A/N To all my readers who have stayed with the story… THANK YOU!! I am really busy and don't always find time to write not to mention I get writers block. This story is taken a lot of new turns for me and I think I still have a few chapters before its done. It seems to have a life of its own apparently. As I have been writing I am starting to come up with new ideas about the characters. Don't worry, it is going to be wonderful. I am going to try really hard to get the next chapter out soon. I actually started writing it before this one was done. That is how quickly the ideas are coming to me.

Any Ways… Enjoy and please REVIEW!!

Stephanie Lynn

Ch. 27 – Love Was Supposed To Conquer All… Right?

Three Years Later…

Christine sat watching Chloe-Ange and Amalisa running around after each other as the wind blew through her hair. Nothing put her more at ease than watching her precious daughters run around enjoying themselves. She had been given two healthy, beautiful, perfect girls. Truthfully she could ask for nothing more. They were without a doubt the loves of her life. After everything she had been through throughout her years, none of it compared to the happiness she felt in her present state.

Erik's accident was a distant memory, one she never enjoyed reminiscing about. Yet it was when she was the happiest that she always went back to that day outside the Opera. It was a memory that would haunt her till the day she died. Christine remembered being thrown out of the way as Erik saved her. Sometimes she could still hear the screams of the people around her that had witnessed Erik's brave act. She had not known it at the time, but he had saved their child as well. Finding out that she was pregnant with Amalisa was the turning point in her life. Christine finally knew what she wanted.

She wanted Erik.

Although, by the time she realized it was Erik that she needed, it was unsure of what was to become of him. She had spent weeks sitting by his bedside desperately hoping for him to wake up. Days turned to weeks and those weeks turned into a couple of months. Christine was starting to realize that she might have to finally let Erik go. If nothing else she wanted him to die in peace. The day she had made the decision to walk away forever was the day he finally opened his eyes.

"Christine?" Erik's hoarse voice called to her.

Christine had been so elated and filled with joy that he was finally awake. She had literally jumped up in her excitement, which was difficult for her to do considering she was quite big.

"Erik! Oh Erik you are finally awake. I was starting to lose hope. I was so scared that you were never going to wake up." Christine cried as she planted kisses all over his face. "You are awake. Finally after so long!"

Erik stared up at her with tears coming down his face. He was so confused. He was not sure of anything and that was horrifying to him. He was never unsure; at least he tried not to be. He looked at her beautiful tear stained face and just couldn't understand why she was with him. Why she was kissing him of all things? He wondered if maybe he was dreaming. Often, his dreams involving Christine felt unbelievably real. He tried to lift his arm to touch her, but with him being immobile for so long, he had no strength to move.

Christine backed up taking in his frame. That was when Erik finally noticed her stomach. He wanted to rub his eyes to see if he was mistaken. She was pregnant? How could that be? He felt more tears spill out of his eyes. She seemed so happy to be here with him. It made him happy to see her here. Then he could feel his heart drop. She was pregnant with a baby? He did not know how to process that information.

"Your with child?" Erik asked, showing his devastation.

Christine felt like she had been struck by his reaction. She looked at him with worry filling her entire being. How could that shock him? "I thought you would be happy." Christine squeaked at him.

This was supposed to be a happy moment.

Erik was supposed to be happy about their baby. It was everything he had said he always dreamed of. Being a normal man who had a normal beautiful wife with normal beautiful children. That was all he had ever asked of Christine and here she was finally giving him his dream and he was upset. Christine felt her cheeks grow warm.

"Why would I be happy? I love you. I feel like my world is falling apart!" He cried. Erik's voice was so weak that it was hard to even hear him. He was so anxious that he wanted to get up and start pacing, but he hardly had the strength to lift his head.

"Erik, how can your world be falling apart? I am giving you what you have always wanted. I am giving you this child. I love you. I want to marry you and forever be your wife." Christine told him as the tears fell down her cheeks. She had never been so confused. "I want to finally be happy."

Her plea sounded so simple. Happiness… it never seemed to be in the cards for Erik. No matter how hard he had tried, happiness was not something that came easily to Erik.

"How can everything be alright when you are having someone else's baby?" Erik asked confused. Had she just assumed that he would take her without question?

"Erik? What are you talking about? This is your child. Our child. I am going to have our baby." She told him, starting to panic. Why would he think she could possibly be pregnant by someone else?

Erik did not understand. His child? That couldn't be. Maybe he was dreaming once more.

"What are you talking about?" Erik asked, clearly confused. His words trembled from his anxiousness.

"Erik, do you remember the accident? Do you remember throwing me out of the way of the carriage? What about before that? Our affair? Erik, I am pregnant." Christine told him.

"None of this makes sense." Erik said, starting to feel light headed.

Christine leaned over and hugged herself to Erik. She didn't know what was wrong with him, but she was scared.


"You are telling me he is in some sort of hysterics?" Nadir asked the doctor. "What does that entail exactly?"

Christine stared at the doctor through tear filled eyes. Both Nadir and Raoul had come as soon as Christine had called for them. Nadir could hardly believe the news when Christine had told him. Erik's accident had some how caused the last couple of months to be a blur. He couldn't or wouldn't remember events that took place those past few months. Nadir was worried about Erik, but his anxiety was now coming from worrying over Christine. Her delicate state was not something he wanted to put in jeopardy.

He was thankful that she had Raoul to stand by her side. She needed support and he had already proved that he could stand by her through difficult times.

"The accident has put him in a state of shock. It is very likely that he will come out of it. However, there is also the possibility that he might never fully recover. Up to a certain point what it really comes down to is if he wants to get better. He has been unconscious for so long that it is very disorienting for him to comprehend all that you are telling him. It is just too much information coming in all at once. I understand that this is a difficult and complicated matter for you and your family, but I would not lose faith. Hopefully Erik will recover." The doctor said unemotionally.

Christine wanted so badly to hit him. He did not care about Erik or her. This was his job and his patients mattered little to him. People would just come and go without ever meaning more than a steady paycheck for him. If this had been his wife in this position, he might be a little bit more sensitive. He might understand that after months of waiting and praying for things to get better that simply telling someone to not lose faith was not enough. Nothing would be enough until Erik was fully recovered.

"Thank you doctor." Nadir said dismissing the physician. He turned to look at Christine to make sure she was doing all right. Taking in her appearance, it was clear that she was a mess. Her hair had been pulled up into a messy ball on the top of her head, while her face was swollen from months of carrying the child that grew within her. She looked as if she had not slept in months and Nadir realized that she more than likely hadn't slept in months. The circles beneath her eyes made her look like one of the living dead. He was amazed that despite the fact that she was not taking care of herself, the fetus was doing amazingly well. Christine's belly was swollen beyond belief. The child was growing rapidly.

"I want to take him home." Christine squeaked. "If there is nothing they can do for him than he needs to come home. I will just look after him myself."

Nadir and Raoul looked at Christine with apprehension. They both felt so sad for her. This child had never had things go her way. Erik thought that if he had been born handsome that life would have been kinder to him, but Christine had been born beautiful beyond words and her luck was just as bad if not worse than his. Beauty did not guarantee happiness.

"Then we shall take him home." Nadir replied reluctantly.

He was scared that this would put more stress on her body, which she did not need. However, he was more frightened for Christine if he refused.

Yes, it was that decision that changed everything.