My Dear Readers,
There's nothing I hate more when reading a fanfic then to find a Author's Note as the last chapter and that said fanfic is not complete. However, I feel I must accept that I have to write this.
Regretably, I have decided to discontinue Legends of Arcadian Skies until furthur notice. The fic itself will remain up, but no new chapters will be uploaded in the near future.
I have several reasons for doing this.
First off, I'll be frank: This. Fic. Sucks.
Compared to some of my latest writing, this story is a joke, and reading over some of the earliest chapters just makes me cringe. I wrote this fic for two reasons: one, to be a sequel to Tales of the Valuan-Nasr War (Arguably one of my best earliest works) and two, because Pegasus Knight was writing an adaption.
Pegasus Knight was the reason I began writing in the first place. Eternal Arcadia was an inspirational read for me, even before Knight rewrote it, and I wanted to write something just as good. Unfortunatly, I rushed into it, without thinking, and thus LoAS turned into something I'm not proud of at all.
Second reason: I'm just not into Skies of Arcadia as much as I used to be. As I've said before, other series like Halo and Gundam seem to take presidence over this one. As such, whenever I sit down to write soemthing, I usually find myself heading for my other fics like A Man Named John and Mobile Suit Gundam Eternal. Whenever I open LoAS, nothing new springs to mind, and if I do write something, it feels forced and rushed, and if that's what my style is going to come out as, I don't want to write at all.
Nothing would give me greater pleasure then to see this fic concluded, but I feel that, at least right now, I can't do that. I can't write anything new until that what I've already written is up to a higher standard. I have admittedly found it easier to rewrite chapters rather then write new ones for this fic, but progess is slow, and other fics get in the way.
I would like to thank all those who have ever read and reviewed this fic, Everyone who faved it, and every one who put it on story alert. My special thanks goes to Desert Lynx, who has reviewed every chapter, stuck with me and helped me get this far, and I'm so sorry that I let you down.
With any luck, I will update this agains some day, and I also hope to upload some of the more important moments from the fic sometime in the future, but until then, my deepest regrets and apoligies to all. I hope you will not look down on my for this desicion, and I hope this will not stop you from enjoying any of my present or future works.
Yours, With Regrets,