5. The Reviving Steele, Silver Thunder

Roku woke up that morning. He remembered yesterday, how much thrilling yet scary it was. He wondered about the girl he freed, what had become of her? Is she safe? And what about Deox? How was he handling his lost.

The questions went through Roku's head over and over, but he knew he had to move on. Who ever hired Deox to fight Roku obviously has a fearful strength.

"I want you to watch the morning news. They'll be talking about the Thunder Axis, and Kurayama too. You'll be surprised." Daruka's voice said into Roku's head.

Roku leaned over to the end table near his bed and took the remote, pointing it at the television set and turning it on. The tv flickered on and a woman stood in front of a tall building.

"I'm standing in front of the Gouga Company Building, where we've been notified that the Thunder Axis, a strong and powerful group of business men, has now accepted a new member." The news reporter said.

"So what." Roku thought.

"The Thunder Axis declined to be interviewed, but we have the full story." The news reporter said. "The Thunder Axis has been around for 5 years and ever since, has only accepted three members, but then booted them out. Now we have a fourth new member. Akino Kurayama, and his sponsor duelist, Steele Sabre."

"What!" Roku said loudly in his mind. "How did this happen!"

Roku didn't even know what the Thunder Axis was, but now he was more intrigued to find out, and find out why Kurayama has joined them, or why they've accepted him.

"For five years, the Thunder Axis has been trying to rule the business world, now they focus on the duel monsters world. A simple card game turned into a giant franchise of the whole world." The news reporter said. "The founder of The Thunder Axis is the one and only Gordon Kennedy. He and his son, and also sponsor duelist, Axel Kennedy plan to make their true dream come true."

"Axel Kennedy... I should have known." Roku growled, remembering back to when he had first met him. Axel had warned Roku about Daruka, but now Roku figured it out, it was all a lie.

"Along side with Mr. Kennedy, is Lucas Armstrong, and his sponsor, Dante Francias, who has been with Kennedy for the whole five years." The woman said. "And now Kurayama Akino and Steele Sabre are planning to join them. We all question if they can hold out, but they are appearing to seem strong."

With that, Roku shut off the TV, he had enough of it. He remembered what Kazuka had told him. "It's anyones dream to become one of the Thunder Axis, and you're taking my spot light! They've had their eye on you and you're just blocking the light from us!" Kazuka's voice said.

Roku shook his head, trying to erase the image of Kazuka from his mind. "I'm guessing they're the ones who sent Deox to fight me." Roku growled. "They had their eye on me, they planned to make me a member, but they were too late. Now they're planning to corrupt me. They couldn't get me, so they got Steele and Kurayama, they're only ploys to their plan. They think they can break me, well they're wrong."

Roku went over and grabbed the telephone, jerking it up to his head. He quickly dialed Daruka's number. "Daruka..." Roku said.

"Yurasaki..." Daruka replied.

"I want a piece of the Thunder Axis. They've been messing with me for too long." Roku growled.

"I see you've been watching the television." Daruka laughed. "But of course, I will call them. You know, I knew about your duel with Deox."

"What? How did you know?"

"I received a call from a certain boy, Axel, that's his name. He warned me to stay away from you." Daruka said, then clearing his throat. "His message seemed threatening, but now we have an enemy. We need to exploit them, ruin them!"

"Sounds good to me." Roku smiled. "I want to show Kurayama what I've really become."

With that, Roku hung up. He was amped up, he couldn't wait. Roku saw his deck sprawled out on a counter his Alchemic Kettle letting off a light. Roku smiled, feeling that energy again, he couldn't wait, he wanted to duel now.

That night, Kaiser stood at his apartment room, looking off into the night of the city. Whatever was going through his mind must have been serious because he didn't seem to budge, until his phone rang. Kaiser looked over, grabbing the phone and holding the receiver to his ear. "Kasier..." He answered.

"Kaiser Ryo! This is a grand invitation to the Kaiba Dome where a spectacular duel will be presented. It's Roku Yurasaki VS Steele Sabre. Please press one to accept the invitation, or press two to decline." The voice message said.

