Ahoy readers,

Here's a "large" update, hope it makes up for taking so long tee hee.

I've noticed that I only update my fics when I'm extremely sick. Yes, at this very moment you'd like to know that Sooky is in fact delirious from four sleepless feverish nights. That makes up for being an evil none-updating writer. –coughs blood- I am very suspicious someone out there has my voodoo doll being spit roasted.

I don't know how everyone is going to handle what I'm going to introduce into the story

I.e. the use of magic. Please flame me if you found my descriptions awkward etc. else wise I'd think I'd would have done a kick ass job. Criticism equates to improvement.

With out further delay, -coughs-

p.s. reviews don't go unnoticed you all have moonlight black rose to thank as she employed the one word "update" spam review. –laughs- I've noticed every-time I receive one of those I actually update.


Warnings: the F word usage, perverted rituals created by me X3 being mean to Orochimaru and Neji.


Read here! Important Terms:

Warlock: A term to generally describe male witches

Hyuga: Hyuga (日向) means "Towards the Sun" for this purpose I'm going to refer to their clan as White witches witches of the light.

A few facts about snakes: Also known as ophidians or serpents, they have so-so vision, but they have highly developed sense for movement detection, some even have infrared vision- detects heat of surroundings- and an acute sense of taste.

Werewolves: Are also known aslycanthropes

Poikilotherms: a word for Cold-blooded animals


The Prey

Gold silk threads slid carelessly on Naruto's face, his troubled expression relaxed as it collapsed softly on top of his unconscious friend's chest.

Looking anxiously at the figures the younger of the spell casters Hinata, knelt down onto the cold tiles, to check the two boys, her hand first swept across the fallen brunettes sealed lids.

Her pale eyes soften as she smiled with relief, feeling the others aura was oscillating calmly.

She knew Neji had performed a memory lapse on her classmate, removing unnecessary memories from the boy.

The events of this night, creatures that he had witness, the glass shards that were still immersed from the cooling pools of blood that decorated the crimsoned laboratory.

They had all been erased.

You should have listened to us Kiba…

She was familiar of the spell's side effects, knowing the patient wouldn't enjoy the splitting headache upon awake.

Feeling movement of her older cousin, she looked upwards receiving a faint smile as he motioned the blonde gently from his pillow, the smaller boy who's face was twisted in fear and sorrow just moments ago now resembled a peaceful angel.

However Neji's admiration didn't last long as his creamy eyes immediately affixed on Naruto's cheek.

The perfect face was tainted with crimson patches.


The red marks called out to him silently, begging for his warmth, following the urge he traced the hue with a slender pale finger.

An unnatural chill ran thru his digits.

Finding instead of a red color transfer to his tips, he found his skin a tone darker.

He rubbed the layer between his fingers, small puffs of beige formed, his white eyes narrowed.

Is he wearing make-up?

Returning to the powdered surface, skilled fingers worked to brush away at the chemicals that covered the cheeks.

He paused, noticing that he had unearthed a curious pattern that adorned the sleeping child.

A symmetrical design, deep rose in tone, three scratch-like markings.

"Hinata, did you know?" He beckoned the younger, her eyes settled to the imperfections she answered with a shake of her head.

"I'm going to take Naruto back to perform a retrieval." he stated as he motioned to pick up the flippant body off the ground.

The girl quickly grabbed her cousin's arm, trying to coax him into relinquishing the usage of a forbidden technique.

It was a technique that required a high level of skill and capacity to withstand outer influences when the performer leaves his body and intrudes on another soul, exposing everything of the other. One mistake and the caster soul can become detached from his living form.

However there was one requirement for the ritual, both participants had to be bare. The mere thought of her classmate naked along side her cousin turned the poor girl beet red.

"You can't Neji, what if the elders find out, you'd be punished for sure. We are already in trouble for the elemental spell." She begged knowing that they will be scolded for altering nature when they had stopped the heavy rain in attempts to get Kiba to return home.

