Author's Notes:yes!: I am having the best week of my life! Not only did I reach 49 reviews, but I have found the one fanfic that inspired me to write this story! I've been searching for over a year to find this story. Yeah. It was that good. Strange to the Unknown Eye by zerowolfgirl was the first story I ever read on fanfiction dot net! And after searching, I finally found it!! Read it...I command you. Anywayz, about the story...I absoloutely can't stand the fight scene. I tried my best to make it a quarter of an inch good, but sadly--in my opinion--I think it's one of the worst scenes I've ever written. Period. :slumps sadly in her seat:...Enjoy.

Also, I know I haven't had any flashbacks lately, but there is gonna be one later on in this chapter (and in more to come, I'm sure). Just know that when there is a flashback, it in italicized writing. Get it? Got it? Good.

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans. If I did, the show wouldn't be TV-Y7. ;p

((JC High Cafe))

Kori picked at her rasberry-filled danish before placing the sweetened bread into her mouth. The immagrant was not only tired, but was bored while hearing the blonde brat talk about herself. Gazing out of the small cafe, she observed the happenings of what other students were doing in the hallway.

A girl with jet black hair that was pulled into a low, short ponytail was carrying a truckload of books in her arms and was trying to rush down the hallway. Obviously, she hadn't stopped to look at the large, tangerine cone that said: 'Careful: Wet Floor'. The result? Her sprawled out on the floor with her books all around her. Kitten had laugh at the mishap, but Kori had started to get up to help the poor girl. But the red-head stopped in her tracks as a scene started to unfold.

A boy with dark brown hair and grey eyes--that seemed to pop out of nowhere--started to pick up the girl's books for her. After stacking the books up in a pile on the floor, he started to help the girl up. The girl smiled gratefully and gave the boy a small peck on the lips. The boy blushed and picked up her books for her as they both started to walk to class hand in hand. It was obvious that they were both dating.

A small, sad grin came to Kori's face. But it quickly dropped as she half-listened to what the girl in pink had to say.

"...still can't believe that dork tripped over her own feet," the spoiled female said as she inspected her nails.

"I thought it was very sweet at how her boy-friend remained thoughtful enough to pick up her books for her. She seemed tired."

Kitten grinned at the word boyfriend.

"Ah, yes. Aren't I and that girly lucky enough to have boyfriends carry our books for us?" she said, intimidating the tall girl.

"Yes, indeed," she said, displaying her fake smile once more.


Garfield had a million things going through his brain.

What was going on through Malchior's head?

The white-haired teen's pale fist pryed its way to Gar's face, but as Fate--yet again--planned an unexpected turn, the blonde boy ducked at the last minute, avoiding a bloody nose. Malchior didn't stop there. Placing his left hand next to his side once more, he jabbed his right fist near Gar's neck; but with unplanned strength, Gar not only blocked the punch, but he pushed Malchior's fist away from him, causing Malchior to fall back into an empty table and chairs.

Gar could have sworn he saw steam blow out of Malchior's nose.

Forgeting all about control and anger management, The tall boy ran towards Gar. Fire in his eyes, he got ready to make blood pour. He didn't notice the large circle of people crowding around him and his opponent. And nobody even heard the forth period bell ring.

Poor Gar couldn't even move. Letting out a small yelp, he covered his eyes with his arm, getting ready for impact...

...but it never came.

The blonde lad had never been so happy to see Victor's face.

Victor held Malchior's fist that was a mili-centemeter away from the boy's face. Standing between both boys, he spoke.

"You got something to say to my best friend, you can say it to me," the black boy retorted, crossing his arms.

Malchior said nothing. Grunting, he placed both his hands by his side...but not before smiling obnoxiously once more.

"Here's a lesson in fighting, Gar. Expect the unexpected!" he snarled. Too quick for Victor to realize what was going on, his hand shrunk into a fist once more and pushed against the air to Garfield's mouth. Not even understanding what was going on, Gar felt himself fall on the floor and he could feel a painful, stinging sensation on near his chin and could feel something warm drip off of it.

Malchior turned around towards one the double doors of the cafeteria and sped off. Victor didn't waste anytime. He started off after the pale boy, only to be stopped a voice.

"Gar! What the hell were you thinking?"

It was obviously female.

((In Yet Another End of the Large School))

Karen walked as fast as her heels could carry her. The last thing she wanted was to get to her destination too late. Passing by the cafeteria, she could here all types of shouting coming from the large room...And there were alot of people leaving with smiles on their faces...Curiosity got the best of the dark-skinned girl as she listened in on some of the concersations.

"...saw how he punched right near the blonde guy's mouth?"

"...shouldn't have started it, now the kids gonna be sent to the clinic."

"...but the football player just had to ruin it..."

Football player? Karen's eyes widened a bit. It...couldn't be...could it?

No. Sparky would never interfer in something as stupid as a fight. But she couldn't help but think if the big guy was hurt.

Karen looked up. She finally got to her destinantion. Victor's locker.

Well, here goes nothin'.

The grey-eyed girl reached into her denim jacket's pocket and pulled out the piece of paper she had written on earlier. She slipped it into one of the slits the locker had.

She walked away.


Richard grabbed the towel of the bleacher. He looked down at his flashing sports' watch.

"Uh, hey coach? Did the bell just ring?"

The overweight coach looked down at his star pupil in P.E. Next to that quaterback on the football team, Richard was probably his best student. He smiled.

"Sure did, just a few minutes ago. Now, do yourself some good and go get dressed." Dick almost laughed.

"Sure thing, coach," he said as he walked into the large building.