Kaiser contemplated this. Of course he had heard of Roku's old manager turning a new leaf toward Steele Sabre, who was an underground duelist champion. It seemed like a perfect match. He pressed one on his phone.

Roku stood in the locker room where Daruka stood in front of him, adjusting his slick white tie. Roku had dressed to accommodate his wealth. Outfitted, in a slick black suit and with shining black shoes, he seemed like the richest boy in the world, if it weren't for his reputation.

"Are you ready?" Daruka asked, looking proudly down at him.

"I was born ready." Roku smiled with victory. He stopped for a second. "Did I just smile?"

Roku contemplated that thought, for the last week and a half it had been depressing and stressful for him. It was surprising to him he was actually happy to do something.

Roku figured it was the excitement getting to him. He was afraid to see Kurayama's face, but he was excited to take down whatever he had to throw at him. As much as he hated him, he wanted to see him fail more. Roku wanted to prove that Kurayama had let go a chance of a life time.

Daruka guided Roku out to the stadium. As he did, Daruka quickly left to the side lines. He sat down at a bench where Kurayama sat at. Both didn't make eye contact.

"You've trained your boy well." Daruka smirked.

"Like you've had anyone to train, Juruseiji." Kurayama snarled.

Daruka laughed. "Well let's see what your boy has." He smiled. "I'm sure the Thunder Axis is about some where..."

"They're around." Kurayama replied, still not making eye contact.

Roku stepped out onto his side of the field, Before him was Steele Sabre, smiling deviously. He still had his same spiky white hair.

"Well well well." Roku said. "Look what the cat dragged in."

"Dragged? More like welcomed." Steele replied. "I gotta tell ya, if I never would have lost to you, we'd never be here right now. I really gotta thank ya, I thought I was about to hit rock bottom, just like you, until I ran into my old buddy here, Kurayama. He welcomed me in and before we knew it, the Thunder Axis were just begging us to join."

"The Thunder Axis are only using you two to get to me." Roku growled.

"Ha! Yeah right. Jealous much?" Steele laughed. "I really have to thank you though. I've been struggling with payments, and depression for a long time. But now I'm as rich and successful as you. It's like a Cinderella story, but this one has two sides."

Roku laughed. "This duel will be the same as the last one. If you've really improved, then your boasting skills would have improved as well." He smirked.

"Come on! Get the duel started!" A excited fan cheered out.

"I guess when I defeated you, I didn't hit you hard enough." Roku growled as he held his duel disk up, sliding his deck in.

"And I guess I'm about to show you what happens when I shine through the clouds." Steele said, also sliding his deck into his deck holster.

Both duel disks folded out and turned on. "Duel!" Both announced as their life points rose to 4000.

"I'll start, draw!" Steele announced, drawing the first card of the duel. "Let the thunder roar..."

"What?" Roku said, not catching what he had just said.

"I'll activate this magic card, Hell's Thunder!" Steele announced, flashing the magic card to Roku.

"Hell's Thunder?" Roku thought, not recognizing the card.

"This is the Thunder Axis' signature card, Hell's Thunder. Just like lightning and thunder, he hit hard and roar. We strike with power and without mercy!" Steele smiled. "And now, each time a player summons a monster, the owner of that monster gets three hundred points of damage."

"Great, I'm going to have to sacrifice life points to just summon a monster..." Roku thought.

"Next, I'll summon Kaiser Seahorse in attack mode (1700/1650)." Steele announced as the purple armored warrior materialized to the field, wielding a long pointed staff.

"That activates your Hell's Thunder." Roku smirked.

"Yes it does. So bring on the lightning!" Steele announced, raising both his hands as a crackle of lightning struck him. Steele felt the pain but he screamed through it as his life points reduced to 3700.

Steele panted, but he smiled. "That surge of energy, it what gives me my power." Steele smirked.

"I've got my source of energy right here." Roku smiled, looking down at his hand, seeing Alchemic Kettle.

