I'm still alive!!! Haha…I know it's been some time since I've updated but I have good reasons. One, I've been having national exams so the computer was out of the question till Dec when my exams finished. Two, I'm currently in a new school so I'm trying to settle down quickly before I can totally devote myself to writing again. But a promise is a promise so here's the super long chapter!!! (This would have to be the most I've written in one go! Yay me!) A big thank you to all my lovely reviewers, what could I do without you? Delay no more, now on with the show!!!

Author's Notes: I am using an online English to Latin translator 'cause I unfortunately don't learn Latin so if the translations are inaccurate please let me know! Thx a bunch!

Disclaimer: I own nothing except the plot…that and my pair of socks :)

The sun was high in the sky, its rays shining upon the distant land that lay under it, spreading its warmth throughout the land. It played with the soft leaves of the trees, peeking here and there where it could, and finally coming to rest on seven individuals seeking shelter under the canopy of trees. They had rode on till the early afternoon, before deciding to rest their horses, letting them graze in the nearby forest while they sat under the tree's safe branches. Nearby, a small sheltered pond made its presence, its pale blue waters sparkling under the fine rays of the sun peeking through the thick canopy. There sat two princesses, enjoying each other's company and the silence brought by it. The more tanned of the two sat with her legs folded at her side, her companion sitting in the same way, with violet eyes gazing fixedly on the clear waters, intrigued by the pond's mere simple image.

"Would you mind if I called you Raven? I find that since we all have the same title, I'd rather do away with it and call each other by our proper names. Well at least that's what we've all been doing since we first met."

The princess in question raised her head slightly, cocking it to the side to face the tanned princess seated before her. She gave the tiniest of smiles, before asking, "You wouldn't mind? After all we do barely know each other."

"Oh hogwash, of course I wouldn't mind! Any friend of Roy's is a friend of mine. The same can be said for everyone else," Karen responded light-heartedly.

"I am honoured. May I then call you Karen?"

"Yes, you may," she smiled.

Silence crept over them as they resumed their earlier tasks of basking in the sun's radiance and soaking in the precious peace and quiet. That is, until Karen broke the silence.

"You said you come from the Western Lands, am I correct?" Karen questioned, her voice brimming with curiosity.

"That is correct," Raven answered, hoping the conversation would not tread into unlikely paths.

"Then you must come from Azarath. That is the only kingdom located in the Western Lands, your hair and eyes gave it away too. Beautiful place it is…" Karen trailed off, relishing in fond memories of the tales she had heard of Azarath as a child.

"Yes, a fine city it was…" Raven smiled sadly, gazing once again into the crystal waters. Karen perked up and stared at the violet haired princess, confusion written on her face. A fine city it was…What does she mean? Just as she was about to probe further, a voice interrupted her train of thought.


The name in question need not even look to know who that voice belonged to, and oh how she wished he had better timing than this. She wasn't in a good mood and he was about to pay the price for it. Her shoulders tensed noticeably and her back stiffened. Her jaw was clenched tightly, her mouth shrunk to a mere thin line. All this did not go unnoticed to Karen, as shivers suddenly went down her spine. She didn't know what exactly was happening, but the air around changed instantly, into something more violent and filled with anger. From the corner of her eye, Karen could see the newcomer flinch from the sudden change.

"Erm…Raven may I have a word with you?" He cleared his throat. "Please?" He decided to add on as an afterthought.

Raven visibly flinched when he spoke, but it was not of fear, but rather anger. Karen could see that, and oh how she wished for this awful feeling to disappear as quickly as it came. Before Raven could retort, Karen interrupted, "Mayhaps I shall leave you two to your business. I'll be with Victor if you need anything." With the latter directed to Raven, she glanced between the two royalties, before standing up and taking her leave. Almost as soon as her figure disappeared into the forest shadows, Raven stood up abruptly and stormed off in an un-princess like manner.

"Raven, please wait!"

"I have nothing to say to you." Her voice came out cold and emotionless, yet it did not deter the young royal from tailing her through the winds and turns that the young princess kept throwing at him.

"Raven, wait! I don't understand! I haven't done-"

"Then you are more foolish than I thought," She interjected, spinning around sharply to face him. He barely managed to stop himself in time, landing himself near inches away from the violet haired vixen's face. Her eyes bore deeply into his, so much so, he was afraid they might burn right through. Trying to avoid her piercing gaze, he noticed they had traveled further away from the group, standing deep in forest, which suddenly began to dim, as if condemning him to some horrible doom. Even the trees hate me…

"Please…j-just let me explain," He managed out.

"What is there to explain, Roy?! You made a choice, and I had to pay the price! Not you, me!" Her voice rose sharply, anger evident in her tone.