Neji enjoyed aggravating his foolish elders; a faint smile reached his lips.

"The elders can't catch me if I put up a barrier. We already failed our mission to retrieve the evil that made its presence here. I'm going to identify it thru this boy's memories."

In truth, the White Warlock had more on his mind.

What he wanted wasn't to get an image of the deadly culprit that caused the brutal mess, the werewolf that had arrive to aid seem familiar with the blonde, leaving heavy suspicions.

He was sure Naruto was human but why did he feel like he had something special?

The Brunette wanted cure his roaring curiosity surrounded Naruto.

It was like the boy had a story to tell.

Hinata reluctantly loosened her grip, as she lost her mere attempt to convince her elder.

"Use a restoration spell on the cabinet and you can leave the window," ordered Neji as he surveyed the most damaged items in the room. "Hinata before you leave collect the blood by sealing it into the beakers over there, there will be a chance for their use later."

"About Kib-a…" her small voice started.

"Leave him here, he serves no purpose," he said coldly.

The girl nodded obediently, moving towards the battered cabinet, careful of her footsteps before selecting the containers.

Behind her, her cousin began chanting a familiar spell, her milk eyes suddenly overwhelmed by a strange purple glow that flourished into the room but they quickly accommodated to the passionate hue.

A moving cycle whizzed and churned magically alike a small typhoon.

It was the result of a freshly created portal leading directly to the side branch of the Hyuga Estate, the warlock's residence.

Stepping into the swirling abyss, the two boys were swallowed.

Hinata quickly continued her task before using the same exit to join the pair.


A door slammed opened to grey and old mansion.

The hinges screamed painfully at being forced to heed.

Tight raspy breathes echoed thru the dark building.

He stood meekly, leaning on the musky rotting wood, tired and shaken from his battle with the silver canine.

Drenched with the harsh coldness of rain, fluids continued to flow from his wounds.

His leathery hand curled around his injured arm, where a nasty stubborn gash refused to clot.

"That fuckin' flea-bag…" he sneered un-amused cursing the beast that inflicted a life threatening wound.

It angered him so, he had lost his chance.

This time he had been so fortunate to detect the young boy first, discovering him by sniffing out the intoxicating scent that radiated from the blonde.

However it was all ruined by the sudden arrival of an old enemy

Moving thru the un-lit territory, his ophidian senses activated.

His vision turned into the levels of infrared.

Forcing his lethargic limbs he began to climb a flight of unforgiving stairs.

'Where's Kabuto when I need him' He couldn't sense the location of his young servant

Instead he paused, copiously feeling that he was not alone.

A long sharp tongue flicked out to taste the air, his apt glands detected the heavy residues of salt.

His eyes searched for the intruders' heat source.

"Poor Or-o-chi-ma-ru, coming back to hibernate with so many ouchies?" a deep voice ridiculed curling out the hosts' name.

"What a befitting new image," it continued, chuckling briefly.

Strands of damp midnight hair whipped across a pale face as the serpent hissed violently to warn his uninvited guest.

Gold eyes flashed to lock onto a figure upstairs, finding the trespassers build being cruel to the aged rustic railings that shook under his mass on what he rested upon.

He owned a large frame, tall in height with fine broad shoulders figure appeared in the heated hues of red.

The Ophidian recognized the hateful blueprint immediately.

"What are you doing here fish-breath; I don't believe giving permission for you to enter my house." He snarled, baring his deadly fangs.

"Ha! I would barely call this a house; did you forget to pay the electricity bill? I nearly tripped over that carcass on my way in"

"Also you might want to air out this place, it smells quiet funky."

Orochimaru continued his way, turning his back to his visitor when he reached the top and began to recede to his room.

"Don't go slithering away just yet; I've got a message from him"

"You've been rather naughty tonight."

Ember eyes narrowed into thin slits, his fro wrinkling up in annoyance.

"You failed to report your findings to him," he smirked.

"One of our seers caught you trying to devour a prey that did not belong to you, Now that we know his location; you are to stay clear."