Up above the center of the ceiling of the Kaiba Dome was a glass pent house where a few private business men sat. "Heh, Yurasaki doesn't stand a chance!" A business man said with excitement.

"Armstrong, you're an old coot." Another business man said. "Although Steele has proved himself to be a powerful duelist, Yurasaki still manages to out beat any other duelist. This duel is only a fluke. Roku thinks he can take us down, he's dead wrong."

"You're only contradicting yourself, old man." Axel's voice suddenly interrupted.

"How dare you talk to your father like tha-" Kennedy went on but Dante interrupted.

"He's right you know." Dante said, entering the room. "If Roku loses, we'll have a greater duelist on our hand than Yurasaki. Then Steele may even be able to defeat Kaiser himself."

"And if Roku wins, all the better of using Kurayama as our host to get Roku on our side." Axel smirked.

"Sounds good to me." Armstrong said.

"You two have something there. But for now on, you speak to us and us only. I don't want you two starting trouble on your own with Yurasaki. He's ours." Kennedy warned.

"No problem, pops." Axel smirked along with Dante.

"I'll set one card face down and end my turn." Steele announced.

"Draw!" Roku announced, drawing his next card.

"Steele's deck has changed. He's not using his regular Leech Deck. The Thunder Axis must have changed his deck." Daruka thought. "Those men tend to sue decks that are far more complicated."

Roku looked down at his drawn card. "Yes, Alchemic Distiller, with this I can easily destroy his Hell's Thunder." He thought, looking up at Steele's field. "But then again, he has that face down card... It's time to make a decision."

"If I knew better, Roku's drawn his Alchemic Distiller. Man, if only he knew about the Thunder Axis' custom made decks. Damn, I should have told him before." Daruka growled, worried about Roku.

"Now! I'll summon this, Alchemic Distiller! (1500/1200)" Roku announced as the female warrior materialized to the field, her arm blades extending out. "By summoning her, her effect activates! I can destroy a magic or trap card on your field. And I chose your face down card!"

"Perfect." Steele smiled as he watched his face down card evaporate. "Let's not forget about Hell's Thunder! Since you summoned a monster, you gain three hundred points of damage!"

The magic card shined and a crackle of lightning struck down, hitting Roku hard. Roku didn't expect the sudden rush and was thrown off balance. Roku screamed in pain, grasping his head as his mind went crazy, his life points reducing to 3700.

Roku felt dazed for a second, everything went hazy. "What was that?" He asked himself. It felt as though something had invaded his mind and tried to erase his memory. He looked down at his Alchemic Kettle, it let off a few sparks.

Steele looked at Roku. "He hasn't been affected by its power..." Steele said, worriedly. "Heh, you may withstood that round, but just wait."

"You haven't shown me nothing yet. This duel will be as easy as done." Roku smirked.

"Get on with your turn." Steele growled. "Che..."

"Next, I'll activate this, Alchemic Amulet!" Roku announced, flashing the magic card to Steele. "Once equipped to Alchemic Distiller, she gains six hundred attack points!"

Steele only smiled as he watched Alchemic Distiller's attack strength rise to 2100 as a golden amulet appeared around her neck. "Why is he smiling so much? What has happened to him?" Roku wondered. The Steele he had first met was a mean and ruthless person, now it just seems like Steele has become a preacher, a person trying to spread the word of the Thunder Axis.

"The thunder will guide me through your cards." Steele smirked.

"We'll see." Roku growled. "Alchemic Distiller, attack and destroy his Kaiser Seahorse!"

The woman leapt forward, slashing her arm blade across the warrior, destroying it instantly. Steele shielded himself from the swift gust of wind as his monster was destroyed, reducing his life points to 3300.

"Activate trap card, Thunder Tempest!" Steele announced.

"What? But he didn't have any trap cards on the field!" Roku growled.

