A/N: Thanks for the reviews. Part 1 of the this story officially ends here so expect some time to have gone by with the next update.
Chapter 7:
John walked into the parking lot of West Newbury High as the second week of the school year began. It was only the second week back from the summer and he just couldn't believe all the crap that happened in the short period of time. About 85 percent of that time he had been completely clueless and didn't know where all these sudden occurrences was coming from. It clouded his mind often and gave him the worst headaches just trying to go around situation to figure out how it all started. He really couldn't stress enough times about it.
First, it was Randy's fallout with Stacy regarding the Andrew Test thing. Second, Orton disappears after the fight with Stacy and then reappears knocking him down at the jock party on Friday bitching at him for not watching Stacy. This is what he saw through his eyes and if there was a person out there that will explain to him why then he would die happy. Headaches was all he got this past weekend because of the billion times he tried to think things through. If he had done anything to both Randy and Stacy then he demand to know what it was and what he can to fix it.
Fixing it was all he wanted done. He tried calling Stacy a hundred times over the weekend but like he expected she wasn't answering his rings. Maybe she was mad at him too but no matter how many people he had against him he knew he had the right to know what went down with Stacy and where he went wrong. Leaving him behind on all this stuff just pissed and confused him even more and he wasn't up to do the thinking himself. It gave him the worst of headaches and he was no longer up for that.
John made his way up the steps and nothing in the world made him feel unstable once he opened the front doors and walked into the hellhole he was to spend six hours of his day in. Students of all grades were already packing the halls in little pit circles talking to their friends awaiting for the first period bell to ring. He smoothly makes his way through the packs and reached his locker to find the head writer of the school paper waiting for him. Melina looking quiet hot in the shortest skirt he's ever seen on a girl with her cleavage popping out of her tight shirt was standing there with the latest newspaper in hand. John ignores her presence at first but like he expected her huge mouth opens and she starts to blab.
"Well, the star quaterback's replacement is finally here!" She begins and John grits his teeth feeling his head throb and he began getting headaches again. This time however it wasn't because of Orton and Stacy. It was Melina's annoying voice that got him aching. That wasn't a good sound to hear in the morning.
"What can I do for you Melina?" He asked deciding he was going to nice to her for once since she approached him in a decent way.
Melina just smirks at him in a teasing way as she swung the newspaper back and fourth in front of him. "I got something here Cena." She says.
John annoyingly sighs. Knowing how nosy this girl is he figured she already published a story about Orton knocking him down or possibly him and Torrie screwing around. "Look, if you wrote shit about me at the jock party more power to ya. I really don't give a shit because after getting my ass busted open in front of 35 percent of the school I'm over it."
That reply only left her to release a tiny giggle. It was the most evil giggle John has ever heard in his life. Her brown eyes were pinned on him tight as she opened the newspaper and there on the front page was Stacy. Before he can take it from her she quickly snatches it away from his reach.
"Yo, what did that say? Did you write that shit?"
Melina nods looking quiet proud of herself. "Wrote and published it."
"What did you write about Stacy?" John demanded knowing Melina's history and her way in ruining people in the paper. "I swear if you published any bullshit about her I'll officially have permission to hurt you." He threatens never feeling so angry in his life.
The tiny Melina back off a bit looking a bit intimidated by Cena. "I didn't write bullshit about her Cena! Everything I wrote about her was true!" She spits.
John playfully nods obviously not buying it. "Your a damn snake. I don't believe anything you write or say."
"Hmm, then if I'm such a snake then you should thank me for being one. Stacy was raped by Masters on Friday and everyone in this school is gonna know it by the end of the day. That Masters is a sick scum." She explains not realizing that John was clueless about the situation.
"What?" John says being clueless and he didn't know where to begin.
Melina gives him a confused look. "Oh wait, you didn't know about it?" She asked with her eyes wide in amazement. "Orton didn't tell you? He's your best friend right? I think its pretty sad he didn't tell you a thing. What kind of a friend is that?"
At this point John couldn't agree more with Melina. What kind of a friend was Orton for not telling him about Stacy? The bastard. Is this what Randy was blaming him for? Too full of rage he couldn't no longer think since thoughts about fining Orton spammed heavily through his already aching mind. Without a hesitation he shoved his backpack on Melina's chest ordering her to hold it as he marched through the halls on his way to Orton's locker. Randy was sure to be in the morning and he was inching to bust him open for keeping things this important from him.
