A/N: all standard disclaimers apply :(

A/N/N: Hello everyone, I found one of my stories of Sasuke and Naruto that Istarted last year and I thought that I'd post it up. It should only be about two to three parts if I finish it, but I'm still not sure if I should continue this so we'll see. Enjoy!

Forgotten Desert Nights

by: ladyrouge

Chapter 1

Above the loud thunderous pounding of Naruto's heart, not much sound made it to Naruto's ears. Not the sound of the murmuring crowd seated around him in the viewing vicinity of the battle arena nor the conversing presence of his grandmother and grandfather next to him on his right. He paid no attention to their grim tones or the excited, yet nervous anticipation of the seated crowd as they waited for someone.

His cerulean eyes flickered slightly down to the tall pasty-looking man pacing impatiently on the left of the battle arena with two big swords gripped loosely in his equally long pasty colored hands and Naruto felt apprehension clench his stomach forcefully as his eyes moved to the left of the empty battle arena.

If the gods were on his side, they wouldn't let him show up.

But a sudden loud burbling of the crowd made Naruto close his eyes tightly in denial before opening them.

And his heart skipped a beat.

Time, as short as it may be, had been generous to Sasuke by the looks of his tall form as he strode briskly to the left side of the battle arena. His pale features were paler than the full moon at its best, his dark onyx eyes—oddly blank—were firmly rested on the tall pasty-looking man at the right of the field, his sensuous lips set in an unreadable line, his disposition unusually stoic and his lean body clad in the traditional navy color of his tribe Uchiha with the fan symbol that Naruto had come to familiarize himself with the past couple of months.

The past couple of months . . .

Naruto tilted his head slightly down. It didn't seem like that. What happened a couple of months ago felt like a million life times ago. Those desperate kisses, banters, touches exchanged between them didn't feel like they had occurred in this lifetime. No, those sly glances cast between the two of them while at Sakura's canvas pavilion, those desperate frantic moments of sex while horseback riding back to their campsite didn't feel like this lifetime, Naruto thought dully before returning his gaze to the scene playing in front for all of Konoha to watch.

The Konoha that he would soon be the ruler of.

"Prince Naruto," a voice tore him from his trance and turning to the right, Naruto saw his loyal butler Iruka. "Did you want any refreshments or sweets before the combat begins? I know how you love sweets so."

Feeling his stomach clench nauseously at the thought of food, Naruto shook his head. "No, I'm not feeling hungry today," he waved Iruka off with a gentle push. "Go spend some time with Kakashi, he has been pretty cranky without your company what with all that has been happening."

Giving a small chuckle at Iruka's red sputtering face, Naruto pushed Iruka gently towards the sullen light-haired man near the entrance of the gates and turned back to the front; his mouth slowly turning down as he remembered the purpose as to why they were there . . .


"Naruto, we need you to tell us what happened to you while you were in the campsite of the Uchiha Tribe. Did they . . . violate you?" the gentle voice of his grandmother shook silently as she questioned her grandson. All she got in response were raised dull blue eyes and trembling lips.

"Tell us son," the gruff voice of his grandfather interrupted, "they'll pay for what they did to you if I have anything to say about it," his voice bordered on anger and his big gentle fists that were usually used for perverted acts were now clenched tightly in an angry fist.

When there was still no answer, his grandmother rose up abruptly, her blond hair flying wildly around her small face and clenched her fists in identical rage to her husband's. "That man . . . Sasuke . . ." she spat his name with a sour twist of her mouth as if it was something distasteful, "had no right to capture you like that from Konoha Kingdom to his tribe's campsite for something that you have no control over. You, barely nineteen, and already hurt, what would your mother and father say to us if they were still alive?" The woman's shoulders shook as that thought struck her and tears slowly trailed down her powdered cheeks. "I promised your mother that I would protect you from pain if possible and I failed," the woman wiped furiously at her tears before turning to the blond boy. "But thanks to that man Gaara, you are safe and back with us and I promise upon my death that you will not have to see that man in such circumstances again."