"When you destroyed my face down card, I was eligible to activate its effect! I can now revive one monster from my graveyard that was destroyed during the same turn that my Thunder Tempest was destroyed!" Steele explained. "Now! Come back! Kaiser Seahorse! (1700/1650)"

"This can be bad." Roku thought. "If he wants to sacrifice that for a light-type monster, Kaiser Seahorse counts as two sacrifices. He'll be able to summon a powerful monster."

Steele smiled, reading Roku's movements, he could tell Roku knew what he was planning. "Well are you done yet?" Steele asked politely.

Roku felt insulted. First they were at each others necks now, Steele was just acting nice. "I'll set a card face down and end my turn." Roku announced.

"Draw!" Steele announced, drawing his next card and smiling. "Now! I'll sacrifice my Kaiser Seahorse. And everyone knows when you sacrifice Kaiser Seahorse for a light monster, it counts as two sacrifices. So now, I can summon this, Silver Steel Conductor! In defense mode! (3500/0)"

"Silver Steel Conductor?" Roku said, unaware of the card. A giant machine materialized to the field. The machine was a giant oval-shaped oven which let out blasts of white fire and had conveyor belts running all around its body.

"During each turn, Silver Steel Conductor will create one of these." Steele said, letting his hand out. Suddenly the oven door opened and spat out a silver metallic blob. The blob morphed and shaped into a sharp edged warrior. "A Silver Breeder (1500/1000)"

"Silver Breeder?" Roku thought.

"And for each Silver Breeder on my field, Silver Steel Conductor gains a bonus seven hundred attack points." Steele explained as his machine's attack strength rose to 700. "And with a defense of thirty five hundred, you won't be able to destroy it easily."

"That I already figured out." Roku growled. "But don't forget! Hell's Thunder gives you damage, and since you summoned two monsters, well it just looks like things aren't looking good for you anyway!"

Suddenly two lightning bolts crackled down, striking Steele. Steele growled through the pain as his life points reduced to 2700.

Steele smiled as he recovered from his direct hit. "Now! I activate this, Lightning Vortex!" He announced, revealing his magic card. "By discarding a card from my hand, I can destroy all monsters on your field!"

"Damn." Roku growled, watching as Steele slid one card from his hand, to his graveyard holster, thus causing a swirl of lightning to form, sucking in Roku's Alchemic Distiller.

Steele laughed maniacally as Roku looked in distress, knowing that Roku was in a bad position. "The Thunder clashes hard against their enemies. At the crackle of light, you'll be gone." He smirked.

"I don't think so." Roku growled.

"I do." Steele said simply. "No one can resist the lightening, not as long as I stand! And once I win this duel, you too will understand our power and our mission."

"I do understand one thing, I understand that you've been manipulated. You're just a creepy marketing scheme, and thanks to the Thunder Axis, they'll be controlling most of the world!" Roku growled. "I need to put an end to this..."

"You can't stop the Thunder Axis!" Steele growled. "Now! Silver Breeder, attack his life points directly!"

The silver creature lunged forward, striking his pointed arm across Roku's chest. Roku let out a loud gasp, as if he were just punched in the gut as his life points reduced to 2200.

Steele chuckled as Roku grasped his chest in pain. "I've got you now." He smirked.

"Not by a long run. Draw!" Roku announced, drawing his next card. "Now! I activate this, Fusion!"

"Damn..." Steele growled. "Yurasaki's fusion monsters ain't a simple walk in the park..."

"I'll use Fusion to fuse my Alchemic Mixer and Alchemic Breaker from my hand to create this!" Roku announced, showing Steele the two monster cards. Suddenly the two warriors appeared and jumped into the air in a swirling binding light which began to fuse them together, creating a tall warrior, dressed in a white robe and wielding a long staff with a glowing white orb. The warrior's long white hair flailed in the wind as he was lowered to the ground.

"Alchemic Fusioner! (1900/2000)" Roku announced as the warrior let out a grunt, tapping the ground with his staff.

"Damn." Steele growled. "This is the exact monster that defeated me in our last battle."