The sight of his victim was now clearly visible. His icy green eyes were on the spot as he approached Randy like a lion on its prey. Randy was emptying his backpack placing books and binders inside his locker when John came from the side and slammed his locker door without any warning. Thankfully Randy's hand wasn't in the way when the harsh shutting occurred. The whole hallway went silent as students crowded round the edges waiting for the two former friends to fight. Randy slightly grins looking at John as he dropped his backpack to the floor.
"I knew it! I knew you were gonna come at me after I knocked you on your ass."
"Nah, I didn't come here for that. I came here because-"
Cutting him off short only angered John more. He wanted to sock Randy right in the kisser for interrupting him. "Then if your not here to get your ass knocked down again then what the hell do you want?"
John was taken aback by the use of Randy's words. Never in their friendship did he hear Randy speak to anyone this way. Orton was wearing a new mask and he wasn't liking it one damn bit. "You better watch your fucking tone with me."
Randy chuckles. "Or else what? Your gonna beat my ass? Why don't you kick my ass right now then Cena?"
Even if John's system was flooded in angry and the desire to hit Orton was strong he held himself back because he knew if he was to hit Randy that was something he'll most likely regret. Randy meant a lot to him and he couldn't throw a fist. Gawd knows he'll hit his father first before he laid a hand on Randy. "I don't wanna fight you."
"C'mon! Just hit me Cena, I know you want too." Randy tries to convince him by leaning forward and pointing a finger at his right cheek as a signal he wanted it there. "Just fuckin hit me!"
Ignoring Randy's immaturity John gets straight to the point. "That's really fucked of you for not telling about Stacy."
Orton pauses for a second and stands straight no longer leaning his head towards John. "Oh so this is about that. "
"Yeah, its about that."
"What's messed up is you not watching her. You abandoned her John!" Randy spats.
John shakes his head. "No! Your fucked up for not telling me. I heard this shit from Melina and I would fucking appreciate it if I heard it from you."
"If you were there for Stacy then none of this would have happened and that's why I blame you for this shit."
"Blame Masters. If that son of a bitch held his shit together then none of this would happen." John corrects continuing to defend himself.
"Masters? Why Masters? Its an expectation from a guy like him to rape girls because he's such a sick ass pervert but you, your suppose to look out for Stacy and you didn't."
"Then if your putting the blame on me then you should respect me enough to let me know where I went wrong! You should have been the one to tell me what happened. I shouldn't be hearing it from Melina!"
Randy shrugs. "Sorry man but that's just how I roll now. You did something wrong figure it out yourself." He snorts.
John was literally growing tired of Randy's attitude change. "Can you just fuckin pretend your mature for one second? I find you hard to talk to when your acting like a five year old!"
"Me acting like a five year old? Ok, I'll stop acting like one. Why don't you drop the act as well and stop trying to convince yourself that you done nothing wrong." Randy challenges back now staring deadly at John.
"It isn't my fault and you damn well know it isn't!" John snaps and he can no longer hold his cool.
Thankfully the first period bell rang and broke the conversation before Randy can start another round. Orton gives him a nasty look before departing out of sight and lastly says, "Stop the convincing. Everybody knows its your fault, even Stacy."
Randy rudely brushed passed him throwing his backpack over one shoulder and walked. John didn't bother in replying back since he felt betrayed. Here he was standing in the halls alone and he felt like breaking down into tears when it was made official, Randy was no longer a friend of his.
The center pit hell in his stomach choked on all his newly developed emotions and he had a desire to leave. He didn't want to be in school today since everybody was gonna give him the shit Orton just did. As much as he wanted to believe that the rape wasn't his fault the more he thought about it the more convinced he became. Maybe he was just too defensive to accept the fact that it really was his fault. Afterall he promised to keep an eye out for Stacy but somewhere down the line he failed in attempt too and hurt the two people that matter to him most.
Exiting the front doors of the school he speed walked to a nearby bus stop not caring where it took him. John just wanted to get away for a few hours to recollect himself from the breakdown. His insides were literally torn part and he couldn't imagine going on weakly without Randy who had always been his backbone and support system.