After changing into his regular clothes, he started down the hall to his next class. He spotted something...or someone. Kori and Kitten had just walked out of the small cafe, and went their seperate ways. Kori was going to her U.S History class, where Richard spotted her.

"Hey, Kori," Richard said as he waved at her.

Oh, no! Richard? What is he doing down this hall? Kori thought. She bit her lip.

"Oh, hello, Richard," she said with a sincere smile, the first in ages.

"Where ya' headed?" he asked, a grin still on his face.

"United States History. I hope I do not have a hard time trying to learn it. I do not really know much about this country."

"Don't worry about all that. You'll do fine. I'm sure," he assured, still having that adorable smile on his face.

"You...really are certain?"

"'Course I am."

Kori smiled a bit wider. Richard was very good friend to have around; of that she was certain. Her eyes glazed over his face, and then she noticed something.

She had never seen his eyes.

Why did he have on dark glasses anyway? What color were his eyes? Did he have blue eyes? Or green eyes? No, surely they would have to be a brown color...? It was then Kori found she was almost at the point of drooling. She wiped her hand near her mouth (just in case ;p), and turned towards the boy she was just daydreaming about.

"I had best be getting to class," Kori said, as she started down the hall.

"Need a hand? I noticed you were caring a lot of books," offering his hand.

"No, no, I am find, friend," she assured.

"No, Kor. I'm serious. Your books are about to fall out of your arms," Richard said, pointing towards the red-head's limbs. She was indeed carrying a large load. She had two heavy-looking books in one arm, and an even larger one on the right. The one on the right started to slip, though...

"Eep!" Kori squealed. With swift speed, Richard caught it before it hit the ground. He almost chuckled at the tall girl's outburst.

"Don't worry; I don't mind carrying a few books for you."

Not waiting for a response, he reached over and took the rest of the books in her hands. He smiled; Kori smiled back.

"I cannot believe you would do something so idiotic, stupid, moronic-"

Gar rolled his eyes as he held the ice pack on his bottom lip. He would have never thought of Raven as the type of person to care about anyone in trouble, let alone him. After the 'incident' in the cafeteria, Raven had not only told him some of the most insolent insults he heard--half of them he didn't even understand--but, the main thing was that she cared. After flinging her barrage of insults at him, she had helped him up.

Slinging his arm over both of her shoulders, she placed her hand on his side(:hint, hint: think of the first episode, if you saw it, of course). And she helped him to the clinic. She didn't look at him the entire way there, nor did she look back at the crowd of people gaping their mouths open at the scene. Gar could remember it quite well.

No matter how hard he tried, Gar's eyes just wouldn't open.

Something warm was dripping down his skin, and he couldn't make heads or tails of what it was.

"Gar? What the hell where you thinking?"

As if the voice was the voice of Gabriel, the blonde boy's eyes popped open. In front of him was a very exhausted Raven looking very pissed.

"How dare you?"

"Wha...?" was all Gar could muster.

"How dare you fight over me like that? If your friend didn't get in the way, you would have really fought him. Malchior could have killed you!"

"At least I wouldn't have died in vain," trying to lighten the mood with a joke. Raven crossed her arms.

"That's not funny."

"Well, to me it was." Gar started to get up, using a table to support him. But the stability of the table wasn't enough to hold him up. He fell back to the floor with small thud and grunt. Raven eyes widened a bit, and her arms uncrossed.

"Here. Let me help you,"she said.

She helped him stand up and walk.


The green-eyed boy recognised the voice immedietly. It was Vic's.

"Hey, Gar are you-" he paused at the scene. A smug grin ended up on his face.

"Well," he started, "Seems you have all the help you need." He crossed his arms with the sly smile still on his face.

Garfield turned his face towards him and held a small grin on his dazed face.

'Shut up and get the nurse,' was the only thing he said before resting against Raven for support.

After that, the trio headed to the clinic.

"Uh, is there a Gar Logan here?"

The threesome looked up. A girl with brunnette hair and hazel eyes in a pink top and jeans was standing behind the clinic desk.

"Yeah, that's me," Gar said, but it sounded muffled because of the icepack.

The girl smiled simpathetically.

"Nurse Williams says if you're feeling better you can go see her now."

"Thanks, um..."


"Uh, okay thanks, Julie."

"No prob," she said, walking back to her own assistant desk.

The short lad stood up and stretched, still holding the bag of ice to his face.

"Well, I better get back to class. See ya later, G."

"See ya, V," the joker said in response.

Victor took one last look at Raven before walking out the door.

"My, my, my. It's amazing what can occur on a Monday," the pretty black nurse stated, "First I have a boy and his girlfriend come in because he got hit in the nose with a basketball, and now you come in."

"Yep," Gar agreed, "Some crazy things can happen."

Gabriel: An archangel who was a messenger from God. In Catholic beliefs, (s)he is known as one of the archangels. In Islamic beliefs, (s)he is known as the chief of the four favoured angels and the spirit of truth. In some views, Gabriel is the same person as the Holy Spirit. (No, I am not Catholic, nor am I Islamic. I just learned about this dude in one of my history classes and just had to put him in the story.)

A/N: I'm really starting to get attached to the Nurse Williams character. I think its because she's based on my mom. Anywayz, I wanted to really apologize for not writing for five months. It's just...whenever I had an idea, I'd type it. But then I'd read it and think 'No that doesn't look right', and bang my head against a table for like an hour. :sighs: I seriously need to get into therapy. lol. Anywayz, remember what I said about Strange to the Unknown Eye.

You guys should know this by now!!