"Heh, I bet you remember this guy, the one that totally beat you in that underground duel." Roku smirked. "I guess it's true, history does repeat!"

"Don't forget about my Hell's Thunder, each time you summon a monster you gain three hundred points of damage!" Steele pointed out.

"I'm ready." Roku growled as he heard the crackle of lighting. Within an instance he felt the sharp pain go through his body as the crackle of lighting struck his body. Roku forced the pain out of his voice, roaring loudly as his life points reduced to 1900.

The lightning quickly stopped, Roku felt dizzy again, but then he looked down at his hand, Alchemic Kettle, it absorbed some of the lightning which kept him from going crazy.

Roku could only imagine what kind of power the Thunder Axis held, and how they planned to use it. "That's not all!" Roku growled. "I'll use the effect of my Alchemic Fusioner to remove my Alchemic Distiller and Breaker from play, thus fusing them together!"

Steele only smirked as he watched the two female warriors jump out of no where, then fuse together, forming a single female warrior with long blond hair. She was armed with a black chest plate which had an orange glowing orb which had fire sparkling within. "This creates Alchemic Condenser! (2400/1700)"

"Now! Suffer from the agony of Hell's Thunder!" Steele said wildly as another crackle of lightning struck Roku. This time Roku was unphased, his Alchemic Kettle, the remaining card in his hand, fully absorbed the blast.

"What is that!" Steele gasped, seeing the electricity flowing into a different direction. Roku only smiled as his life points reduced to 1600

"It's my way of saying, you're not the only one with a special card." Roku smirked, showing his single card. "Meet Alchemic Kettle, the card which brought me back to life."

"So what, you've got a useless card, it's just putting weight on your deck." Steele growled.

"I don't know why, but it's like a battery to me. It charges me up during each battle. And right now, it's making good use of itself." Roku smirked. "But now! Let's get down to business! Alchemic Condenser, attack and destroy his Silver Breeder!"

The female warrior jumped into the air, thrusting her arms forward, causing a stream of molten lava to fly out of the orb in her chest, and melting Steele's Silver Breeder, and destroying it.

Steele shielded himself from the heat as his life points reduced to 1800. "My turn ends!" Roku announced.

"My turn, draw!" Steele quickly announced. The duel was tense, people in the crowds feared Roku's loss, others feared Steele would go through what Roku had gone through.

Daruka chuckled, Kurayama eyed him. "Steele looks a little tense. Doesn't it just remind you of something?" He said, taunting Kurayama.

"Yeah, it does." Kurayama said. "And I'm glad I got rid of it."

Daruka felt more insulted than ever. It was nice that Kurayama had the memory to remember, but calling Roku an IT, it was just plain unfair.

"Now! Silver Steele Conductor! Produce another Steel Breeder! (1500/1000)" Steele commanded as the oven unleashed a glob of silver mesh was shot out of the white oven, forming into a shining silver warrior. "And now! Hell's Thunder, activate!"

A sudden crackle of lighting dawned down on Steele, shaking him up, but Steele only smiled through the pain as his life points reduced to 1500.

"Next, I'll activate this, Silver Producing Factory!" Steele announced, revealing the card to Roku. "By sacrificing my Silver Breeder, I'll special summon four other Silver Breeders! (4x 1500/1000)"

Suddenly the one Silver Breeder on Steele's field suddenly split into four more. "Heh, thus activating Hell's Thunder." Roku smirked.

Suddenly four crackles of lightning struck Steele. Steele roared with pain, but he took the pain as a honorable pain, reducing his life points to 300.

Roku smiled. "Awesome, I need only to summon one more monster, then his Hell's Thunder will cause his defeat." Roku smiled.

"Heh, thinking you're going to win?" Steele smirked.

"It's a sure win now." Roku smirked back.

"Well let's level the playing field, I'll activate this, Thunder Crush!" Steele announced, sliding the magic card into his duel disk, thus activating its effect. "With this, I'll sacrifice all my monsters on my field, which will now cause direct damage to you. Three hundred points of damage for each monster sacrificed!"

