This is my very first Fan Fic. I welcome reviews and respect and appreciate your opinions. Enjoy!

Chapter One

Avidly taking notes as ever, Hermione Granger was currently sitting in her History of Magic class. At the front of the room stood her teacher, Professor Binns, droning on about historic battles. To her right sat one of her best friends, Harry Potter. He was currently half asleep, as usual. Every once in a while, he would wake up with a start, then remember where he was, and went back to sleep. To her left was her other best friend, Ron Weasley, who was fast asleep.

A few minutes later, it was the end of class. Harry and Hermione stood up, but Ron was still asleep. Hermione took her notebook out from under her book and whacked him across the face with it.

"What the fu-?", yelled Ron.

"Wake up, sleepy head," said Harry.

Hermione rolled her eyes, smiled and walked out of the classroom and towards the dungeons for her Potions class.

Once inside, she saw the usual. It was dark, dank and full of cauldrons. On the blackboard were the directions for that days potion. Sitting at his desk, was the potions Professor, Severus Snape.

"Today you will be brewing a Reviving Draught" said Snape icily, "the directions are on the board, easy enough to read for even the dumbest six year."

Hermione put her things down and stood next to her regular cauldron. She got her ingredients and began to brew the potion.

Ten minutes had past, and Hermione was ready for what she was sure would happen….

"Hermione," whispered Neville Longbottom, "could you help me"

"Sure", said Hermione, slighty annoyed. She had helped Neville for what seemed like every Potions class. It was severly against the rules, but she did it out of kindness, and she had never really gotten caught.

As she continued to brew her potion, she whispered to Neville what to do. Little did she know that the Professor was standing right behind her.

Well that's the first chapter. Not really to happy with it, it's a little short. Ill get the next one up as soon as possible.