Throughout their reunion, Naruto had not showed much emotion, but at those words, Tsunade was surprised to see silver streaks of tears trail silently down his whiskered cheeks and guilt flooded her heart before tears flooded her once more and she ran the few feet that separated them to hug him tightly. "I'm sorry Naruto for letting this happen to you—to have you suffer under the likes of that horrendous man Sasuke—to not be able to help undo all the harm that has befallen you. I'm sorry for everything," she sobbed, "but what I can promise is that he will pay—it's already in progress, I assure you."

At that, he cried harder in Tsunade's arms and Tsunade calmed him with a small sooth of her hand on the small of his back.

"There, there, no more need to cry, he can't hurt you anymore," she comforted and with a small hiccup from the nineteen year old blond, the blond woman, Tsunade, gave her husband Jiraiya a long, grim look. "Everything will be okay," she said for the sake of them all.

Tsunade knew that her promises had comforted herself and her husband Jiraiya, but little did she know that what had comforted them had instead hurt the blond even more.


Naruto was brought back to the present when a soft hand gripped his right one tightly and Naruto jerked to see his grandmother giving him a small assuring smile. "Are you okay, Naruto?" She asked softly, "or do you want to wait inside the castle?"

Naruto wanted more than anything to nod at the latter, but a small part of him snarled "coward" cruelly at him and Naruto couldn't deny that part because no matter how much he wanted to go wait this out, he couldn't.

Not when his heart was at risk.

"I'm fine," he stated in a low tone to his grandmother and she beamed him a warm surprised smile at his small talk and instantly, guilt surrounded Naruto. Ever since his return to Konoha, he had kept to himself—not confiding or talking to them about anything at all . . . and in their fear of over pushing him, they had not prodded him for answers—for why Sasuke had captured him—even though they had had their suspicions . . .


Naruto didn't know how long he had been sleeping or where he had fallen asleep, but when he woke up, he concluded that it must have been on something uncomfortable because his whole body ached horribly.

"Damn that old hag Tsunade," he thought lightheartedly before opening his eyes—

—to a ceiling (if you could even call it that) that was definitely not his. Sitting up straight, Naruto's gaze trailed over the coarse cloth material that made up the rectangular shape of the huge tent-like room that he was in. Taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself, Naruto found to his dismay that the air he took in was hot and humid, unlike those of Konoha's. Clenching his fingers tightly around the silk coverlet that covered his body's, Naruto prayed that this was all a nightmare and that he would soon wake up in his own bed in Konoha, but as his fingers dug painfully into the palm of his hand, nothing shifted nor did he wake up and Naruto know with a dawning clarity that this was no dream at all. His suspicions were proved true when a low voice drawled out.

"So you finally decide to join us, dobe?"

Turning in surprise to the where the voice spoke, Naruto felt his breath catch in his throat.

This man was breathtaking with his dark hair, even darker eyes and that pale, pale skin—it looked beautiful. His lips were pulled into a sensuous smirk and Naruto felt his blood boil.

Dobe! Of all the nerve! Naruto scrambled out of the bed and glared crossly at the dark-haired man. "You bastard! Who the hell do you think you are and where the hell am I?" he demanded.

The man's smirk lessoned a bit and crossing his arms against his lean chest, he looked down into the blond's furious eyes before speaking calmly, "In the Sand Village of the Uchiha Tribe," he stated. "I brought you here last night after infiltrating your castle and taking you away," his onyx eyes suddenly glinted in teasing as he looked at the sparkling cerulean ones, "and did you know you drool in your sleep?" His sensuous lips once again tilted in a smirk and if upon hearing that kind of information from any other person than that dark-haired man who always seemed to be laughing at him, Naruto would have just laughed sheepishly, but with this man, it was different.

"Prove it," he pouted in irritation before tilting his head superiorly up and crossing his arms. His lips almost quirked at the small chuckle that emitted from the dark-haired man, but reason returned with the force of a horse and suddenly recalling what the dark-haired man had told him earlier, Naruto took a wary step back from the dark-haired man and regarded the man attentively in hopes of finding any weakness that would help him get out of the dark-haired man's place. He found none so to speak of, but what he did find was a sharp kunai strapped to the dark-haired man's left thigh along with the long, slender sword that lay fastened to his right hip.