"There will be punishment," at that the smaller man winced.

"Oh, I nearly forgot, he will be arriving soon and you are expected to make an appearance." he ruled.

"Go back to your tank, Kisame." Spat the wounded serpent as he entered deeper into the soothing darkness of his lair.


A wounded fighter was still tracking the stagnant scent of his cold-blooded rival.

His endeavor was demanding; his own stamina was failing him, in his current state he had no choice but to retreat.

'I'm getting too old for these kinds of games' the canine chortled pathetically

That being the silver-breed was passed his peak at more than a thousand years old.

The poor animal looked at his current surroundings, wondering how long had he been desperately chasing?

Wet uneven asphalt surface had altered into an unwritten rocky dirt path not long ago.

Strong pine whiffed into his nostrils. They were no houses in sight.

No clues of humans or large animals nearby, only the minor echoes of frogs and night critters.

He must be at least a few hours away from where he had left the precious child, with two white witches.

Being aged had its good attributes; his intuition immediately sensing safety upon the strangers.

Leaving reluctantly when he felt the pair would protect the angel against the evils that were to come.

There was absolutely no way he will allow the boy to fall under the wrong hands in this life time, he had failed them both so many times.

It was lucky one of their syndicates, aroused suspicions of the blonde's location.

Kakashi didn't expect that his hunt to verify turned out to be a battle to protect the real thing.

The scarred face was sure it he had found the right child, the unchanged angel-like face and the distinctive scent that embedded and lingered in ones mind.

Under his breath the werewolf growled.

He should have taken the boy back to him first.

But if he let the shape shifter escape, the snake would only be back to sink his poisonous fangs into the blonde.

The weather conditions had played in his favor, the poikilotherm weakened by the cold.

If only he had been more careful to avoid the blow he received.

It would have been a matter of chasing the coward and ripping his throat.

He lost a chance to rid the world of one evil monster.

Reality played out this way and he accepted it, he knew there will be other chances.

As the thoughts skimmed thru the mature mind, he felt his body stagger.

Swaying like a pet dog that had a sneak of his owners' alcohol.

His paws were giving into the chills of the night, even his thick fur seem like a false layer that provided no warmth.

Along his intense chase had ignored the searing pain that had ripped from his hind leg.

An unwise decision as his blood loss had drained most of his heat and energy.

It didn't matter anymore, his snout muscles pulled back into an uplifted smile, his breathes heaved temporarily relieved.

Believing he inflicted enough damage to ward of the wicked predator for a decent period.

With his own vision ailing Kakashi knew he had to contact Lee to retrieve his body before he passed out.


The handsome wolf realized he had been in a rush to be on location, mindlessly transforming and discarding all his clothing, forgetting to collar his cell.

But was something he could shrug off.

There was another way to contact them.

He proceeded to sniff out a safe patch of greenery where he would wait for rescue.

As soon as his snout toke a direction, he took his first de-tour.

The wounded animal moved slowly to a clearance that had remained dry under the protection of entwined arms of the giant trees.

He hesitated before his next action.

If he didn't use this method, he would most likely become another figure on the hypothermia death count.

Yet, he'd risk exposing himself to enemies.

He made up his mind, as familiar electrical nerve signals surged thru his body warning that time in this the inhuman form would be expiring in just moments.

The large wolf quickly folded his hind legs, his long tail cushioning the wounded side.

Flicking his stunning metallic mane he thrust his head back, flattening his ears as he gathered enough oxygen in preparation for his emergency call.

As his lungs bellowed up to their full capacity, Kakashi let a beautifully pitched howl; one that would be sure to reach his rescuers well trained ears.

"Awro-o-o-oooo-ooooooooooo ro-ooo-ooooooo-oooooooooooo"

The wonderful sound pierced thru the night air echoing for endless miles.

Finally the singer collapsed, exhausted the wild form sunk into the make-shift bed.

A metallic glow surrounded the being, bright and blinding as a white light was emitted.