"But he has five monsters!" Roku gasped as all of Steele's monsters converted into streams of electricity, all flying toward Roku.

Roku felt the impact on his chest, his body being electrified like hell. Roku screamed, grasping his head in pain as his life points reduced to 100.

"And to make things equal, I'll add this! Thunderbolt!" Steele yelled, revealing the last card in his hand. "This instantly destroys all your monsters on your field!"

Suddenly two crackles of lightning came down, instantly destroying Roku's Alchemic Fusioner and Alchemic Condenser, destroying them both instantly. "My monsters! Ergh!" Roku growled, feeling weak now.

"Heh, even if you summon a monster the next turn, you won't be able to attack me directly because my Hell's Thunder will reduce your life points to nothing." Steele smirked.

Suddenly Roku smiled. "Like wise." He simply said which turned Steele's smile into a frustrated smile.

"He's right." Steele thought. "My turn ends!"

"If I summon a monster, I lose the duel." Roku though, placing his two fingers ontop of his deck. "The only way this duel can turn around is if I destroy that Hell's Thunder magic card."

Steele smiled, seeing the pressure go on in Roku's eyes. Roku panicked, removing his fingers from his deck. It seemed impossible now. Monsters were practically eliminated from this single duel. It started to drive him crazy.

Kaiser stood at the opening of the stadium where Roku had entered, starring at the back side of Roku, he could tell he was panicking. "Hmph..." He said, then walked off.

"I'm only counting on a single draw, what are my chances of drawing something that'll help me now?" Roku thought, taking a step back.

People around the world saw Roku sweat, every fan of Roku's feared he might panic and lose, causing his renowned fame to die instantly. "Roku!" Daruka called out, standing. "I know you feel the pressure, but we're all routing for you! We know you can win, I know! Just remember, remember back to that first duel."

Roku looked back, then toward Steele. "The last time?" He thought. "I totally murdered Steele, but his deck is different, he's joined the Thunder Axis, one of the most powerful organizations in Japan."

Daruka saw Roku wan't setting himself free from the panic. "Yurasaki... Think about it. The only reason you made it this far was because you have a good person watching after you." Daruka said. "It's not me, but I know he wants you to become the best you can. Remember, this is a game, so play it like anyone would play a game! Take chances!"

It clicked, Roku finally realized it. "It's just a game?" He asked himself, remembering back to his first child hood duel. He was in a private elementary school, a prestigious school. It was then he first learned about duel monsters, he loved it so much, he beat all the kids and practically ruled the school by duel.

Roku could see himself happily celebrating his first win, it made him smile warmly. "The whole reason I became a good duelist was because I didn't back down through tough situations. I knew I was good and that confidence lead me up to here." Roku smiled. He felt the only reason he lost to Kaiser was because he had Kurayama clawing at his back.

"Well? Do you plan to end your turn or do I have to do it for you." Steele smirked.

"You can shut your mouth." Roku smirked, instantly drawing his next card.

Roku looked down at his drawn card,it gave him chills, but he knew the result. He looked at his Alchemic Kettle magic card. "Is this a sign from you? Or is it meant to be?" Roku asked himself.

People anxiously cawaited Roku's next move, practically falling off their seats as they were pushed to the near end. "Fine then, it'll end like this." Roku said to himself, holding the card up. "I activate this, The Shallow Grave!"

"What!" Steele gasped.

"This forces us both to special summon a monster from our graveyards, to the field in defense mode." Roku said calmly.

Steele couldn't believe it, the end result would be a tie if they both successfully summon a monster in defense mode. Steele snapped out of his shock. "Fine then! I summon back my Silver Steel Conductor! (0/3500)" He announced as the same white, egg shaped oven materialized to the field.

"And me, I bring forth my Alchemic Mixer to the field (1500/1500)" Roku announced as his short warrior materialized to the field.