Without thinking, Naruto dived swiftly for the kunai, but before he could come close to grasping it, he found his hand halted in a tight grip inches in front of the kunai and Naruto jerked his angry face to look into that of a smirking one. "Dobe, you think that I'd let you get that?"

Growling with frustration, Naruto swiftly moved his other hand to the sword, but the dark-haired man swiftly blocked it with his other hand. Jerking his sparking cerulean eyes into the dark onyx ones, Naruto glared ferociously at him and with pursed lips, demanded, "What do you want from me?"

"Orochimaru's weak spot," was the calm reply.

"What do you mean," Naruto feigned ignorance at his blunt statement and Sasuke stepped closer to look into his blue eyes.

"Orochimaru is your ally, no?" Sasuke interrogated as he released his grip on Naruto's hands and slowly began to circle around Naruto.

"Yes," Naruto stated slowly as his eyes followed the progress of the dark-haired man.

"So wouldn't you know of his only weakness, seeing as you are the heir to the throne of Konoha?" Sasuke came to a stop in front of Naruto once more and lifting one slender pale finger, he tilted Naruto's defiant chin slightly—mouth quirking slightly at the daggers that Naruto's cerulean eyes shot him—he whispered softly into Naruto's right ear "Tell me and I'll let you go, as much as I'll regret it."

Staggering back, Naruto's eyes widened as everything seemed to come together and suddenly he saw everything in lucidity. "You're the tribe that is having conflicting interests with Orochimaru and Konoha. You—you bastard," Naruto glared heatedly into the onyx eyes. "If you think you're going to use me as bait to lure Tsunade or Jiraiya out here into the desert, I won't let you and I—I won't tell you Orochimaru's weakness if it is to benefit you and your tribe," Naruto finished with a deep intake of air.

"Well, we'll see about that, shall well," Sasuke said coolly; all traces of his smirk gone now.

"And what if I won't tell," Naruto stated flatly.

"Then you'll just have to stay with me," the smirk once again found its way to the dark-haired man's sumptuous lips and even though Naruto and the dark-haired man were supposed to be enemies, he couldn't help but think that the smirk belonged on the dark-haired man's face and not the stoic, serious one. "Besides," the smirk widened, "I kind of like you."

And before Naruto could say a word, a pair of soft, warm lips descended onto his.


"Under the judgment of King Jiraiya, Queen Tsunade, Konoha citizens and the official representatives of all the respected villages, I will paraphrase the terms of this battle once more," a feminine voice rang through the battle arena and Naruto looked dazedly at her; still disoriented from his daydreaming. "Under mutual agreement between Konoha, the Uchiha tribe and the Sound tribe, the leader of the Uchiha tribe, Uchiha Sasuke and the leader of the Sound tribe, Orochimaru have agreed to combat one final battle to resolve all unresolved conflicts between these three tribes—the issues concerning the land that the Uchiha tribe is currently living to the captivity of prince Naruto of Konoha from Sasuke. If Orochimaru—the respected representative of Sound and Konoha wins, Sasuke agrees as the leader and representative of the Uchiha tribe to give up their land to the Sound tribe and accept any retribution that Konoha demands from him for the capture of their prince—even death, if need be—"

At that Naruto's heart stopped for a moment and turning deaf ears to the rest of her speech, he turned panicked eyes to the stoic dark-haired man and finally to the crowd sitting around him to see nodding heads of approval at the words of the woman. These citizens of Konoha . . . were all here because of him . . . wanted to see justice because of him and he should have felt pride for his future people, but instead, he felt an overwhelming need to cry. He just wanted to wake up and realize that this was all a horrible dream, but thousands of self-pinches had told himself otherwise.