The stage of metamorphosis erupted.

As paws stretched into longer limbs, the snout flattened returning a handsome face.

Replacing the silky fur; was the bare ambition of a resting warrior, he was still as a statue, a work of art.

The light around him ceased.

Upon the well shaped body countless aged scars was visible.

And the new one on his leg was soon to be a sibling to the rest.

However these minor imperfections were downsized by the fact that nature had been a superbly skilled stone-mason, giving birth to beautiful curves for all his finely developed muscles

Even with a godsend body, it had its limits, fates sharp edge threatened to cut at Kakashi's thread of vitality.

The strength of his life-force was diminishing.

His broad back heaved slightly on a faint pattern as the lycanthrope tried to survive.

Now he was helpless to against any advances.

------------ ------------ ------------

"Oi, I said wake"





slap, slap


Firmly gripping on broad shoulders a doctor continued to hover over the blanketed shivering body.

Concentrating, she began to chant under her breath, casting a spell to raise the heat of her specimen.

Illuminating their surroundings deep orange flooded, driving back the darkness.

Un-matching iris's contracted as un-welcomed light irritated his barely opened slits.

Acute vision receiving only a blur of blonde as his world shook, his eyes accommodating to the sudden changes, the silver-breed realizing he was still alive and in the dangerous hands of someone who was violently shaking him.

Feeling the delayed stings from his cheeks, the chilled frame smiled faintly as he recognized his rough savior who didn't seem too pleased to see him.

"Giving your-self a death sentence?" scolded a familiar voice.

"You've got me to thank that your not going to be 6 ft under," she roughly smacked the thigh muscles she had healed first upon arrival.

Kakashi lurched in response.

"I swear couldn't you be more civilized and use a phone to call?"

"And you better have a damn good reason why I had to come out to this shit-hole to find your sorry naked ass," she spat as her attractive face scrunched up in annoyance.

"I found him," he managed to croak.

The Doctor froze in her ways.



Hinata promptly turned away when Neji removed the woolen jacket from the resting body.

Her cousin was indifferent to his actions as he continued to undress the younger boy.

"I'-ll s-sit outside the room," the young maiden blushed, hurrying out of the large bedroom that the two witches had quickly prepared a difficult ceremony.

They had shifted Neji's bed into the centre, clearing the sheets and only leaving a white linen spread.

Eight white candles were distributed evenly in a thick trial of sea salt that encircled the centre piece.

Closing a heavy cedar door behind her, the small witch's throat tightened as her nervousness reached a higher notch.

Inside the room there would be soon be two stark naked bodies that she'd have to fend for whilst their souls were uplifted.

What ate at her was that they could be caught mid-way in their rebellious acts.

She licked her lips telling herself to have more confidence.

She trusted her cousin and he certainly had substance to back his words.

It gave her ease, remembering Neji's level of barrier technique worked every other time they broke the rules.

'I have to make sure they will be safe' she nodded to herself.

Inside the bed chamber, Neji was finding it difficult to strip the unconscious boy.

He had reached the stage of an exposed torso.

What made him stop was this overwhelming sweet scent that was oozing out invisibly from the soft tanned skin.

The dark-haired warlock knew it wasn't artificial chemicals that caused the intoxicating essence…

It was like if the blonde was emitting his own natural pheromones.

Suffocating, drowning his senses.

Milky eyes settled upon the pink full lips as he felt himself being drawn in by the peaceful face.

Golden silk was gently laid out under the boys head.

His fingers reached out entwining a few strands, feeling their smoothness before his hand shifted to trace the curious stains on the soft cheeks.

The warlock started to lean closer, his long dark hair falling to caress the rising chest…

"I-s everything alright?" a soft voice interrupted from the corridor, the girl concerned with the silence.

A startled Neji shook his head quickly drawing his hand back, snapping out of the trance that the other was inducing.

What the hell am I doing?

"Yes." He responded briefly, his voice not giving away any hint of his embarrassment.

He straightened up.

