released the curse meant for Vernon at Harry, its green beam sweeping over two Death Eater sentries who fell wordlessly, with vicious force it exploded into the doorway as Harry shot out backwards on his broom. Cursing Voldemort sent a Firespin Spell directly into the Entrance Hall, and with an explosion that threw the doors off their hinges, Harry shot out into the sky above the grounds, fire trailing behind him. Looking below he saw Voldemort and a group of Death Eaters charge out the front, with a grim smile he landed and turned to face them.
The final battle for Hogwarts had begun.
Chapter 27: The Final Battle
Placing the Firebolt on the ground, Harry straightened up to face Voldemort and the Death Eaters who had run out after him, so far things were going to plan, grasping his wand firmly Harry drew Godric's sword with his other hand. 'GET THE BOY!' Voldemort screeched, his chilling voice still cutting through the air as the Dark Wizards charged forwards with wands held high, as they charged Harry also saw some draw knives – maybe there were some aspects of the Muggle world they embraced.
Taking a step backwards Harry felt more scared at that point than any previously in his life, until a warmth flooded through his body and a warm presence moved into his mind. Raising his wand calmly he released a golden beam the exploded in front of the first Death Eaters to charge, with a mingle of cries they were set flying as jets of brilliant light shout out of the explosion and punched them away forcefully. Now holding the sword in a firm grasp Harry prepared to meet the first Death Eater as the man charged, his knife stabbing into the air as he ran, breathing in Harry planted his feet as the man closed.
With a giant crash the entire grounds shook, throwing everyone to the floor except for Harry who had planted his feet firmly, and Voldemort who stood in a fury. Beneath their feet they could feel a repetitive thumping that seemed to be growing stronger and stronger as time progressed, until it was all around them. Seeing Voldemort's face, Harry risked a brief glance behind him and found his jaw dropping at the sight, 'What the hell?'
* * *
Inside the Great Hall the shaking had only sent dust falling from the top of the sturdy structure, but when the thumping began, all hell promptly broke loose when a hundred house elves suddenly exploded into the room in a myriad of bangs and explosions. Reacting quickly, the Death Eaters began to shoot off spells randomly into the clusters of elves, but the shield charms they were performing and expanding absorbed the energy, stopping lethal bursts striking the chanting elves and nearby families. The first Death Eater was about to charge a group and break apart the chanters when the second attack came from within, and the survivors from the kitchen exploded into the Great Hall from the secret passageways, with Dumbledore at their head.
Stunning Jinxes flew thick and fast within the first minute sending wizards, witches and Muggles flying everywhere as the captives rose to fight with Dumbledore's force, explosions blew pieces of the venerated hall apart as spells were directed by the Death Eaters at the easy targets. Throwing himself to the floor, Vernon felt parts of the wall fall on top of him as a spell ripped into where his head had been minutes earlier, rising, he was just in time to flip a charging Death Eater over his back as vicious fighting broke out all over the hall.
Spells became practically void as a weapon in the closeness of the battle and the people within began to go at it hand and foot, tooth and in some cases claw. Not everyone was without magic though, and the older students had soon reformed together as a fusillade against Death Eater clusters, all the Prefects with Viktor, Ron and Hermione at their head led small charges into the Dark Wizards. Firing off more charms and jinxes than she remembered she knew, Hermione was a danger to anyone wearing a skull mask, while Ron and Viktor covered her and the other Prefects against retaliation.
Ducking an explosion, Lucius Malfoy realised there was no way to fight back in the close quarters of the hall, and so with Death Eaters grouping around him they began a fighting retreat to where Voldemort waited outside. 'Fall back!' he shouted to those nearby not realising that on the other side of the hall Dumbledore was giving the opposite order, and the Hogwarts' contingent began pressing forwards, using the broken remains of the hall's tables and benches to snipe at the cluster of Death Eaters leaving the hall.
