This is the last and final part of Career Options. My final thought is this: about time. I thought it would of been done earlier, but for some reason I typed for five minuts, then stopped. Went to do something else, then came back later. That was the whole reason it took so long to write. Anyways I hope you enjoy the finaly part.

The morning went by uneventfully after the students received their career option results. The teacher had called order after a few minutes of sharing results. Unfortunately for Tohru, Uo, Hana, and the two Sohmas those few precious minutes was not enough time to share their results with each other, so they had to wait until lunch.

As the lunch bell rung, Tohru finished working on her Earth Science lab. The others had finished theirs earlier, so they had already left to buy lunch leaving Tohru behind. Tohru did not mind because once she finished the last question, she would be able to discuss her career options with them. Excited she answered the question You are building a well. Would you build it on top of a hill, or at the base?

Once Tohru finished writing, she handed her paper to the teacher, and headed to the cafeteria to find her friends. As she walked down the hallway, she pulled out her results and reread it.

Career Option Results:

1. Counselor
2. Government official
3. Nurse
4. Computer Programmer
5. Primary Education Teacher
6. Rancher
7. Cook

Only noticing the results, Tohru hardly noticed that she had bumped into someone until he spoke placidly, "Hey, watch where you are going Honda-san."

Tohru looked up, and saw Haru. Beaming she said, "Hello, Hatsuharu-san. Do you know where the others are?"

"Yeah," said Haru. "They went outside a few minutes ago and they told me to tell you to go join them."

"Thanks, Hatsuharu-san," said Tohru.

She started to walk away, but Haru grabbed her arm, then said, "I want to ask you something, Honda-san."

"What do you want to ask?" asked Tohru.

Rubbing his head, Haru said, "Yuki and Kyou both seem kind of down. Do you know what happened?"

"Oh," said Tohru. Thinking quickly she remembered the survey, and said, "It probably has something to do with their career option results."

Haru nodded his head, and said thoughtfully, "That makes sense." The ox saluted Tohru and walked away. As Tohru watched his departing figure, she wondered why Kyou and Yuki would not be happy about receiving their career option results.

Soon she remembered her conversation with Akito that summer. Kyou would be confined, and Yuki would always be with Akito. Neither would have a use for a job. Instantly she felt bad because she had been so excited, but she had completely forgotten about Kyou's and Yuki's future.

Completely in her thoughts, Tohru almost missed the shady tree her friends were sitting beneath.

"Like hell I would be an oceanographer," said Kyou to Uo.

"Why not?" asked Uo mischevously while Hana and Yuki watched indifferently.

"Because I hate water, and an ocean happens to be a body of water," glared Kyou crossing his arms. He sat down, as Tohru walked over.

Seeing Kyou sulking on the ground, Tohru asked, "What happened Kyou-kun?"

"Nothing," said Kyou who handed Tohru his results. As she read the results, her mind went blank. Half of these careers she never imagined Kyou doing.

Career Option Results:

1. Law enforcement
2. Interior Designer
3. Lawyer
4. Actuary
5. Oceanographer
6. Talk Show Host
7. Author

Uo, who had been laughing uncontrolably since Tohru walked over, said, "Before you arrived, we were talking about oceanography."

"Oceanography?" asked Tohru completely clueless.

"The study of oceans," said Hana nonchalantly as she bit into her sandwhich.

"Yeah," said Kyou sullenly. "I hate water."

"Hm," said Tohru studying the list. "You would make a good lawyer or law enforcer but what is an actuary?"

"Huh?" asked Kyou who was reading the list over Tohru shoulder. Finding the word she was pointing at he repeated. "What the heck is an actuary?"

Yuki sighed, and said, "That is what makes you so stupid, stupid cat."

"At least I am not the epitome of girly- boys, damn rat," retorted Kyou as he turned his hand into a fist. Before he could throw a punch at Yuki, Tohru spoke.

"I asked what it was first, so can you please answer?" she said timidly.

Instantly Kyou dropped his hand, and glared at Yuki. Fidgetting underneath Kyou's glare, Yuki glared back.

Tohru watched the two boys nervously, while Uo and Hana watched with much interest.

Finally Yuki frowned, and said, "An actuary is a statician who usually calculates insurance risks and premiums."