With that aside, he noted how fragile Naruto appeared; the younger man possessed a small thin delicate frame that was covered with bruises.

Unruly dark blemishes marked places where cruel hands were placed.

Neji couldn't help to map his slender fingers across the damaged skin to erase them of their existence.

Satisfied with the corrections, he carefully unzipped the boys' pair of tight jeans, before shuffling them off the lengths of slight legs.

A bloody tone flourished on his light complexion.

He was uncomfortable with having to remove the last offending item, a pair of small boy shorts, blushing deeper at the blonde's choice of a flamboyant orange color.

Even though the reddened Hyuga shared the same anatomy with Naruto, it didn't ease the process.

He closed his eyes as his fingers gripped the soft warm material, slowly rolling them down.

As soon as he slipped it off, his eyes diverted well away from the lower half.

Feeling abash and guilty if he was to look at another's private region.

There was this urge that was running in his veins, telling him otherwise.

Now that he had completed Naruto's part.

He started to undress himself, unlatching the collar to his over coat first, before shrugging it off and placing it with the pile he had made.

Looping his top off, his dark chocolate hair became a little disarrayed.

Amazingly for his slim frame, Neji had strong muscles and a well toned stomach.

His shoulders were broader than what they appeared to be when covered.

Unlocking his belt, he unbuttoned and stepped out of his pants, kicking them aside.

He sighed, as he tugged at his own underwear discarding them hesitantly.

It was the first time he would be performing this ritual and he was damning the creator who listed the requirements by each moment.

He checked the flames were alit before crawling into a position on the bed parallel and within close proximity to Naruto.

Lying on his back, it was the first time he had found himself concentrating so hard on his ceiling, refusing his eyes permission to roam onto the exposed body beside him.

Breathing heavily Neji shuddered as the stimulating fumes graced his senses once again.

His eyes squeezed shut in irritation.

'Damn it, I'm going to seal his scent after I finish with this,' he claimed in frustration.

He inhaled deeply, relaxing his body.

'Blind those who are un-welcomed'

In his mind, he readied for the formation of a barrier.

"Hinata, get ready," he voiced moderately, just enough to be heard.

Outside the white witched braced herself, her small hands gripping tightly on the door frame as she waited for the usual thrust from the force fields' impact.

Returning inside, the brunette chanted a short mantra.

Hands entwined, fingers signaling different symbols.

His body suddenly jolted as the spell was activated.

Naruto had remained still.

However his class mate cried out, as she was thrown slightly forwards.

Steadying her footing she returned to her task of support Neji's spell by channeling her own power into it.

It was ready now; the spell-caster was protected.

There was another condition to the main enchantment.

Reluctantly the male brunette blindly searched for the blonde's hand, moving against the side of the others soft thigh before locating the digits.

He wrapped his hand around the smaller ones.

In a calm voice he started to recite.

"I seek the truth, I seek the light."

"Share with me woes and sorrow."

"Hollow your soul."

"Bare me your heart."

The natural granulated crystals around the bed melted as the intensity of magic reaped thru.

"Whisper the secrets that you fear."

With the last line, Neji's eyes flashed opened, however his ceiling was not in view.

Instead, his vision blurred as he felt darkness swarm, light receptors dulled.

Feeling he was no longer part of his own physical body, the warlock began to search for answers.

'What attacked you just before?'

Short films and vague images swirled in diminishing the dark screen, a world seen from Naruto's eyes danced around him as his captive revealed everything.

Neji saw himself, felt the fear as Naruto replayed in rewind the events that played out in the small classroom.

The stubborn best friend that had rushed to him in aid, the werewolf that had just made it in time then the white witch saw it…

A disgusted feeling, pinched at his gut.

As the face of the perpetrator behind the bruises was aired, the sickening pale face and glowing eyes was fixated on him, on them.

It was the 'evil' they had set out to hunt in Konoha high.

Even without a real body, the white witch felt his skin crawl as he witnessed the unprecedented attack.