A cheer arose when Dobby and a few other elves used their magic to summon and reattach the doors to the entrance, and with a resounding oaken boom the closed, shutting out the Death Eaters. 'Families stay behind!' Dumbledore shouted over the cheering, 'Everyone else – follow me!' and with the elderly wizard at their head, the doors were flung open once more and the defenders poured into the empty Entrance Hall, before charging out the main gates…and into a warzone.
* * *
When Harry had turned he had seen Hagrid leading the charge out of the forest, had seen the centaurs and unicorns galloping at his side with owls flying high and spiders scuttling forwards from the trees, while above the trees a group of grim-faced giants began to march towards Hogwarts. Turning back to Voldemort Harry expected to see doubt in the Dark Wizard's face, but instead a sneer rested on his features, and his red eyes flashed in Harry's direction as he threw back his head, releasing a screeching cry that echoed around the castle.
As Harry watched, shadows began to detach themselves from the rest of the forest that was near the castle, prowling wolves suddenly became clear as they stepped out, snarling and howling, Harry felt his stomach turn cold as Dementors swept out of the woods, their hooded bodies gliding over the ground, and flying through the air came all manner of hawks and crows, cawing evilly while amidst them floated human figures with faces paler than Voldemort, the vampires had also arrived.
'PROTECT THE CASTLE!' roared a huge voice and both Harry and Voldemort turned to see that far from faltering at the horde of dark beasts that had emerged, Hagrid and the rest of his small army were charging directly at them. Turning back to the Dark Wizard, Harry felt the urge to flash a small grin as he lifted the sword once more, held it ready to do combat as the Death Eaters picked themselves off the floor.
His grin swiftly faded though when the rest of the Death Eaters poured out of the main gates behind Voldemort and joined him, but he didn't look to pleased about it either Harry noted, a few seconds later the answer arrived. With a roar of the school's name Dumbledore led the charge out of the castle, Stunning Jinxes firing off wildly into the newly assembled Death Eaters and taking down a few of them before the rest split apart, firing back.
All around the school, the battle had been joined.
* * *
Leading the charge, Hagrid's first intention had been to bear down on Voldemort and his small force of Death Eaters when he had seen the werewolves first emerging from the forest's edges, followed by the other dark creatures, now he ran, yelling at the top of his voice towards the nearest, still aware of the others surrounding him. With a mighty backhand Hagrid bowled into a pack of wolves, sending the first flying with a whimper into a tree, the second to go tried to leap at his back but a whirling elbow knocked the beast senseless.
Kicking and punching Hagrid sent the rest flying around him until he tripped over the root of a tree and fell allowing the last wolf to leap, snarling with teeth flashing at him. A mighty palm swept the beast into the upper reaches of a tree as a giant leant down and lifted Hagrid, before he could thank him the giant took one step into the middle of a group of vampires, scattering the creatures. Turning back to the fight Hagrid saw a unicorn charge forwards and it's sharp horn slice through a Dementor, banishing the cursed creature into nothingness.
Seeing Ronan, Bane and Firenze fighting as a group Hagrid went to join them and punched a fist that sent s diving vampire back into the sky unconscious as he arrived. He was greeted with a grin of thanks from Firenze while the other two stayed sombre, despite kicking and punching at the wolves that surrounded them. With Hagrid's help, they soon fought off the wolves and began to charge towards the next group of attackers when the front row of trees literally splintered apart as several large shadows leapt out from within.
With the giants surrounded by small creatures, both friend and foe they could not get to the trolls and ogres that had slowly lumbered after the rest of the dark creatures, until they arrived in time for a perfect ambush.
* * *
As the ground exploded in dust and haze Neville found himself running alongside Viktor, Draco and Percy Bole as they charged towards the nearest enemies, not even thinking about the spells that scorched the earth near to them as they ran. Closing down a small group the quartet released stunners that threw two Dark Wizards to the ground, their nerves overloaded by the spells, with a meaningless yell they charged into the them and began using spells and punches to fight against the enemies.