"Then I am never going to be an actuary," said Kyou frowning at the little piece of paper. As he frowned at the piece of paper, Uo leaned over his shoulder, and quickly scanned the options. Tohru, Hana and Yuki watched curiously until she came upon one of the options.

"Orangey could become an interior designer?" asked Uo shocked. "Well, he definitely will not be a famous one."

"Are you saying that I am a bad designer, Yankee?" asked Kyo glaring at the blonde haired girl.

Crossing her arms, Uo retorted, "All that I am saying is that you probably never designed anything in your life."

Kyou, who could not come up with a good comeback, reached for Uo's results. Quickly he read through the results, and smirking said, "Hello, Ms. Day Care Assistant."

Widening her eyes, Uo reached for the results, but Kyou held it way above her reach. She tried to grab it, but was unsuccesful. Finally she gave up and grumbled, "I'd rather tell them the results myself, Orangey."

"Tell them," said Kyou smirking at the Yankee's discomfort.

"Yes, tell us," begged Tohru while Hana and Yuki looked indifferent.

"Okay, like Orangey said Day Care Assisstant. I also have the options of Model, Designer, Judge, Illustator, Secretary or Anchor."

"Those are great options!" said Tohru. "Much better than mine anyways. I could be a rancher."

"But you would make a great counselor, nurse or primary education teacher," said Kyou trying to cheer the brunette hair girl.

"Yeah," said Tohru gloomily staring at her half eaten sandwhich. "But for all those careers I'll need to go to college."

At those words the group stopped talking. Soon there was an awkward silence. Finally after a few seconds, Tohru tried to continue the conversation.

"What career suggestios did you receive?" Tohru asked Yuki. "Uo mentioned something about mime, but that can't be all."

Yuki shook his head, mumbling something about only a few good jobs. As he started to hand Tohru his results, Kyou grabbed it and started to read out loud the results.

"Career Option Results," he read in a clear audible voice. "Number one is botanist. Number two airplane pilot. Number three is-"

Yuki had grabbed the results from Kyou. Hitting him on the head, he said, "I will finish it, stupid cat."

"Such pleasant waves," mused Hana snatching Yuki's results from both of the boy's hands. "We have already read number one and two. Alright then, number three- opera singer."

Kyou laughed and asked the embarrassed rat, "Can you even sing?"

"Anyone can sing," said Tohru brightly.

Sighing Kyou replied, "But can everyone sing well?"

"Oh," said Tohru slightly embarassed about her outburst. They stared at each other for a couple of seconds, while Hana continued listing off Yuki's career options.

"Number four- Snake Charmer, number five- Gardener, number six- Carpenter and finally number seven- Mime."

"Wow," said Uo. "When I read Snake Charmer I didn't notice it, but when you said it Hana, you made is sound eeire and all creepy."

"Snakes are eerie and creepy," said Hana taking a bite out of her sandwhich.

"Snakes," mused Tohru. "Why do I have a feeling that this is significant?"

"Because of him," said Yuki rubbing his temple. Glancing up at Kyou and Tohru he said, "Don't you dare tell him."

"Tell who?" asked Tohru, while Kyou laughed sinisterly. Yuki grumbled, and continued eating his cheese sandwhich.

Perplexed, Tohru asked Kyou, "Who is he talking about?"

"His brother," replied Kyou glancing at Yuki who was glaring at Kyou every other bite.

"Oh," said Tohru, while Uo asked shocked, "Prince Charming has a brother?"

Before Tohru or Kyou could reply, Yuki slammed down his sandwhich and stated, "We are not going to talk about my older brother." Turning to Hana he asked sweetly, "Hanajima-san, what were your career option results?"

Hana glanced around searching for her piece of paper. The others watched intently, then eventually she found it underneath Tohru's sandwich. Opening the slip of paper, Hana stared at it intently.

"So," said Uo trying to coax her friend to inform them of the results. "We know everyone's careers but yours Hana-chan. So, what are your options?"

"The usual," answered Hana looking down at her results. Speaking indifferently, she said, "Astronomer, Psychologist, Advisor, Brain Surgeon, Psychic, Taster, and Telephone Operator."

"Why does wave girl have good career options?" Kyou inquisited shocked. Yuki, who was equally in shock could only nodd his head in agreement.

