Burning Rapture.

Makoto is accidentally bought to 'Hell' - the army of sinners who hope to take over humanity. There she meets an old friend, who has become the general of demons and has no intentions of helping. Makoto&Nephrite.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor moon or any of it's characters, this goes for all the chapters of 'Burning Rapture'

Warning: This fan fiction has some mild language, violence and sex in the chapters to come.

Chapter 1 - Ghost train, ghost town.

"You wont forget me, will you?" A young girl smiled at her companion. "Promise you wont forget."

"I promise." the boy smiled at his friend.

"We'll meet again, you know? I know we will." the girl tried to hide the sadness in her voice.

"I hope so." he waved, as the car drove further and further away. "You'll always be in my heart…Makoto-chan"

"Being single at 22 is not a crime" Makoto reassured her own reflection in the cubicle-mirror. The fact that she finally got a promotion, no matter how small put her in a good mood, but then again how happy can you possibly be when you are a secretary for someone else's secretary's secretary?

Bad job. Bad pay. And no close friends after bringing peace on Earth.

"Killing demons was much more fun" Makoto played with her hair, not bothering to do any work "4 bucks an hour, 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. Does it get better than that?" She sighed. It was one thing being able to afford food and shelter, but the only thing Makoto really cared about was her Martial Arts. Drowned deep in debt, the only thing she was afraid of was not being able to afford her classes.

Bag over the shoulder at 11pm and heading off to the nearest train station to catch the last train home. The rain and the endless wind didn't help. Joyless and moneyless and friendless and boyfriendless, the list could go on and on forever. Lets face it, after the official world peace, Makoto's not a happy bunny.

"11:15pm" Makoto slid her finger down the train timetable and gazed over at the blurry distance of the pouring rain. A bright red light shone into her eyes, as a strange black and red train appeared out of nowhere. "Right on…time?" Makoto stared at is blankly as the doors slid open. 'Spooky' she thought to herself and hesitated to get on 'but I guess it's the last one, so unless I want to walk home…' and without a second thought, Makoto hopped on board and with the doors shut tight behind her, she was on her way …home?

The train was empty, as she expected it to be. It was nearing midnight and they seemed to go round in circles, not stopping once. The rain wouldn't allow her to see what was going on outside her window and a part of her didn't really ache to find out.

Makoto obviously didn't want to call it fear. No, never 'fear', but mere wonder of the situation. Her eyes begun to shift from the window and the wristwatch on her hand. 5 more minutes and it's midnight. Now she was getting a little bit freaked out.

"Ok" she took a deep breath "If I make it out of this, I promise, I'll quit my job, find a boyfriend and be happy." her eyes were trembling with incoming tears and her teeth dug deeper and deeper into her bottom lip.

Countdown to midnight…5...4...3...she closed her eyes shut, wiping a tear…2...1...

The doors slid open, pouring out heavy clouds of steam. Makoto's eyes opened, slowly and her fists clenched tight, ready to defend herself.

The rain had stopped, but it was colder than she remembered it to be.

"Strange." Makoto found the strength to get up and walk towards the doors. She looked around. This was definitely not her stop, but she was just glad to get out of the spooky train. The streets were empty and train remained motionless, as she left it.

"Where the hell am I?" Makoto looked around at the army-coloured vans and the abandoned houses. It all seamed like a really bad dream. Walking further and further into the emptiness, her fear begun to let go, as there wasn't anything to be scared of.

"This is one twisted dream" she thought to herself "C'mon Mako! Wake up!" she pinched her arm, hard, but it was no use.

Suddenly, her ears twitched as she heard voices coming closer and closer. Male voices. As far as she was concerned, a couple of guys were a piece of cake to take down, but the huge lump in her throat thought otherwise.

"So we get the weapons from the east end and get out?"

"Those are the orders."

"Screw orders, this place gives me the creeps."

"Mind your mouth, wise-guy, this is the general's quarters, don't want him hearing your opinions."

Makoto gulped, tiptoeing behind one of the trucks.

"Did you hear something?"

"No. I didn't. Stop being such a baby, for the love of hell!"

Makoto raised an eyebrow 'hell?'

"I heard it again!"

"What! What did you hear! There's no one around!"

Makoto held her breath and backed away a little, but accidentally stepped on a broken bottle. It crashed into a million pieces, making Makoto believe it was her end.

"SHH! Be quiet!"

One of the men gripped the gun, hidden under his jacket.

"Over there" he whispered, nodding towards the truck, where Makoto was hiding. He got closer and slowly and carefully looked behind the van…


Makoto's fist came flying at his head, as she jumped over his back and run towards the second guy, tackling him, before he could grab hold of his weapon. If there was anything, Makoto's sensei taught her, it was to fight 'til the very end.

"Grab that bitch before she gets away!" the guy screamed out, still holding on to his head, which was bleeding wildly.

Makoto run with all her might through, what looked like a ghost town from the old western movies. With the two guys close behind.

"Shoot her!"

"We don't have permission!"

"Has anyone around here EVER told you not to kill!"

"Good point" he smirked, speeding up and firing random shots at the enemy.

Realising the danger, Makoto turned, sharply and continued to run down a different street, only to realise that she was cornered.

"Shit!" she cursed under her breath, clenching her fists tight.

"Here's the end of the road for you, missy." the gun was staring Makoto in the head.

"Wait…maybe we don't have to kill her" the taller of the two suggested "She's a cutie."

"What are you talking about? We'll get killed for sure."

"Not necessarily. She's a good fighter and runner. The general will like to keep her for the army and we can keep her for…ourselves." he smirked, grabbing her chin and then slowly making his way down to her chest.

"Excuse me?" a cold voice was heard behind them and everything seemed to freeze "Am I…interrupting?"

The guys turned around "General…sir…we just, we-"

"Makoto?" the man interrupted. The bright red light hid his face, but eventually Makoto was able to make out his features.

"Nephrite?" she almost whispered.

"Long time no see" he smiled, as she run over to hug him.

I have a lot to deal with at the moment, but I found some time to write this Makoto and Nephrite fic. I think they go together so well anyway…I hope you like this story R&R please!