He had been on the bus for about half an hour now and the last stop was drawing near. It took him to the pit of all places that he wasn't even familiar with. It was about five miles outside of town and he let out a breath of relief once he stepped out into the new world. The sky was beaming down on him as he followed a walk trail and soon lead him to a lake surrounded with huge sized boulders and beautiful green grass. He took in the fresh air and began to be relaxed by his surroundings.
The tension he felt moments ago seemed to fade away when he spotted a familiar face across from him. There was she was sitting on a bolder looking out onto the lake with the water's reflection shining through her honey colored hair. His conscience took place and he was wanting to leave since this wasn't the right time for him to run into Torrie. But before he can get away she knew he was there. Damn, he thought to himself.
"Cena?" She says turning around when she felt his presence. "What are you doing here?" She asked quickly wiping the tears away from her eyes.
John noticed she had been crying but did her the favor and pretended he didn't see a thing. "Oh hey Torrie! I didn't expect to see you here. Aren't you suppose to be at school?"
"Are you suppose to be at school?" She asked back and he really couldn't believe how many damn times she answers him with a question.
"Didn't felt like going today." He answers.
"Because of what happened on Friday?" She questions this time turning her body to face him. Her face bore all sad angles with her eyes baggy as a wet teabags. She was crying for sometime now and John couldn't ignore it anymore.
"You aight?"
Torrie's face pouted up in sorrow as she shook her head. "You must know by now." She says softy as her lips shriveled. "I'm so sorry Cena. I'm sorry for what happened to her. If I had taken Masters back then he would have left Stacy alone. Its all my fault!"
"Hey." He says softly kneeling down to his knees lining up his face across from her's. "It ain't no one's fault baby." John tells her as he places the tip of his index finger on the edge of her chin lifting her face up as tears ran down the center of her nose.
She didn't pull away from his touch and willingly accepted it by making skin to skin contact with his finger to her hands. They stared at one another for a few beats making the jolt of heaven rise through John's heart. "Does it hurt?" She asked running her fingers down the tip of his busted up nose.
"Kinda. Used to the pain by now though."
She smiles slightly giving him warmth from within. "You still are cute though with a busted up nose."
John just chuckles beginning to feel comforted by her and he began to be thankful that she was the one he ran into. Without another word John sucked up his gut and went for her lips. It felt like a magnet he was getting sucked into and he couldn't hold it back any longer. John takes capture of them like the other night when their lips first met. His kiss was soft and passionate as Torrie swallowed in the satisfaction kissing him back with the same amount of the attention. The sensation of the kiss takes over both of their bodies as the tingle of a newly born relationship took its affect between them.
He seriously couldn't help but notice how comforting and relaxed Torrie made him feel. For the short period of time they spent together to him she was becoming his new source for comfort. He couldn't resist her touch, her smile, her eyes, her body; he couldn't resist her. Embracing himself into her feel he enjoys the moment completely draining the heavy thoughts he previously had out of his mind, this can truly be the start of something new.
It will still vivid in her memory. The darkness and coldness of it all still shriveled through her veins and all weekend long she stayed locked in this hospital room trying to get passed the worst night of her life. She never really had a choice since her parents ruled over every decision she was suppose to make. They checked in her this dump to get some much needed rest but it only made her suffering worst. She figured if she stayed a home instead she would of felt more comfortable to around family but her mother was just too caught up and broken down about the situation that she couldn't even look at her daughter. It hurt her to see that her parents were bailing out but deep down inside she knew they still care and love her very much.
Time was all they needed and that's what she was wanting as well. Time did heal all wounds and she couldn't wait for that moment went it finally closes all the marks within her. Stacy sat on the hospital bed staring down at the bowl of orange flavored jello and began to feel sick to her stomach. That was all she had been eating all weekend long as if she was on some sort of strict diet. She just took the spoon and began to mix the jello watching how the layers of the glossy orange color swirled and reflected onto her light brown eyes. It wasn't long until thoughts of Masters ran through her mind and she found herself smashing the jello with the spoon fuming in both hurt and anger.
How can somebody do such a thing? Is there at least one decent person in the world that's not out to harm another? What did she ever do to anybody? What was so wrong in using a bathroom in someone's bedroom? What was so wrong about her? So wrong about her to be treated in such way? Did her needs and her being as a person didn't matter to anyone? Was she some sort of an animal that anyone can just toy around and play with?