"Let the battle begin," the feminine voice rose in anticipation and with a loud clash of metal plates, both men at opposite ends of the field rushed towards each other—Orochimaru swiftly like that of a cunning snake; slithering quickly in and out of punches and attacks and Sasuke like that of a swift soaring eagle in all of it's powerful, yet nimble maneuvers. They ran speedily at each other and Naruto knew that for those who hadn't been trained in the art of fighting, all they would see was a running blur. For wouldn't Naruto know: he had been heavily trained in fighting for his future role as king and yet he still found this fight slightly hard to follow.

As Naruto watched the fight progress further and further along, Naruto felt a burning anger as well as a despairing helplessness take place within his chest. Sasuke was fast, Naruto would grant him that, but Naruto knew with a deep rooted certainty he could be much faster than that—much faster. For, hadn't Sasuke moved with god-like speed that time, many months ago . . .


"Sakura?" Naruto walked into the pink-haired woman's pavilion with a small push of his hand against the pale cloth of material that stood for her door.

"Yes Naruto?" She stepped from another cloth separated room—this one being her kitchen—and gave him a beaming smile—one that he returned with full force. He should have hated her with all of his might. Well, he had tried to hate her, but it wasn't in his nature to hate instantaneously and without good cause. And there was nothing to dislike about the big hearted pink-haired woman who would do nothing to anything to ensure her friends' happiness. Sasuke liked her and Naruto was no exception.

"Have you seen Sasuke lately? I haven't seen him for two days now," Naruto ventured hesitantly.

The pink-haired woman's lips turned down at that and her face darkened into an upset look. "Did you not hear, Naruto?" she said in a soft voice before looking at him with grieved sea-green eyes. "The leader—Sasuke's father—died two days ago and he is now in the midst of a secretive, private burial process with his cousin Gaara out in the desert. Do you remember him?"

At that, Naruto froze as the words replayed in him over and over like a broken record trying its hardest and his eyes closed in pain. Sasuke's father . . . how could he not remember Asuma the old, gentle man whose face and personality reminded him of Sasuke so much. Whenever Naruto went to visit Asuma with Sasuke, the old man's face would turn fond as he watched their bickering and give an amused chuckled as he would begin to reminisce about the past.

"Ah, how young Naruto and Sasuke's love bring warm memories of my bickering with Kurenai as well," he would sigh and then came the sputterings of a blushing Naruto whose denials fell onto the deaf ears of a laughing Sasuke and a chuckling Asuma who held a mischievous glint in his onyx eyes that Naruto did not understand and knowing this, Asuma only laughed harder as he wiped a tear from his eye. With a lingering smile, Sasuke would go get some water for his father and giving a side smoldering glance to the blond, Sasuke would leave the room.

Asuma did not miss this as well and within a breath of Sasuke's disappearance, had spoken. "Young Naruto," he would begin and Naruto would cringe as he awaited Asuma's next words. "Please don't hurt my son," he would say with a small smile on his lips as he stared out the opened door at the hot scenery in a careless manner, but Naruto—Naruto knew better. He knew that Asuma was serious and this scared him because he could not receive the words in the same serious manner as Asuma, for he did not see the truth in this.

"Asuma-sama, I don't think you understand," Naruto would protest to the old man, "Sasuke is powerful and whereas he is twenty-one years old, I am only nineteen. He is strong and although I am a prince, I have not received as vigorous a training as Sasuke has and can no means beat him in any way, shape or form. Is that not why I am stuck here in the Uchiha Tribe of the Sand Village?" Naruto wanted Asuma to see through his eyes, but Asuma only gave him a wise sad look before averting his eyes once more to the open door.

"My dear boy, I assure you that you can hurt him in at least one way." Seeing the blond's genuine confusion, the old man's sad smile transformed into one of wonder before he gave the blond hair a light tousle: "You really don't know your power, do you Naruto?" the man's eyes closed as he lost himself in his own musings before reopening them. "It's the greatest power one can have and be given," he spoke slowly as his hands slowly clasped together. "One day, you'll find out Naruto and when that day comes, I hope you use it well," was all the old man said before Sasuke came back with two cups of cold, refreshing water; handing one to his father before giving the other to Naruto, but not before sneaking a quick peck on the blond's lips—grinning cheekily when Naruto protested with an angry and embarrassed glare that was easily ignored with both of their loud, identical chuckles.

