Disclaimer: Fullmetal Alchemist does not belong to me, it belongs to Hiromu Arakawa, BONES, Square-Enix, Funimation, and any number of other companies/individuals. I am not profiting from this work of fanfiction.

Warnings: Spoilers for post-series, and this fiction also contains Bible references which might be rather blasphemous and overall insulting. Oh well. :D

Pairing: Ed/Envy

The shards of glass scattered on the floor shimmered in the moonlight, an eerie glow cast from the full moon overhead as Edward stepped gingerly into the abandoned church. The derelict building was nothing holy now, in fact it was considered an eyesore by the people of the town below. Ed thought it had a certain charm, mostly because it seemed more intimate inside the tiny structure, unlike the hulking cathedrals of Munich.

One window was intact, if filthy, and it let in limited moonlight to shine on the altar, still bearing its icon of the Christian savior after all these years. There was a single solid pew situated in front of it, the rest having slowly bowed to the march of time, and it was unexpectedly occupied.

Even in the murk, the figure before the table of God was instantly recognizable, after all, Ed hadn't seen anyone in Germany (or all of Europe for that matter) who had that distinctive, downright unnatural, spiked head of hair. Seeing him here sent shivers of apprehension up the blond's spine.

"Envy," he whispered, his voice instantly amplified by the high ceiling all churches seemed to have in common. Even a broken down old country chapel had that trait in common with the great cathedrals.

The sin rose from his seat, something, no, someone, that shouldn't be in a place like this, and yet was, and it was perfect...Ed stood dumbstruck, framed by the door and the moonlit, snow dusted countryside beyond, while the form of Jesus Christ held out his bleeding hands behind Envy.

Ed hadn't expected to meet the homonculus here, of all places. It had been his hideaway for the last few months, when his research into getting back home had turned up fruitless time and time again. The abandoned church was peaceful, and likened to himself in some odd way: alone, broken, and yet somehow still standing even when everyone around did their damnedest to see it fall.

Envy was the first to break the silence, and it wasn't even with a word. The floorboards beneath him creaked and moaned as he took first one step, then another, eventually coming to stand just in front of Ed, reaching out in silent parody of the statue behind him.

Ed didn't even realize he had stepped into the sin's embrace, his body was moving on autopilot, and even if the contact wasn't welcome, it was familiar, oh so familiar. After all, how many times had he fought with Envy back home? How many times had his fist struck his violet-eyed estranged half-brother, the sin of his father made flesh? How many times had Envy mocked him, taunted him, drove him to such anger that it physically hurt? And then the culmination of their struggle deep underneath Central, when Ed's life had ended by Envy's hand? Wasn't that the ultimate form of intimacy?

Ed didn't know why he was submitting to Envy's embrace. They were enemies. But they were enemies in a land that could itself be an opponent, a greater evil that they had to stand against together or fall. In this case, Ed was more than willing to agree with the cliché.

"The enemy of my enemy," he muttered aloud. Envy just smirked in response and the son of God watched in silent testament as the sinner and the sin worshipped each other in the light of the moon.