Not noticing the Sohma's behavior, Tohru went over to Hana, and gushed, "Those are wonderful options, Hana-chan."

"Yes," she mused taking a nibble out of a piece of chocolate.

Before anyone could respond, the bell, which ended lunch, rung, so the group of friends had to break apart and head back to class.

The last class of the day had just ended and all the students were preparing to go home. Tohru was at her locker, gathering all the materials that she would need to do her homework. Once she was certain that she had everything, she started to walk towards the exit. Fairly certain that Yuki and Kyou would still be waiting for her, Tohru took her time walking down the stairs. Eventually she came upon the exit and was surprised to see only Kyou waiting for her.

"Took you long enough," he mumbled.

Tohru instantly apologized, " I am sorry. I didn't mean to. I just had to check and double check if I had all the supplies that I needed to do homework."

"It doesn't matter," Kyou mumbled as he started to walk through the exit. Tohru followed, and they walked in companionable silence.

As they crossed a bridge, Tohru noticed fish swimming lazilly in the water. Excited she said, "Kyou-kun look at the fist!"

Kyou who had been deep in thought asked, "Huh?"

Smiling Tohru leaned over the railing and pointed at the fish. Exuberant she said, "Look at them swim around. Aren't they pretty?"

Leaning over the railing, Kyou stared at the fish and said, "Yeah, they are pretty." He glanced up and looked at Tohru. She was smilling at him and the fish. Feeling a rush of happy emotions, he grinned back.

Taking one more glance at the fish, he said, "We should get back to the house now."

Tohru nodded her head in agreement, and they walked over the bridge. As they neared a corner, Tohru asked, "Which of the career options would you become Kyou-kun?"

Kyou closed his eyes and contemplated his choices. If he wasn't confined for life, what would he like to become. After a few minutes of thought, he said, "Lawyer."

Curious, Tohru asked, "Why?"

"Because they argue," said Kyou simply.

At those words Tohru giggled, and Kyou looked at her with a frown.

"What is so funny?" he asked.

Trying to contain her laughter, Tohru said, "Kyou-kun would be a good lawyer, because he is good at arguing."

Kyou grinned, and said, "That is true." They walked on for a few minutes then Kyou asked, "What career do you want?"

Thinking for a few minutes, Tohru finally said,"For all my choices, they require a college education."

Kyou stayed quiet while Tohru continued, "I don't have a lot of money, and even with a scholarship there still would not be enough. I don't know what to do."

Thinking for a few minutes, Kyou finally said, "You could probably borrow money from Shigure. He probably wouldn't mind. If he doesn't let you, you could always use the money from my bank account."

Tohru looked up into Kyou's eyes, and asked, "Wouldn't you need the money yourself, Kyou-kun?"

"Not if I am confined," he replied.

For the next few minutes they walked in awkward silence until Tohru said, "Thank you, Kyou-kun. I will always remember that offer."

"If am confined," Kyou said. "You better become a counselor."

"Why?" asked Tohru perplexed.

"Because once I am confined, I will probably need lots of counseling. Confinement can be a traumatizing experience," said Kyou with mock seriousness.

"Really?" asked Tohru falling for Kyou's act.

"Yes," he replied. "Since I will be confined, you better become the world's best counselor."


"Because the Sohmas only except the best," said Kyou who was trying not to laugh at Tohru's disbelief.

Before Kyou could continue, Tohru said, "I will become the world's best counselor for you, Kyou-kun!"

Kyou who could hardly contain his laughter, finally started to laugh at Tohru. Confused Tohru asked, "Why are you laughing, Kyou-kun?"

"No reason," he replied reaching for Tohru's hand. Tohru looked at Kyou, and allowed him to hold her hand. "I am just glad that I am with you."

Tohru smilled, and the continued walking towards the house.

Looking out the window with a book hand, Shigure stopped reading towatch as Tohru and Kyou neared the house. Sighing to himself, Shigure closed his book, and said, "Discovering young love and career options is a wonderful experience."

It is done. I hope you enjoyed this story. I would like to thank all my reviewers, expecially the ones who gave me suggestions. Hopefully you know who you are because I don't feel like finding your name and what your suggestion was. All that I can say is thank you very much. I am deeply grateful.

Please review. Viv