'One day, you'll find out Naruto and when that day comes, I hope you use it well . . .' Naruto could almost hear the soft fond voice of Asuma softly fill the room of Sakura's and Naruto closed his eyes tightly as his eyes filled with tears. I never got to ask what you meant, Asuma . . . and now I never will. Feeling the tears slowly stream down his tightly clenched eyelids, Naruto could faintly hear Sakura's small stifled sob before her arms came to encircle him and together, they both cried for the loss of a great and gentle man.


Naruto got up the next day, disoriented at the sight of feminine objects that did not usually exist in his and Sasuke's dwellings before he realized that he had stayed the night at Sakura's house. They ate breakfast together and Naruto left, but not without assuring Sakura that he'd be okay until Sasuke got back that day.

When Naruto stepped out of Sakura's pavilion, he quickly strode towards the area where the horses were kept and with a promise to the horse attendant that he'd stay nearby, Naruto led his horse to the edge of encampment before swinging himself smoothly on and flying away.

He just needed to get the rest of his emotions off his numb chest and he knew without a doubt that horse riding could do it. He had always used that method when he was a kid and now he would use it again. As he quickly began to gain speed with his horse, it was only when he was galloping swiftly that he allowed himself to close his eyes in peacefulness.

Peace at last . . .

He didn't know how long he had closed his eyes, but when he opened them again, it was to unfamiliar sights in the land of sand that made him stop abruptly. He didn't know that he had gone this far . . .

With a gentle nudge of his foot, they turned back in the direction that they had come and Naruto hoped that he would come to recognize the sandy land around him as they continued back. With that thought in mind, Naruto spurred the horse into a gait, but a rough voice stopped him.

"Well, what do we have here?" a voice traveled to Naruto and he shivered as he looked to a distance to see a short, pudgy man on a black, sleek horse with a set of bow and arrows in his equally pudgy hands. Upon seeing him, Naruto's heart quickened as he quickly felt his horse to only sink in disappointment. He had forgotten his weapons!

"Choya," the pudgy man purred to the horse before looking hungrily at the blond boy. "We have found ourselves a golden treasure," the pudgy man eyed him lustfully before licking his lips and Naruto found himself wanting to puke as his eyes sought escape.

As the man turned to his horse once more, Naruto used that time to escape and with a tight clench of his knees against his horse and as if sensing the danger that surrounded them, the horse galloped without any whining or protests.

"Stop right there!" the voice of the pudgy man bellowed, but Naruto paid him no heed. "I'm only warning you once!" was the only warning before Naruto heard a sizzling sound that suddenly scared him and Naruto stopped immediately, but it was too late as a sickening sound traveled to him and it felt as if the world had tilted crazily around as he felt himself fall with the horse to the sand.

The horse gave a sound of pain and scrambling to see where, Naruto's heart gave a thump of happiness as he realized that the arrow had only hit his back leg. But what good did it do when they had no chances of escaping now . . .

"I told you not to run, you insolent boy," the pudgy man's face was angry. "Now we have lost good money!" The man's face was livid and not seeing the blond boy a bit sorry for disobeying him, the man raised his arrow threateningly at him. "Tell me that you're sorry and I might forgive you," he said with angry eyes. The lust still shone heavily, but it was now mingled with anger and Naruto found himself beyond caring now. This man . . . he infuriated Naruto and dying was a much better fate than falling to the lust of this man.

"I'm not sorry," Naruto said calmly to the man and when the man's angry face turned livid, Naruto felt a small tinkling of satisfaction at having made that man angry. Naruto was sick of men like that man and if he thought he could rule his life with threats, then Naruto welcomed it.

"Why you," the man roared before pulling the bow and arrow back in swiftness and pulling it efficiently towards Naruto. Naruto's eyes widened the moment the arrow flew and by the widening of the pudgy man's eyes, Naruto could tell that he himself was surprised at his own reckless actions.