"I had no choice! He threatened to take it all! Everything! I would've done something if I could but I couldn't! I paid a price too!" He turned to face her. This time Roy's voice rose, much louder than Raven's, his hands clenched in tight fists, shook uncontrollably. He had a look of pure anger plastered on his face, but just as quickly as it came, it disappeared. Looking away, he took a few steps towards the nearest tree, wrapping his arms around himself as a cold breeze blew by.

"I lost everything, Raven. Everything," he added in a mere whisper, so soft that if it weren't for Raven's sharp hearing, she wouldn't have heard anything at all. She faltered slightly, taking a few steps towards the red head, her head bowed, she whispered, "But you didn't lose everything. You didn't lose your friends or family." She stepped away slightly, "I did."


Roy's eyes grew as big as saucers, his jaw fell open slightly. How could he not have noticed? There it lay in plain sight but instead he chose to be blind and ignore it. She was right, he hadn't lost everything, yet she had. How could he be so stupid? He spun around, and found her back facing him; her head bowed slightly, her eyes downcast. Feeling ashamed of himself and his stupidity, he fidgeted, before saying, "I'm sorry."

"I know you are," she whispered softly, just as Roy came up to place a hand on her shoulder. It was there that they remained for some time, taking comfort in the silence that enveloped them, threatening to swallow them whole. Yet the small touch was enough to remind each other that they were still there, taking comfort in each other's presence.

Just then, a slight rustle brought the two out of their reverie, Roy dropping his hands to his side, glancing around to find the source of the noise, while Raven's head shot up, her eyes peering slowly from right to left. Another rustle came, and Roy sun around quickly, trying his best to see what was causing the noise. Raven however, did not falter.

"Quispiam est hic."(1)

Roy chanced a glance at Raven before resuming his search. It had been long since he had heard her speak in that tongue. Too long…

"What do you think it is?"

"Tsk tsk, and to think that you used to be a tracker. You can't even tell? The forest stinks of it. Have you forgotten already?" She mocked him, once again in that cold, unfeeling, monotonous voice of hers. Roy shook his head, replying, "Six years I have not used my skills. Don't worry I shan't disappoint."

With that, he closed his eyes and listened, before opening them shortly, saying, "It's here. Either assassin or scout, I can't quite tell."

"Definitely scum."

He would've laughed at her reply if it weren't for her actions that followed her comment. For as soon as the words left her mouth, she swung to the side, and with lightning speed, took a dagger from her boot and threw it with deadly aim; dead center into the head of a demon soldier, pinning it to the tree. Shaking his head, he made his way towards the pinned demon, with Raven walking in front of him.

"I've nearly forgotten just how fast you were," Roy scratched the back of his neck, looking at the corpse in front of him, watching as Raven took one step and in one swift move, removed the dagger from its head with a nasty squelch.

"And ruthless."

She smiled slightly, cleaning her dagger on the nick of her dress before stashing the weapon safely in her boot. He watched her actions before deciding to clear his throat, examining the corpse before him.

"What do you think?"

"A scout. An assassin wouldn't be this clumsy. But what is a scout doing out here?"

Another rustle interrupted their train of thought, and both jumped out of the way as an arrow appeared out of nowhere; lodging itself into the spot that Roy stood mere moments ago. Looking up, Raven retrieved the dagger from her boot and threw it to the trees, satisfied when she heard a grunt, followed by the body of another demon scout. In swift strides, Roy got up and headed towards the creature, pinning it below him.

"Allow me."

Roy stepped aside as Raven approached, not failing to give the still alive creature a kick in the side to shut its annoying grunts. Raven stood over it for a minute, then grabbed the demon by its throat, squeezing it slightly, and questioned with a voice so cruel and cold, even Roy was getting scared by it.

"Quis est vestri voluntas hic," she growled. "Dico mihi vel ego vadum transporto vos ut abyssus quod addo vos tergum neco vos iterum."(2)

The creature merely chuckled evilly, but that soon ceased as Raven twisted the knife in its gut, serving as a gentle reminder of the offer at hand.

"Is sent mihi," It sputtered out, blood trickling down the side of its mouth, "neco unus ex Tamaran."(3)

It chuckled again but was soon silenced by a swift slice to the neck, severing the jugular and killing it almost instantly. Still crouched over the dead remains, Raven turned her head towards Roy.

"To kill the one from Tamaran? Is there someone coming from Tamaran?"

Roy scratched his head, for once he was lost. To kill the one from Tamaran? But who is coming from Ta-

"Oh, no…"


Muahaha!!! Cliffhanger!!!! Ok but I know most of you will know who it is right? LOL…I hope this chapter was up to par, if not pls let me know! Constructive criticism helps me to write better! Next chapter will be coming up within a week…so for now, ENJOY!!!

Before i forget, here are the translations:

1)Some one is here

2)What is your purpose here, Tell me or I will send you to hell, bring you back and kill you again

3)He sent me, to kill the one from Tamaran

See that purple button down there? You know you want to press it…Reviews much appreciated!!!