He saw the hunger from the eerie gold ophidian's eyes.

Felt the weight of the serpent pinning him down.

The shape shifter had impure and cruel intentions.

The poisonous mouth inching closer…

Without warning, the world was thrown back into darkness.

As if Naruto's subconscious was begging Neji to stop making him relive the torturous moments he had endured.


A voice…

Neji froze…

His mind rushed into a panic; did an elder find out? It wasn't normal; there shouldn't be any one that could communicate from the void between him and Naruto to him during retrieval.

He even had the barrier…

A flowery scent seeped into the brunettes senses.

'Please …save him'

It called out sadly.

It wasn't just any voice…

It sounded like…


Once he identified the speaker, he felt a tight pull at his arm.

As if he wanted to guide him deeper into the black.

Turning around milky eyes locked onto the glowing figure of a blonde, seeing the length of his hair dance loosely on his back as they made their way…

'What…is he wearing…?

A pelted cloak and a leather stole were wrapped around his thin body, his feet remained bare.

His eyes narrowed.

Hyuga's muscles tensed.

The warlock heart rate fastened… realizing that this isn't supposed to happen.

None of the scriptures he had studied described an incarcerated soul taking control…


Feeling that he possibly could have made a mistake…

His thoughts were suspended when the seemingly endless dark world faded.

Darkness into light as Neji continued being dragged to an unknown destination.

They were surrounded.

He glanced around him, 'Naruto' had slowed down to let the warlock study the unfamiliar people who were all wearing clothes from a different era, one of top hats, high collars, tail coats and flowing heavy gowns.

It appeared to be a ball or party, hosted in an extravagant wealthy household.

In the corner of his eyes, he caught a beautiful boy in his own miniature nobleman's suit, a romantic orange sash leading from one shoulder to his waist; he was standing alone in a poorly lit corner of the large room.

But his had an attractive air that drew in admirers.

Directing his full attention, Neji's eyes widened.

He could make out whisker like rose markings on the cheeks.

It was Naruto…

But wasn't he holding his hands…he finally got a good look at his leader.

The sweet face that belonged to the said boy smiled weakly.

'Wait…he doesn't have the markings…'

Neji became suspicious…his eyes searching for answers on the untainted angel face.

In response the younger man nodded back at his other self.

As if to silently telling him that he will show him the answers.

When Neji managed to returned his gaze to the young master he discovered a new figure had obstructed the view of the boy

The warlock glared intensely feeling hostile to the new comer, even though it was just an apparition he could feel the danger.

It was man with his back towards the pair, his dark suit matching his perfectly groomed raven locks.

Body language indicated his interest in the blonde.

He reached out for the young boy…

Neji's fist clenched as the boy backed against the wall, trembling with fear…

But what could he possibly do?

It was just a story mapped inside the blondes mind…

Wasn't this just a dream?


It wasn't a dream…it was the 'past'.

It was…Naruto's…

Even though it was a drama broadcast…Neji had to save him…

The warlock opened his mouth to warn the adults around them…

Before he could do so…he was moved swiftly away back into darkness…

------- ------- ------

------ ------- ------

Neji had been exhausted…

He had well developed spiritual stamina but it was beyond his league

Bending over he panted as he was shrouded in the darkness once more

It had already been four times…

His guide kept merging them both into "different" time periods, each time a different location…

A different surrounding…

A different identity….

The same mesmerizing face, with the unique red marks…

The blonde had been a nobleman, a prince, a slave, a peasant…

But the ending to the visions was always the same…

Each time a curse-like fate shadowed the boy.

The intimidating raven kept returning on each occasion.

And the warlock could not enter events further than the initial moments shared between the man and the blonde.

It was like the memories were erased from existence, too painful to be recalled.

It annoyed Neji even more as he never got to see the man's face.

The white witch was sure it was the same man who had approached Naruto each time, only the hair was arranged in a shorter length once.

Was he ugly and hideous?

Maybe he wasn't human?