But it was too late.

As Naruto watched the arrow come towards him, everything seemed to go into a slow time motion and Naruto could only watch as all feelings began to leave his body; making him numb and impassive to the sharp arrow that flew dangerously closer and closer towards him each passing second that felt like an eternity.

He didn't know what compelled to make him look towards his left, but he had never let his instincts go unnoticed and with a small effort, Naruto turned his head sluggishly to see a blur of black flying rapidly towards him and an emotion suddenly attached itself onto Naruto.

Awe—at the astounding god-like speed of that thing that sped towards him.

And then fear. For Naruto realized in a moment of a heartbeat that this black swiftly moving thing was no thing, but a person.

Naruto felt his heart stop as that person ran with the force of the wind and stopped with a blink of the eye before Naruto once more heard the sickening sound and then the body fell onto his knee and it was then that Naruto's heart broke.


An anguished gasp escaped his trembling lips as he watched the dark-haired man quickly stand up with a slight shudder that only Naruto noticed. The man paid no heed to Naruto as he moved up to block Naruto from the view of the pudgy man.

Sasuke . . .

"He's MINE!" Sasuke's angry growl held the force of a thousand angry bulls as he glared fiercely at the man; daring the man to try anything. His two sharp words held everything that was needed to be said and the pudgy man cringed slightly at the forceful tone, but only glared back angrily.

"I found him first," the man said with a smile as he looked tauntingly at Sasuke after seeing no weapons on the lived dark-haired man.

Naruto could see the angry tense waves breaking off of Sasuke in thick waves as the pale hands of Sasuke clenched tightly into fists. A small puddle of blood slowly dripped unheedingly to the sandy ground under the pale man and Naruto felt tears slip down his cheeks.

Sasuke . . .!

"That means," the man continued with a small lick to his arrow as he inserted it into the bow, "that he is mine to do as I please," at that the Uchiha froze and his head bent down, "to hurt, to kiss . . . . to fuck," his mouth sneered on the last word and before Naruto could blink his eyes, Sasuke had leapt angrily towards the pudgy man and covered the distance before the man had even had time to pull back the arrow. All Naruto heard was a strangled cry before a heavy thump echoed in the dead silent land. When Naruto looked up, it was to see a dead man on the ground as a silently panting Sasuke glared angrily at the dead man; rage emanating with a force that Naruto could even feel from his far distance away.

"Sasuke!" Naruto felt the tears blur his vision as his legs suddenly found their strength once more and he ran blindly towards the panting, injured man.

The man who had saved Naruto's life—who could have died. Naruto felt his lungs closing in as he realized what could have happened and with an anguished cry, Naruto encircled his arms around the dark-haired man carefully for physical assurance that the man was not dead. Faintly he could feel the dark-haired man slowly return the hug fiercely.

Naruto would never let Sasuke get in the path of danger anymore.


A collective gasp brought Naruto back to the present and Naruto looked in time to see Sasuke impassively break the rhythm of their fight with a quick back jump and twist before flipping quickly to the side and kneeing Orochimaru roughly in the stomach. Taken by surprise, Orochimaru stumbled back slightly and using that falteration on the part of Orochimaru, Sasuke threw the kunai he held in his mouth with a swift flick of his chin and it flew purposefully towards Orochimaru's left thigh. Naruto felt his breath catch as he watched it fly smoothly towards the unguarded thigh and felt guilt flood him as his heart soared with happiness for the Uchiha's small victory.

He could see Orochimaru's anger and knowing that too, the dark-haired man quickly flipped back while Orochimaru swiftly drew the kunai out with a jerk—glaring at Sasuke all the while. With a small jerk of his head, Sasuke flew once more at Orochimaru and they once again began to start their rhythmic fighting once more as they flew and clashed at each other—willing the other to lose or back down.

As Naruto looked at the slender form of Sasuke, the words he had promised to himself that day that Sasuke had gotten shot came rushing back to him like molten lave—burning him—and he felt himself gasp as the memories rushed back with full force. Happy memories that made him wonder if they had actually happened to him, Naruto . . .