As both monsters were summoned, Steele's Hell's Thunder began to glow. Instantly two crackles of lightning shot down from the top of the arena, each striking Roku and Steele. Both duelists growled through the pain as both their life points reduced to 0.

Daruka smiled, feeling good with the end result. He glanced at Kurayama who was stricken with shock, too surprised to speak nor react. People cheered awkwardly at the sudden tie. Roku let out a sigh of relief as he sat down, scratching his neck.

Steele stood there, shocked. "How did you..." He said.

"Simple, Steele Sabre, I have what it takes now, and I'll soon bring down the Thunder Axis." Roku said, pointing. "So you and your goons can throw anything at me, whatever it is, I'll take it down with my bare hands!"

Dante and Axel heard what Roku said from above. "Heh, well you guys just failed your mission." Axel laughed at his father and Lucas.

"I don't know about you two, but now our plan is in order. We keep Steele, our mission goes along." Dante said, leaving the room with Axel following.

Steele and Kurayama left the field and Roku remained sitting at his post. He was happy with the result of the duel, and he let himself be known. Roku felt it was his duty to take down the Thunder Axis, Daruka felt good about it, but some doubted he would be able to do it.

"Maybe this is what I'm destined to do." Roku thought to himself. "If I take down the Thunder Axis, I get thelife I want."


Hell's Thunder: PERMANENT MAGIC / Desc: Each time a player summons a monster, inflict 300 points of damage to the owner.

Kaiser Seahorse: Level 4 / 1700/1650/ Light / Sear Serpent / Desc: If you sacrifice this monster to summon a Light-type monster, this card counts as 2 sacrifices.

Alchemic Distiller: Level 4 / 1500/1200/ Dark / Warrior / Desc: When this card is Normal, Flip, of Special Summoned destroy 1 Magic or Trap Card on the field.

Alchemic Amulet: EQUIP MAGIC / Desc: This card can only be equipped to a monster with "Alchemic" in its name. Increase the equipped monster's ATK by 600. If the equipped monster is attacked, this card is destroyed instead of the equipped monster.

Thunder Tempest: TRAP / Desc: When this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can return 1 Monster Card from your Graveyard, that was destroyed during the same turn that this card was sent to the Graveyard. (The returned monster does not count as a summon)

Silver Steel Conductor: Level 8 / 0/3500/ Light / Machine / Desc: During each turn, Special Summon 1 "Silver Breeder" to the field (Level 4 / 1500/1000/ Light / Machine.) to the field. For each "Silver Breeder" on the field, increase this card's ATK by 700.

Lightning Vortex: MAGIC / Desc: Discard 1 card from your hand to destroy all Monster cards on your opponent's side of the field.

Alchemic Fusioner: Level 6 / 1900/2000/ Dark / Warrior / Fusion / Desc: "Alchemic Mixer" + "Alchemic Breaker". This card can only be summoned by Fusion Summon. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, you can perform Fusion Summons by removing Fusion Material Monsters from your Graveyard, out of play. This effect can only be used once per turn. If a Fusion Monster summoned by this card's effect is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can sacrifice this card to Special Summon the destroyed Fusion Monster.

Alchemic Condenser: Level 6 / 2400/1700/ Dark / Warrior / Fusion / Desc: "Alchemic Breaker" + "Alchemic Distiller". This card can only be summoned by Fusion Summon. Your opponent must attack this card with all face-up Attack Positioned monster they have on their side of the field no matter what.

Silver Producing Factory: MAGIC / Desc: This card can only be activated if you have 1 "Silver Steele Conductor" face-up on the field. Sacrifice 1 face-up "Silver Breeder" to Special Summon 4 "Silver Breeders" to the field (Level 4 / 1500/1000/ Light / Machine).

Thunder Crush: MAGIC / Desc: Sacrifice monsters on your side of the field to inflict 300 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points for each monster sacrificed.

Thunder Bolt: MAGIC / Desc: Destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field.

The Shallow Grave: MAGIC / Desc: Both players can Special Summon 1 Monster from their Graveyard, to the field in face-up Defense Position.