No matter what the reason was Stacy knew she got off lucky. As hurt and torn apart inside Stacy was indeed a lucky girl to get off the way she did. Most girls aren't so lucky, they either end up dead and thrown at the side of a street or instantly become a slave to their rapist too scared to tell anyone. She oftens thinks about the situation this way so she wasn't so damn distressed all the time.
Setting the bowl of the jello aside she begins to take in deep breaths setting her eyes onto the four cornered dull white walls of the hospital room. Stacy never felt so alone and the silence in the little space killed it all. The clock ticking above her head was the only thing talking informing her of every minute passed and still no one she knew bothered in calling or checking in. Maybe nobody did care.
Just then the door opens and her heart jumps at the sight of the tall lean figure. She couldn't be any happier to see him; Randy. Randy walked in the room with a smile on his face carrying a fruit basket with him. Stacy smiles back but it fades away when realized John wasn't with Randy.
"How you feeling beautiful?" Randy starts setting the basket of fresh fruits down on a nearby table. "I brought you these, I just figured you can eat something else other than jello for a change."
"Yeah, I'm starving but you could of brought me a hamburger or something." She jokes. "I had enough of light food."
Randy just shrugs off the comment and takes a seat besides Stacy's bed placing a hand on her's to show her his support. Stacy knew what he was trying to do and wasn't up for a moment. She was going to end up in tears if he began to rat on about the situation. "I'm tired of crying Randy. Let's just skip the talk and forget about it ok?"
"Hey, whatever you want to do this fine with me Stace but I want you to know that I'll always be here for you." He says as he patted her hand with his feeling how shakily Stacy was becoming everytime a guy would even touch her even if they meant no harm.
Stacy looks away from him still refusing to give in the conversation. "So uh, did you talk to John?" She asked changing the subject.
"Oh yeah I did." He answers quickly obviously not wanting to talk about Cena.
She looks back at him only to see the look of not being interested painted all over his face but she acted as if she hadn't noticed a thing. "That's good. Did you apologize for hitting him then? Is everything good between you two now?"
"No." He simply answers with a tone at the edge of his voice.
"Why not?"
"Because he's the one who owes you an apology."
Stacy shakes her head. "I don't blame John! He didn't do anything wrong and I would hate it out of you for making him feel guilty!"
Randy rolls his eyes at the remark. These were the things he hated about Stacy most. She was such a forgiving understandable person that was willing to get through anything in a matter of seconds no matter who was at fault. Stacy was just so damn nice and it was bugger to him. "As far as I'm concerned Stace, he has every right to feel guilty for what he let happen to you."
"He didn't do anything to me!" Stacy continues to take defense to John.
"He abandoned you Stace! If it wasn't for him you wouldn't have been touched." Randy informs as Stacy continued to shake her head refusing to open her mind to Randy for once.
"You can avoid John forever." She states looking him dead in the eye showing him how serious she was about it.
Randy just chuckles. "Oh yes I can!" He agrued back.
"I can't believe your giving up your friendship with John over this! You can't do that. Not for me Randy. You need to talk to John again and fix things! I need the both of you to be friends again to help me get through this. Don't you want me to get through this Randy?" She says looking at him with a expression of disbelief. She really had no idea where this new Randy was coming from.
He just gives her a playful grin and looked as if what she just said didn't matter for shit to him. "Why are you always concerned about John? John is always right in your eyes and I'm the one that always does wrong. What can I possibly fuckin do to get you on my side!" He snaps as he pounds on his chest with a open fist expressing how angry he felt.
Randy's face was literally red as a cherry and he began to feel murderous again. Stacy was always siding with John and it always been that way. No matter how hard he tried to care about her he can't top John in her eyes.
"I'm not taking sides and don't you dare consider that I'm!" She protested against him.
"Its pretty fuckin obvious you are taking his side Stace. Just tell me, its ok. You always favored John over me."
"That's not true." Stacy replies in a calmer tone as she held back the tears from falling out of her eyes. "You know that's not true." She repeats again reaching her hand out to touch his when he pulled away from her.
"What are friends for anyways?" He says brushing her off not taking long as he took steps and exit the room leaving Stacy to look on in the silent.