"Naruto," Sasuke's husky voice came to him as they lay there panting; letting their bodies cool down from their many sessions of sex in bed. Naruto grunted in reply before encircling his arms around the pale man protectively and resting his head on the warm naked chest of the Uchiha. Naruto found himself doing many of those things now—things that he hadn't noticed doing until after that incident with the pudgy man. Things like the joy of grasping the pale hand tightly in his own when they walked around the village or the feeling of security and belonging within the pale man's arms and next to his chest. Naruto found that he needed it more and more often since of late.

"Yeah?" Naruto said after a moment's pause.

"Do you think Sakura's mad with us for running out on her and Lee tonight for dinner?"

"If she is, I'll just blame it on you and your insatiable sexual hungers," Naruto grumbled with a light smile that he knew Sasuke would feel in the dark.

Sasuke just let out a chuckle before running his hands down Naruto's back and coming to rest on the blond's rear. "I just can't help it if your rear teases me so," he said with a husky laugh that sent delicious shivers up Naruto's spine and Naruto could feel his body reacting as the pale hands skimmed roughly up and down the rear before cupping it harshly and Naruto let out a moan as the hands pulled Naruto closer towards the hardening manhood of the dark-haired man and grinded their erections together.

"Anyways, Sakura had her fiancé Lee for company anyways," Naruto added breathlessly as the dark-haired man began to trail little lines of rough kisses along Naruto's tan neck and down his chest. "I'm sure she won't be too mad—" The pair of lips suddenly disappeared off of Naruto's chest and landed on his mouth with a deep kiss that had Naruto groaning before encircling his arms around the pale neck of Sasuke.

"Enough," the pale man said after breaking their hungry kiss. "You talk too much," the dark-haired man said with a smirk and once more leaned up to kiss the blond.

"For once, you're right," Naruto said huskily before drawing the pale man closer to him in bed.


Oh, if only things had only stayed that way. But he should have known that like all things, good things always ended badly. Even though Sasuke had been made the leader of the Uchiha Tribe, Naruto had naively believed that things would continue to be perfect.

After many months of staying with the Uchiha Tribe in the Sand Village, Naruto found himself wishing that his own village had given up on him—that Naruto would be forgotten and that he could stay with Sasuke forever, but he had forgotten many things—many things that he had asked for and now . . . it had all come back as he had wished for . . .


Naruto was lying in bed naked as he hummed to himself—waiting for Sasuke to come back to bed—and upon finally hearing the sound of footsteps, Naruto turned around eagerly for the raven-haired man, but blanched when he saw a red-haired man standing there in embarrassment. "Gaara," Naruto quickly covered his initial shock as he quickly covered himself with the silk coverlet and blushed hotly.

"Naruto," he acknowledged. "I'm sorry for intru—"

"Naru—" Sasuke's voice stopped as he entered from the bathroom and saw Gaara. "Gaara, have you no manners," Sasuke growled as he looked at a nearly naked Naruto and back to Gaara. "Stop gawking at Naruto and wait in the main room, will you?" Sasuke uttered; eyes darkening jealously before turning to "coincidentally" block Naruto from the red-head's eyes. With a soft swish, the man left and the dark-haired man stomped to the wardrobe before taking out some clothes and throwing it at the blond roughly. "Put these on, lest anyone else sees you naked," the man said irately before shrugging some clothes on as well.

"Sasuke," the blond said slowly and when the dark-haired man looked up crossly to the blond, it was to see a teasing smile. "I can't believe you're jealous!" The blond broke into peals of soft laughter and the dark-haired man huffed.

"I don't see how that is so funny," he said flatly before turning to go. But a sudden pair of warm arms around him and a pair of soft lips on his made him breathless.

"It's not funny," the blond said and Sasuke turned to see a beaming smile on the beautiful face of Naruto. "It makes me so happy to know that you feel that way," the blond smiled once more before leaning down to rain soft kisses all over his pale face. Feeling lightheaded, Sasuke could only smirk slightly before smacking the blond's rear fondly and leaving.