It was only when they became surrounded the Neville realised their folly as light glinted off of the knife one Death Eater held in his hand, looking round he saw the others had done the same thing, their cold eyes glittering behind masks. There was a pause as if everyone realised at the same time what would happen, a pause that was rudely interrupted by an explosion which lifted everyone high into the air as the house elves poured energy into the cluster.
Using their own versions of the summoning charm, they pulled the four boys out of the air and left the Death Eaters to plummet back down again, putting the boys back down on the ground, the house elves vanished with small explosions to appear on the other side of the battle, once more using their magic to throw Dark Wizards away from the defenders of the castle. Looking a bit nonplussed Draco surveyed the pile of groaning Death Eaters that had risen on the ground where they fell, raising his wand he stunned the rest and then turned with a shrug to Neville and the rest. His eyes suddenly widened as they looked past Neville's shoulder and his mouth opened to yell, but the second explosion to hit them in two minutes drowned out the warning.
This time the blast had not come from the house elves.
* * *
The Weasleys formed an orange blur on the battlefield where they had all reunited as a family and began fighting as one, with Percy, Arthur and Molly using more powerful spells to clear a path, the twins, Ginny and Ron stunned anything that came too close for comfort, slowly but surely they were fighting their way towards Harry who stood embroiled among Death Eaters and the staff. On the opposite side of the field to them, Hermione had been stranded with the other Prefects but her new found knowledge was aiding them no end, with one spell she levitated a pack of werewolves into the air, throwing them into the lake.
The staff of Hogwarts had managed to charge straight through the main force of Death Eaters, stopping only when they reached Harry's side in time to turn and face the second charge of Dark Wizards, all the time Voldemort stood alone at the entrance, glaring impassively into the fray. Working as a unit, Sirius, Remus and Severus were a blur of spells and punches as they sent Death Eaters flying all around them. Off to Harry's left he could see Professor Flitwick conjuring a giant Shield Charm that allowed Professors Sprout, Sinistra and McGonagall to fire curses, hexes and jinxes out at the swarming Dark Wizards.
Alone in the centre Harry was a whirl as a new found energy filled his body, Godric's sword flashed silver as it turned aside knife blades and wands while Harry's own sent out stunners that pushed back the crowd of masked wizards. spinning the blade above his head, Harry parried Avery's slice at his head, then released a golden beam straight into the man's chest, lifting him high and throwing him back against the wall of the castle to slump into unconsciousness.
All the time the battle raged…and all the time Voldemort simply watched.
* * *
Above the grounds the skies were ablaze with furious fights of talon and beak as the owls, hawks and even a few vampires fought their own battle, spinning as they flew, the Hogwarts owls swooped in and out of the larger birds grasps, pecking at their wings as they shot past. But not all of them made it safely, sharp talons ripped and tore into skin as they winged through small gaps, sharp nails grappled birds out of the sky in the hands of a vampire.
Flying down from high, Errol recognised the hawk who had torn his wing earlier and issued as screeching challenge as he shot down, which amidst the noise, the hawk, who was busy scratching and tearing at a tawny school owl, did not hear until Errol bowled into him bloodily with a crack of a wing. Both of them slowly falling to the earth, Errol let only one thought circle his mind:
Take that you shifty bugger…
Looking upward Errol was in time to see Fawkes burst into the sky from the school his flame covered form scything into one of the vampires and sending them down in flames while the phoenix cut a brilliant path through the sky.
* * *
'ENOUGH!' Voldemort shouted suddenly, and raising his arms lifted them high, sending everyone in the path between him and Harry flying into the air, Death Eaters, wizards, witches and Muggles, he made no exception. 'This is our fight Harry Potter,' he snarled, drawing his wand and stalking forwards, ignoring the ongoing fights around him as he marched onto the boy who stood there, breathing heavily with wand and sword in hand.