Could that be the reason why fear was strewn on the azure iris when he saw the man's face?

The questions stopped circling his mind; as he felt that he was truly on the brink of his powers.

The warlock readied himself for dispelling.

Before he could conjure the concentration the director gently hooked his arm around Neji's.

Giving him a wounded look as sapphire eyes begged him to wait.

'This is the last time…I can't stay here for long' managed the ailing Warlock.

Before he could blink, light flooded his senses.

His pupils constricted.

Next thing the Hyuga knew, he was alone suddenly resting on a pasture, his eyes reaching for the skies above.

A beautiful moon, shone onto the wilderness that surrounded him.

Inside his heart, he felt so happy.

Almost uplifted…was this love?


Pine whiffed into his nose, musky smoke lingered in the night air.

Neji only notice that his guide was gone…


Before he could even try to find the missing boya blood curdling scream echoed through the forest


'Wait…why is my body moving on its own?'

Alert Neji's 'body' propped up in response.

His legs started to carry him thru an uncharted forest-path like if he knew it well.

The warlock realized, when he looked down, he was wearing the same garments as the Naruto that had been ushering him all along.

Now he was living the life of 'this' Naruto.

Scenes were played forward, the desperate face of scarred kinsmen from his era appeared.

The language they shared was incomprehensible, it was an old tongue lost long ago.

The vision was becoming unstable.

Neji's powers threatening to extinguish at anytime.

Phasing from the action, pain hammered inside Neji's brain, beckoning to return to his own body.

When he returned to the vision, he found himself running again, chasing after more screams.

He found himself looking out of the blue gemmed eyes once more, this time capturing the image of a monster…

Blood and bodies were splattered horridly in front of him.

The crimson ichor was like dark paint under the moonlight.

He heard 'himself' scream…

His legs started to run again…this time towards the monster…

It was devilishly hunched over the body of the kinsman that spoke to him only moments ago...

A sudden drive that burnt within him, one that tore at his heart…

He extended his arms tackle nature's black sheep…

It hit Neji when he recognized the same dark hair as he reached the monster…

This time it was short again…

He squinted to try to make out a face…

Next thing he knew, a sharp pain ripped at his throat

An overwhelming feeling of sadness tore at his heart at the same time.

Searing sensations erupted when sharp fangs sunk in, tearing out the living cells.

However the pain coming from his heart was ten-folds worst.

His eyes closed, as the pain numbed, he was being pulled back, returning him to the world of darkness…

He felt his soul being expelled, rejected out of the host as he lost the grip to stay inside Naruto's soul.

Beige eyes watched on as he parted from the borrowed body.

His translucent hands reached out to grab the other who smiled emptily as they began to drift apart.

Before the world completely disappeared he caught the blood marks that were freshly drawn on the previously perfect face.

'Pl-please save him…'

------ ------ ------ ------ -------

Neji sat up instantaneously as the spell broke.

Shaking hands grabbed at his throat protectively.

The pain was so real…

He had felt every ligament and tissue rip…recalling the pain.

His body was covered in sweat his breathing bellowed harder.

He glanced at the boy beside him.

The graceful form remained unchanged.

Totally unaware of the "secrets" Neji had just stolen from him.

The mystery behind the markings…

Naruto…was an old soul.


Holy crap that was long –laughs- Thank you for reading and sticking by me.

It's 3.20 am and I thought I owed it to you guys to make a large chapter!

how did you feel about this chapter? I felt weird writing about so much "fantasy" so it's odd because I don't know how everyone would handle it.

Please give me some response on how you think I'm doing so far, else would seriously think that I'm fuckin' perfect if no one flames me about my bad points!

Am I giving you a "very deep meaningful story" ? as I planned to?

Don't flame me about bad grammar or the need to beta –laughs- I was in a rush to get this out to you

Any how Happy new year…very late new year from me! But at least I'm early for Chinese new year greetings ahhhh that means its nearly been a year since I started Red Silk –walks away and snickers-

Take care stay safe,