"Teme!" the blond shouted, but Sasuke could hear the laughter in the voice and he grinned as he stepped out to the main room towards Gaara. He immediately turned serious as he walked towards the red-haired man and stopped inches from him.

"Is there something that you need, Gaara?" Sasuke felt something heavy press down his chest as he waited for the brooding man to answer. The red-haired man slowly turned around from the wall and turned to look at Sasuke with pondering eyes and Sasuke wondered if something had happened . . .

Sasuke opened his mouth to ask, when suddenly—with a quick jerk of Gaara's hand—it moved towards Sasuke and with all his training, Sasuke's arm shot out immediately to block the attack the attack that had been meant for his heart and felt the sickening sound of blood splashing as the kunai speared through his hand. "Gaara . . ." Sasuke felt anger as he took in everything.

"Sasuke!" Sasuke heard his name cried out and he turned to look with concern at Naruto.

"Don't come any closer, Naruto," Sasuke ordered harshly to the blond, but he did not pay attention to the order and scrambled over to Sasuke's side as he tried to block Sasuke from Gaara. "Naruto," Sasuke pushed him out of the way with his good hand and the blond fell to the ground with a small 'oof'.

"What the hell are you trying to accomplish?" Sasuke was low with fury as he ripped the kunai from his hand. Blood oozed rapidly, but it was trivial in comparison to what would happen. With fury fueling his actions, Sasuke struck out with the bloody kunai, but Gaara was prepared and blocked it with another kunai that lay idly strapped onto Gaara's hip along with a sword. Feeing his stomach sink, Sasuke knew immediately he was at a disadvantage.

"Doing what Prince Naruto wanted," was the simple remark and Sasuke froze before plunging fiercely. "You lie!" Sasuke hissed and struck the kunai forcefully at Gaara. "You have always hated me for being the next in line for the leader role because if it weren't for me, you'd get to be the next in line after my father. Admit it!" Sasuke hissed angrily.

"So what if that's true," Gaara shrugged nonchalantly before turning to something behind Sasuke. "I wouldn't move if I were you," Gaara spoke lowly and Sasuke turned to see Naruto scrambling up to leave and find a weapon. "If you go, I'll kill Sasuke." At that, Naruto froze as he turned back to look pleadingly at Sasuke—begging for forgiveness for something that Sasuke could not comprehend. In his cerulean eyes, there was a wild look and before they could say anything, Naruto had launched himself angrily at Gaara.

"I never asked you to kill Sasuke!" Naruto's voice was anguished as he looked at them with teary eyes as he tried to hit Gaara incessantly.

"You wanted my help in escaping Sasuke, did you not?"

After a long moment, after the world had frozen in anticipation, Naruto finally nodded reluctantly and Sasuke felt his heart slowly crack as he watched the teary blond look pleadingly at him. Never had he known so much pain before in his life. This pain, it was new . . . and the only person that could take away his pain was Naruto, but how could he, when it was the blond boy himself that had caused it. Never had he seen this coming . . . and it hurt.

"But that was in the past! You approached me and asked me the first week if I wanted to escape. Of course I would have said yes, but you never mentioned this!" " Naruto shouted as he turned to look desperately at the pale man, but the pale man's face had twisted into one of pain and through the shattering of the loud pieces of his heart, Sasuke did not hear the swishing of the sharp kunai until it had buried itself unto the chest of Sasuke. Looking numbly at the kunai in his chest, Sasuke could feel no pain as Naruto let out an angry cry and begin to punch and kick the redhead like a madman, but all this, Sasuke watched from a dull daze of crimson. Sasuke felt no pain, as his eyes began to close in tired grief and his world began to tilt—but not before seeing Gaara knock Naruto to the ground with the ends of another kunai and watching the blond crumple to the ground.

'It makes me so happy to know that you feel that way,' Naruto's words came rushing back to him and Sasuke felt a silent tear trickle down his cheek before he felt his weary soul be consumed by the blissful darkness.

I feel that way, but do you?



reviews and critiques welcomed