A/N: Wow, I just want to say, I never thought this fic would be such a hit! I originally wrote this as a way to express my ideas for the new season on the message board I moderate on (if you would like to check it out: http/ and they all liked it so much I thought I'd add it to ff.n. It's insane that this fic is finally over!

I want to thank all of you who have so faithfully reviewed (even those that reviewed sporatically). I really appreciate reading your kind words. Really, they are what keep me writing my stories. I'm currently working on a new fic called Cure My Tragedy. It can be found on the above message board, but I'm waiting to make sure I don't change anything before I post it here, so be on the lookout for that within the coming weeks.

Again, I'm glad you all have enjoyed this fic and stuck with me for nearly thirty chapters! I hope you like the ending to this and I still look forward to any comments on the ending of this fic.

I want to say now, I have no plans for a sequel to this fic. I like how it is and I doubt I'll ever do a sequel to it.

Enjoy the final chapter!

Chapter 29

A couple of weeks went by without incident. It was Darius's homecoming to G Major and he pulled his Porsche into the lot and parked in his usual place. He walked up to the door, pulling out his keys and when he went to put it into the lock, the key didn't fit in the door. Darius frowned and glanced at his keys, making sure it was the right one and tried it again. An intern stepped out and Darius caught the door and entered. He took off his sunglasses and looked around.

G Major had undergone another transformation and he didn't remember authorizing one. He saw Georgia Blevins standing in the lobby. Darius walked over to her.

"Georgia, what are you doing here?" He asked, his voice pleasant.

"I think the question is, what are you doing here?" Georgia asked. Darius looked confused and Tommy and Jude stepped out of an office to the right. Darius stared at them for a moment, confusion evident on his face.

"Hey D." Tommy said, smirking at him and putting an arm around Jude, who wore a similar smirk.

"What is"

"Darius, get out of my studio." Georgia said, turning around and walking off.

"Excuse me!"

"You heard her D." Tommy said, staring at his former boss.

"Someone care to tell me what the hell is going on here?"

"You didn't get the memo?" Tommy asked and smirked. "G Major is no longer yours. Seems there was a…oh, clause in your contract." Darius's eyes widened as he stared at Tommy.


"So, Darius, I would like you off of my" Tommy glanced at Jude and added "Our, property." The couple smirked at Darius and stared at them.

"This isn't over." Darius said, pointing a finger at them and began backing out of the studio.

"Mmm, I think it is." Tommy said, and turned away from Darius and Jude followed him. Moments later, Darius was tossed from the building by G Major's new security.

Tommy, Jude, EJ, and Georgia sat in the conference room.

"You know I'm going to pay you guys back for this." Georgia said, her voice serious.

"Don't worry about it." Tommy said, waving a hand dismissively. "I should have done it a long time ago."

"I don't feel right"

"Then think about it like this," Jude said, and glanced at Tommy before looking back at Georgia. "I can't completely speak for Tommy, but Georgia, you have given us so much and this is our way of giving something back. You deserve this studio and frankly? Me and Tommy aren't manager material." Georgia laughed and Tommy smiled. "It wasn't the same here without you and we missed you." Tommy nodded his agreement.

"Just think of us as the silent investors…who also work for you." Georgia looked confused at Tommy's logic, but in a weird way, it made sense.

"I can never thank you guys enough," Georgia said, smiling at Tommy and Jude. "Now, get back to work!" She said, and laughed. Tommy and Jude joined her and after a few moments of joyous laughter, Tommy and Jude left to go into the studio. Tommy shut the studio behind Jude and glanced around, seeing no one was there. He grabbed her and pulled her to him and kissed her, long and hard.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." He murmured.

"I think I know," She said, smirking at him. "I hate that we have to keep us quiet." Tommy sighed and nodded his agreement.

"Good news, we only have to keep private for another 7 months and 12 days." Jude stared at him incredulously.

"What happens then?"

"You turn 18 and you're no longer jail bait." Tommy said, smiling at her.

"You have a countdown?" Jude asked, looking shocked.

"A countdown until I can tell the world that you're mine."

"How sweet." Jude said, her voice anything but. Tommy glared at her and pushed her away from him. Jude looked annoyed.

"What?" Tommy asked, looking innocent.
"What was that!" Jude demanded, feeling annoyed to be brushed off.

"You ruined the moment!" Tommy said, plopping down in his chair and staring at her, pouting slightly. Jude looked exasperated and sat down.

"So, when's the new album due to hit the market?"

"I haven't sent it out yet," Tommy said, wincing in advance.

"You what?"

"I wanted to have a full listen...I've been too…distracted to review the changes Kwest made."

"Kwest's changes are great." Jude argued. Tommy scoffed.

"You're album's not leaving the studio until its perfection…like you." Jude glared at him.

"Great, I'm dating a perfectionist."

"You weren't complaining last night…" Jude smiled.

"That was different."

"Oh really?"

The door opened and they both glanced over to see Kwest walk in.

"Oh, good to see I'm not interrupting anything."

"Unlike you and Sadie, Tommy and I can control ourselves." Kwest didn't look convinced, but sat down on the other side of Jude.

"So, what are we doing today?"

"Tommy wants to go over the beats…he's still not happy with them." Kwest groaned.

"Fine! Release the damn album! See if it'll sell if the bass is too flat and the guitar sharp."

Jude and Kwest glanced at each other, it was going to be another long day in the studio and they both wouldn't have it any other way.

The End.