As Voldemort neared Harry, he saw Ron and Hermione fighting their way towards him amidst the crowds of battling figures, raising his wand, Harry let the sword lower as Voldemort quickened his advance with a sneer. 'You forget Godric,' he shouted, charging forwards his cloak billowed as he reached beneath it with his left hand, 'Salazar had a weapon to fight with as well,' and completing this he withdrew a sword that scythed towards Harry's head.
Noting the sword was almost a match to Godric's own, Harry parried more swiftly then he or Voldemort imagine possible, throwing back the snake-handled blade with a clash of sparks that burned their faces. With a cry of rage Voldemort swept his wand low and lifted the blade to crush it down on Harry's head again, in combination the attack worked well as his spell tripped the boy backwards, with a mad smile of victory Voldemort chopped the sword down on Harry's unprotected head.
'Forgetting someone Voldemort?' a voice asked in the chaos as a thick silver beam twisted around his hand and lifted the Dark Wizard into the air, throwing him back feet from cleaving Harry's head in half. Standing amongst the smoke of the battlefield, Albus Dumbledore stood calmly controlling the thread that wrapped around the Dark Wizard's wrist.
'The old Muggle lover himself!' Voldemort spat, 'I never forgot you Dumbledore, in fact I have a gift for you from Salazar himself,' reaching again into his cape he pulled an elegant silver knife and sent it flying towards the old wizard in one move. Lifting a hand the old wizard was powerless to stop the blade flying towards him aimed straight at his heart.
With a flash of silver Harry directed the knife aside with a small cry of triumph as he rose again, but then Voldemort's true attack was unleashed. Taking his wand he pushed its tip into the wispy thread around his wrist, screaming the Killing Curse aloud a green light travelled along the strand until it flew into Dumbledore's wand and washed over the old wizard. With a small cry Dumbledore clutched at his arm and collapsed to the floor, the now green thread dissipating into nothingness leaving Voldemort cackling aloud.
'You murdering bastard!' Harry shouted, charging forwards with Godric's sword held high and his wand blazing out a Stunner he charged straight at the Dark Wizard and into his second attack. A jet blue beam shot into the ground Harry ran over sending him flying upward and crumpling to the floor at Voldemort's feet.
'Courage is nothing Harry,' he whispered as he lifted both his wand and sword over the dazed boy, 'Courage, loyalty and friendship are nothing compared to the power I hold,' then he plunged his wand and sword downwards.
Two more silver strands shot out and lifted Voldemort's arms away from Harry, 'Loyalty and friendship are everything over evil,' Ron snarled, holding one beam while Hermione held the other, both their faces grim and determined as they held his arms high. Matching their faces Voldemort strained, bringing his arms back down against the pain until they were level again, pointing back at Hermione and Ron who were now sweating with the effort of holding the threads steady along his wrists.
'NOW!' Harry shouted as Voldemort drew back his lips to curse them and he threw himself backward from Voldemort's feet as the two released the threads and dove aside, jerking Voldemort forwards. Parrying aside his blade, Harry released a Stunning Jinx at Voldemort, and as they had once before, the two spells fused together in a golden beam throwing both Harry and Voldemort backwards. 'Priori Incantatem Voldemort,' Harry said, 'Remember it? The only thing to defeat both you and Salazar my memory recalls.'
'You never defeated me Potter,' Voldemort spat as the clusters of light along the wands began to shift, backwards and forwards they dance as each wizard focused their minds, 'It was your boyish luck that saw you through, but now I can turn that luck to my advantage.' Shutting his eyes in concentration Harry felt his wand buck violently and saw the clusters were now moving firmly towards him, even with all his will bent against it he couldn't even slow them down. So he did the one thing all his instincts told him not to do, the one thing that Voldemort would never expect, ignoring his screaming conscious, Harry let go of his wand.
The result was an amazing explosion of colour and noise as Harry's wand jetted away from Voldemort, no longer held in place by Harry, and in doing so it pulled the Dark Wizard towards Harry who swung his sword into his midriff. With a hoarse scream Voldemort dropped his own wand and the two wooden brother fell to the floor. Looking down Voldemort saw the silver blade protruding from his heart, without an immortal soul he could feel his life leaking away as he stared into Harry's blazing emerald eyes.
