Intro: -Nelly Furtado, 'I'm Like a Bird'- I realized that this strand has 16 people who alert it. I don't care when I get so many people viewing my story but I don't get any reviews. I have no problems. Some people don't know that anonymous users can review (I sure as Hell didn't when I first joined) but when people alert but don't review…that makes me sad. I can't say I've never done it, but it does make me sad. Some people say that it's because they like the stories, but not the author. Is that the case? Is it because I rant so much? I'm sorry if that's the case, but I'm not going to change just for reviews. I am who I am.
A/N: Set in AU… Set in AU? WTF! Well, here's my first WolfYuri AU attempt. Wish me luck. (crosses fingers)
Wolfram checked his watch. It would be two hours until his (wonderfully flirtacious) boyfriend returned from baseball practice. These past few weeks Yuri had been participating in his club's yearly baseball retreat. It was vigorous and difficult so of course Wolfram thought it would be nice to…cheer…him up on his day of completion.
Okay, maybe Wolfram was just in the mood but seriously – Yuri has slaved over a ball these past two weeks. Now he could rejoice at becoming Wolfram's full-time slave again. (Not to mention that Wolfram should make him pay double-fold considering Yuri didn't even notice Wolfram at all this week!)
Wolfram stood in front of a full-scale mirror to observe his nude body. "I'm a God," he stated aloud. His lips perked up in a devilish manner. He may not have been God by the sure as Hell was Yuri's Gods. Still, he did have a form anyone would call blessed – pale, unblemished ski, long limbs, smooth, moist lips, sparkling Emerald eyes, soft locks of gold strands…AND he had the personality fit for any spoiled God to boot!
"I'm perfect," he added. He began to frown as blond brows bent. "But all Yuri does it chas3e after a damn ball! It's so…so…so aggravating! He pisses me off!" He became a bright red in his outburst. He frowned considerably. "I try…so hard…to get him to notice me above anything else…"
Wolfram growled, stomping over to his closet and pulled out fifty hangers at once. He threw the clothing garments onto the floor. They flittered up and floated down onto the red carpet. Wolfram kneeled down and began weeding through the garments.
Wolfram had quite the closet – pants of all shades of denim and styles, shirts ranging from black, sleeveless shirts, to long sleeved-tees that looked like layered red and red shirts, socks in all colors of the rainbow, accessories for any occasion, and shoes to match whatever outfit he had on. Even his underwear matched his outfits. He made sure Yuri knew very well all the thirteen types of underwear he had, too.
Finally, the blond stood up. He grabbed the nearest fabrics and pulled them over – a tight-fitted black tee that stuck onto his skin, loose khaki cargos, and a red wristband in the style punks like. He groaned. He looked like the stereotypical macho-gay-guy.
He undressed himself and pulled over some new clothing. This time it was a three-fourths-sleeved red shirt with a geometrical pattern and black capris made of a denim-like fabric. Gah. No. The shirt would make Yuri pass out. He had learned that he should never switch from physical work to mental work to quickly lest Yuri faint.
He threw the clothes off and grabbed something new. This time, he was disturbed. Ever since he was little, Wolfram loved dress up. When he was five, he would raid his mother's closet and make-up counter. His mother got angry when she found out but was happy to go buy her young son his own set of drag-materials. That had to be the explanation for this fiasco – Wolfram in a glitzy, black flapper dress, fishnets, and a black-and-navy boa. He twitched as he made a mental note to make sure to do something about his closet later…
He stood it off and wore a simple white robe as he weeded through the clothes. He sighed in defeat. How was he supposed to cheer Yuri up without making it too obvious? He knew he should wear something normal with a flare that shows his assets. It was just a matter of what.
Wolfram sighed again and checked the clock – fifteen minutes and Yuri would be home. This sucked. As he attempted repeating a positive mantra, Wolfram grabbed some more clothing: black briefs, jeans that fit snugly yet were loose enough for optimal breathing, a white-and-black wristband with matching earrings in the shape of guitar picks, and a…pink…shirt.
He sighed. This would not do. How the Hell was-
"Wow! You look great, Wolf! I already took a shower at the gym so let's go out and celebrate!"
Wolfram practically jumped out of his skin. He flipped his head back with wide eyes and attempted to smile. However, between the anger and the shock, that smile was pretty scary. Yuri frowned lightly.
"Wh-What the-? When did you get here? I mean, I can't go out in this and-"
"Ah…you don't feel like going out, huh?" Yuri exhaled in a disappointed voice. He trailed off with pouty eyes. "I just figured… I mean, you're already dressed up and all…"
Wolfram blushed. "In this?" he asked, grabbed his arms as if to cover his body. "This doesn't look very…" He growled, bluntly snapping, "It's pink."
"It looks great!" Yuri smiled happy, grabbing Wolfram's hand. If there was one thing he knew, it was that Wolfram was self-conscious beyond belief. "It's cool. You make anything look good," Yuri laughed. He glanced behind at the deep, skeptical emerald eyes of his lover and smirked. "Besides, real men wear pink, right?"
Afterthoughts: Thank you to all who have reviewed! I seriously thought about dropping this strand for lack on inspiration, but I think I did okay. Thank to all who have helped me on this strand with both ideas and editing. (kiss) I think there will only be two more chapters. Any ideas or requests are welcomed! Make me work!