Sneering he reached out and grabbed Harry's face in his free hand and with the other drove Salazar's sword towards Harry, with a crunch he drove it into the boy's side as he stood clutching at his face where Voldemort's hand was burning it. Strong hands grabbed him bodily and threw the Dark Wizard aside, with no ceremony the greatest evil Harry's world had known passed away, his life leaking away thanks to Godric's last legacy.
'Harry!' an anxious voice called as two strong arms lifted him from the ground, the pain in his face was excruciating, but all the time he could feel the blade biting into his side as his rescuer attempted to open his heavy eyelids. With tears streaming down his face, Sirius cradled Harry as he tried to stop the blood flowing out of the boy's wound.
All across the battlefield the fighters had stopped when the explosion of noise from Harry and Voldemort's battle had passed over them, many were thrown down due to their proximity but now many were rising again. Lucius Malfoy saw Voldemort lying dead and made his decision, turning to run he was enveloped in an electric beam as a bloodied Draco stunned him, around the castle Death Eaters fled or were captured after seeing their master fall, most of the werewolves had fled at the sound while the vampires now took to the skies again, flying away with the hawks and owls of the Death Eaters.
Standing by the trees the giants threw the last ogre back into the forest as Hagrid ran over to the main entrance where the final battle had been fought. There were two groups of people now, one around Harry and the other around Dumbledore, both were barely alive from the fight. Leaving a group of Ministry wizards who were shifting some Death Eaters in side, Severus ran over and saw Sirius holding Harry but for once knew what he could do.
Reaching into his cloak he pulled out a bottle of the Pericles Juice and walked over to Harry's side, without interruption he was aloud to pull back the bloodied shirt and exposed Harry's wound, it was not to deep but blood was freely flowing from it. Tipping the bottle carefully he let a small trickle flow into the wound provoking a small cry of pain as Harry fought against a deep unconsciousness that threatened to overwhelm him. With a small nod of satisfaction Severus slipped out of the group surrounding Harry and Sirius and moved over to Dumbledore where most of the staff had assembled, the dying Professor was held up by Remus as Severus kneeled by his side. About to pour liquid down his mouth, he halted when Dumbledore pushed the vial away.
'Not even Fawkes could save me now,' Dumbledore whispered to the assembled crowd, 'you know there is no way to prevent what is happening.' Speaking quietly he knew what was happening, inside his body he was slowly shutting down as the curse worked through him, unlike the normal attack, this was prolonged by the transfer along his wand. Even as he spoke though the crowd moved back as Hagrid, with tears flowing freely from his eyes, walked forwards with a unicorn pacing him at the same time.
The pure white creature stumbled as it neared and they saw a deep gash cutting down its neck, along the shoulder and down its back. However the grace of the magical creature had not left it, and it was able to kneel beside Dumbledore where it sat regarding him, it's soft eyes gazing into his, as if gazing into his very soul. With a whinny it began to nuzzle the wizard's face, it's soft fur brushing against his paling skin, and with an infinite slowness, the wizards and witches nearby watched a single drop of silver blood fall and land in Dumbledore's mouth.
Continuing to nuzzle the wizard, the unicorn didn't notice as Hagrid gently pushed the other Professors away until a small circle had formed around the two in the centre. A brilliant white light began to glow around Dumbledore's body and the unicorn that caused a hushed gasp around the group, the light spread softly outwards bathing everybody in a warmth that filled their spirits. Reaching a blinding intensity the people assembled shut their eyes as it increased then cut out just as suddenly as it had begun.
Sitting in the centre of the circle, Albus Dumbledore was clothed in a pure white robe that shimmered as the light moved upon it, a look of happiness mingled with confusion upon his features.
A look which faded when he saw Sirius still cradling Harry's still form.